Hunan Undergraduate Line: 451 points for history, 414 points in physics

Author:Hunan Daily Time:2022.06.25

2022 Hunan College Entrance Examination Control Score Line was released-

Undergraduate line: historical 451 points, physics 414 points

Hunan Daily All -Media Reporter Yu Rong Huang Jing Yang Sihan

On June 24, the Provincial Government Information Office held the second press conference of the 2022 college entrance examination. Among them, the historical undergraduate line is 451 points, and the college line is 200 points; the undergraduate line of the physical type is 414 points, and the specialty line is 200 points.

In addition, the special type of enrollment control scores are historic 499 points and 475 physics categories. This score line will be used as a reference line for some special types of special types such as military institutions, high -level art troupes and universities.

9396 candidates with 600 or more in our province

This year, a total of 465,200 candidates in our province participated in the province's unified college entrance examination. Among them, 429,600 candidates for ordinary college entrance examinations (174,700 candidates, accounting for 40.67%; physics candidates were 254,900, accounting for 59.33%), accounting for 92.35% ; Vocational high -countercate candidates are 35,100, accounting for 7.55%; 0.06 million other candidates such as juvenile classes, accounting for 0.1%. There are 9,396 candidates with a total score of 600 or more, including 980 historical categories and 8,416 physics.

In order to facilitate the accurate positioning of their grades, Hunan continued to announce the "1 segment" statistics table of the provincial college entrance examination candidates this year. The "1 segment" statistics table does not announce the specific scores and distribution of the top 50 candidates to the society.

Because the local bonus project in our province is only applicable to the province's universities in our province, our province has a statistical ranking of candidates in the province in accordance with the scope of application of extra points. Comprehensive analysis of the ranking of the province.

For art and sports candidates, our province announced the statistical table of the undergraduate online comprehensive scores of various professional examination categories this year. , Download the data download link statistics table.

There are regulations for art professional schedules

Arrange art majors in the undergraduate and undergraduate batch of non -parallel groups. The defined professional unified examination qualification line.

Among them, undergraduate art colleges and universities (majors), an undergraduate undergraduate college set up by the Ministry of Education and reference to the enrollment methods of these colleges and universities, can independently designate the admission control score of the cultural results of the college entrance examination. In principle The minimum line in the cultural admission control score line determined by our province; the undergraduate majors in other colleges and universities, their cultural performance admission control score lines must not be lower than the minimum in the cultural admission control scores determined by our province Wire. That is, the historical category must not be less than 315 points, and the physical category must not be less than 289 points.

In the art majors enrolled in the undergraduate group and the undergraduate batch parallel group, the professional category executes the same cultural and professional admission control scores defined by the province.

Fill in the volunteer in three time periods

The volunteer reporting time for this year is as follows: June 26th from 8:00 to 17:00 on the 27th, fill in the undergraduate volunteers and special types of undergraduate batch of special types of volunteers; from 8:00 on June 29th to 17:00 on July 2, Fill in the general volunteers of the undergraduate batch (excluding special types of volunteers) and the college approved the volunteer in advance; after the undergraduate approval is completed, from 8:00 to 8:00 on August 6th to 8:00, fill in the vocational college approval volunteers.

In addition, the relevant batches have also arranged volunteers, and the specific arrangements have been announced through the official website of the Provincial Education Examination Institute and WeChat public account. Candidates should keep in mind the time of volunteering for each batches, prepare in advance and report on time. After the volunteer filling time is over, no application for volunteer application is not accepted, and the modification or abandoning the volunteer will not be allowed. Candidates are requested to fill in carefully.

The Provincial Examination Institute specially reminds that candidates must firmly establish awareness of security confidentiality and security prevention, and properly keep their ID card numbers, candidates, login passwords, and save passwords. Do not disclose them to others. Candidates must be filled in by the candidates themselves, and they must not be replaced by others. The candidates themselves shall be borne by the candidates' disclosure of information or all the consequences caused by others.

Admissions admission began on July 8th

According to the schedule, admissions will be held from July 8th to August 23rd.

For the relevant information of enrollment, candidates can inquire through the following three channels: First, website inquiry: Hunan Education Government Affairs Network (, Hunan Provincial University Admissions Examination Candidates Comprehensive Information Platform ( https: / and Hunan Admissions Examination Information Port (http: / Second, mobile app query: Xiaoxiang college entrance examination. Third, WeChat query: "Xiangwei Education" WeChat public account (ID: HNEDUGOV), "Hunan Examination Admissions" WeChat public account (ID: huanan-zhaokao). Candidates and parents must maintain high vigilance, brighten their eyes, and beware of being deceived. Our province continues to strictly implement policies such as "no record", "not re -recording", "no illegal reducing score admission", in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education's "six inaccurate" and "30 unable to" and related regulations, strictly implement the enrollment plan, in -depth thoroughly Implement the "Sunshine Project" to promote the standardization and transparency of admissions. During the admission period, reporting the mailbox, the telephone number and the on -site acceptance address to the society, arranged a special person to visit, and checked and dealt with the issues reflected by the masses one by one. At the same time, the disciplinary inspection and supervision department will settle in the admission site for full supervision.

Candidates have questions to apply for scores

This year's provincial college entrance examination papers are strictly standardized, ensuring the quality and safety of the evaluation papers. The number of college entrance examination papers is nearly 2.7 million, involving more than 3,000 online evaluation teachers, and about 600 staff members. After the results are announced, if the candidates have doubts about the score, they can apply for scores in accordance with the prescribed procedures.

Our province will adhere to the combination of online and offline, full coverage of teachers and students, and through the organization of volunteer reporting training, compiling volunteer filling in counseling materials, carried out online live broadcast activities, and on -site volunteer filling in lectures, release policy interpretation, and volunteer reporting information, etc. Go to the college entrance examination volunteer to fill in the consultation service, and effectively solve the problems for candidates and parents.

[Responsible editor: Lu Wei]

[Source: Hunan Daily · New Hunan Client]

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