Enrollment Season | Campus Open Day -Take you to understand Wuxi Taihu College

Author:Wuxi Taihu College Time:2022.06.27

Wuxi Taihu College -Campus Open Day has been announced in 2022. In order to further optimize the enrollment promotional service, to help candidates and parents better understand the enrollment information and recruitment policies of colleges and universities, and perceive the professional characteristics of the school, the scientific research atmosphere and the campus environment in all aspects, and the volunteers of Wuxi Taihu College are scientific and reasonable. The recent campus opening day will be held, and the relevant matters will be notified as follows: The open date June 26-June 30 daily from 9: 00-16: 30. The event location of the Taihu Taihu College of Wuxi (opposite to Taihu Happy Park, 68 Qianrong Road, Wuxi City). The content of the activity was answered by the school teachers on the spot, including the various issues that candidates and parents cared about, including enrollment policies, volunteer filling, professional selection, school profile, development prospects, etc., and guided the visit to the campus. Note 1. All visitors should be candidates and parents of the dual green code (health code+itinerary). 2. All visitors must present the college entrance examination test (except parents) before entering the school, and actively receive body temperature testing, requiring the body temperature to be <37.3 ° C and the doorbell code. 3. Due to the needs of the epidemic prevention and control, all visitors must wear a mask all the way, consciously maintain a distance of more than one meter in the relative gathering area, and receive the staff guidance during the activity. 4. The school will adjust the campus opening day activities in a timely manner according to the epidemic prevention and control policy. Candidates and parents are requested to pay close attention to relevant notices. Welcome to the majority of candidates and parents to participate! Candidates are welcome to apply for Wuxi Taihu College

Wuxi Taihu College · New Media Center Source: Wuxi Taihu College Admissions Employment Types: Cao Yurun School Division: Huang Wanyi Responsible: Sun An Audit: Xue Dexiang

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