Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology held 2022 undergraduates "Graduate Star" and "I am a spokesman" defense

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.06.25

On June 20, the "Star of Graduates" and "I am a spokesman" at the 2022 undergraduate students of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology were held in the road show hall of the National Double Innovation Demonstration Base of the University Student Activity Center. After personal self -recommendation, college selection, online voting, school materials review and other links, a total of 20 candidates for "graduates" and 5 "I am a spokesman" candidate entered the final selection defense session. In order to let more classmates feel the "great god style" and watch the "fairy fight", the defense was broadcast live in the school's official video number throughout the process, and watched more than 10,000 people. The deputy secretary of the party committee of each college, the head of the relevant functional departments, and the counselor representatives participated in the event and served as the judge.

Twenty outstanding graduates from 17 colleges participated in the final selection of the "Star of Graduates". The students shared their own thoughts from academic performance, academic competition, and volunteer services, respectively. All of them were "extraordinary" and "full flowering".

In terms of academic performance, Ji Ning, the School of Advanced Materials and Nano -Science and Technology, has four consecutive years of comprehensive achievements and academic performance majors. He hosted two national -level large -level projects, published a SCI district paper, and applied for softening. In terms of science and technology competition, Yang Wenhao organized by the School of Electronic Engineering won the Outstanding Winner (Outstanding Winner) in the 2020 International College Student Mathematics Modeling Competition. Get the prize. In terms of volunteer services, Guo Hongzhi, a School of Space Science and Technology, dedicated himself to himself. As the head of the Youth Volunteer Association, the person in charge of the Youth Volunteer Association has deepened the rural grassroots every summer to participate in the support education, organized and participated in more than 50 volunteer activities.

After fierce competition, 10 students including Sun Haihang won the title of 2022 undergraduate "Graduate Star", and 10 students including Duan Zhengpeng won the title of "Graduate Nomination Award" of 2022 undergraduates.

In the speech "I am a spokesman", Li Yixun, the School of Communication Engineering, said that after the 00s, he was born in the turn of the century. After the battle of resistance, he witnessed the 100th anniversary of the 70th birthday of the motherland. We must take more responsibilities, shoulder greater responsibility, live up to Shaohua, live up to the times, and live up to the people. Wang Yiming of the School of Space Science and Technology said: "As a member of the Qian Xuesen Space Science Experimental Class, when I was fortunate to hear the aerospace gold class of Western Electric Alumni Yang Hong, Yang Mengfei, Zhang Rongqiao and Bao Weimin, explore The dream of Hao Miao's universe is deeply rooted in my heart; when I stand on the stage of "The Radio Waves that never pass away" and the chorus of "Long March Group Song", when I interpret the martyrs of Li Bai and comrades -in -arms to fight side by side, give up their lives to obtain righteousness The story, telling the iron will of the Red Army soldiers 'not afraid of difficulties' and the spirit of revolutionary optimism, the red background of the western power is more inspired by my fear of hardships and moving forward. " Study and life, talk about growth, gain and perception, express their reluctance and gratitude to their alma mater and teachers, and wish West Electric to continue to sing and continue the Chinese chapters, saying that they will keep in mind the original mission, inherit the spirit of Western Electric, serve the society, and offered themselves. The motherland continues to contribute to its own power to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. After a wonderful lecture selection, Li Yixun was finally a spokesman for the student representative of the graduation ceremony.

Lin Shaoquan, a Zhuyuan College who observed online, said: Although the senior sisters participating in the on -site defense are different, they can clearly clarify their ideals and realize the value of life through hard work. Their wonderful university experience is full of blood, and also gives themselves the motivation to learn, encourage more students to focus on and love their majors, and strive to be as good as them!

According to reports, the "Star of Graduates" and "I am a spokesman" selection activity aims to select advanced models to select trees, show the good youthful style and spiritual appearance of the school graduates, and inspire Western Electric students to grow into talents. The event was launched in May and received the active participation and response of the 2022 graduates of the school. Eventually, the students who won the "Star of Graduates" will represent all the outstanding student groups to accept the awards at the graduation ceremony. (Correspondent: Zhang Dandan Yang Huike, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology)

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