Volunteer filling in the previous school fighter suggestion: Do not blindly report the so -called "popular professional" from the public

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.25

Cover news reporter Yu Sihan

After the 2022 college entrance examination results were announced, how to choose a school major and fill in volunteers have become another "big test" facing candidates.

Are you free between "school priority" or "professional priority"? I wonder what choice should be? Are you entangled between interest and employment, and can't find the direction of life that suits you?

To this end, the cover news interviewed the previous candidates during the volunteer filling in the college entrance examination, and listened to the story and experience sharing of their volunteer filling in the college entrance examination.

Li Linghui is a student from China University of Geology. After successfully completing the undergraduate study, she will enter the civil infrastructure and management major of the University of Science and Technology of Hong Kong to start a new journey of the master's degree.

Recalling the volunteer of the college entrance examination, Li Linghui told reporters, "Because I want to go to the big city to go to school to open my horizons, and I want to engage in technical work in the future, the volunteers I have filled in that year are all the engineering of science and engineering colleges in Beishangguang. Professional, eventually was fortunate to be accepted by the Chinese University of Geological (Beijing) Geological Engineering. "

Don't blindly report the so -called "popular majors" from the public

For candidates who have just graduated from the third year of high school, standing on the fork of life and facing huge uncertainty.

Li Linghui said, "At this stage, it is normal to be confused about the future. But at this moment, don't blindly follow the crowd to choose the so -called 'popular professional' and 'high -paying majors'."

In her opinion, the more popular majors often compete in learning and work. If there is no true love for the profession, it is difficult to persist in learning in the later period with the psychology of high salaries.

At the same time, she also mentioned that before volunteering, check the school's professional training plan and curriculum settings. "When encountering a professional name that I don't know well, check more and ask, don't subjectively judge the content and employment of this major."

Priority to consider schools and majors

What factors do you need to consider when you fill in the report?

To sum up his experience, Li Linghui believes that he still needs to focus on schools and majors, and hardware conditions are just icing on the cake.

"Don't feel because a school has so -called 'luxury dormitory' and 'Advanced Canteen'. Frankly, my undergraduate school ranks among the top in industry colleges, but the hardware conditions are relatively relatively. We all think that these are floating clouds, and everyone still leaves good memories. "

Candidates who have just graduated may still be more dependent on their parents, and they are often led by their parents.

Regarding this phenomenon, Li Linghui said, "Although parents must also want to make the so -called best choice for themselves from their perspectives, the parents' opinions are not all. Be sure to combine their own ideas, because only they only have their own hobbies to grasp the hobbies and hobbies. The clearest, only work harder when you realize your choice. "

Don't be afraid to take a detour

At the same time, Li Linghui also gave her a message to the younger brothers and sisters who were about to enter college: "Don't have to be limited to the knowledge of this major, expand his knowledge, expose new things in different fields, explore herself, explore herself The possibility of the possibility can find things that are suitable for you to learn faster and make the confusion of youth a little shorter. "

When talking about how to take less detours, she admits that any experience is growth. Don't be afraid of taking detours and making mistakes, because the trial and error cost on campus is the lowest. "Of course, you need to leave your time and space for yourself, immerse themselves and talk to yourself, and minimize the invalid social networking."

Reduce the poor information, "Cloud Recruitment" empower voluntary volunteer filling

For a large amount of schools and professional information, how to collect and analyze data, it is difficult for candidates and parents to make a choice when volunteering. In this context, the first smart recruitment platform in the country, the "cloud recruitment test", came into being.

The platform is guided by the Sichuan Provincial Education Examination Institute, and the Sichuan Provincial Admissions Examination Guidance Center and cover media are jointly created. They are committed to providing candidates with online college entrance examination guidance services with full processes such as the full process of providing admissions policies, university professional understanding, and volunteering selection.

Facing this new recruitment platform, Li Linghui experienced that the platform can integrate information resources of major universities and provide candidates and parents across the country, reduce information difference, and provide very convenient convenience for candidates and parents. "If I have a volunteer that year, there will be a" cloud recruitment test "platform."

At the same time, she also hopes that more universities can join the "cloud recruitment test" platform to provide personalized recruitment services for candidates and parents.

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