Hohhot: Candidates for the entrance examination for the entrance examination

Author:Inner Mongolia Daily Time:2022.06.25

Cheer for students.

Get in one fell swoop, win the flag, the high school entrance examination, the title of the gold list ...

On June 25, in 2022, Hohhot City Entrance Examination Beijing No. 4 Middle School test site, the cheering, blessings, and applause of the examination group were sent one after another, and each of the words encouraged for progress, reflecting every dream of dreaming.

On the same day, Hohhot started the entrance examination in 2022. This year's middle school entrance examination time is from June 25 to 27. Among them, Chinese and English are examined on June 25, and the comprehensive examination of mathematics and liberal arts on June 26, and the comprehensive science test on the morning of June 27. The comprehensive biological geography examinations of ethnic minorities and junior high schools are conducted on the afternoon of June 27.

In 2022, the Hohhot City High School Entrance Examination continued to implement the "Seven subjects, five exams+completion examinations+physical test" advanced examination system. The total score of the entrance examination is 680 points. Among them, the total score of the entrance examination is 620 points, 120 points for Chinese, mathematics, and English, a score of 100 scores, a comprehensive science of 120 points, and a physical test of 40 points. In addition, a total of 100 points for the comprehensive test papers of the biology and geography of the second grade in the second grade, which was included in the score of 60%at 60%, with a full score of 60 points.

Check the admission ticket.

Full of confidence.

Child, come on.

Qi cheer for yourself.

Candidates with inconvenient operations of traffic police enter the examination room.

Reporter: Wang Lei

Source: grassland all media

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