In this enrollment, both universities in Hubei "won"!

Author:Youth Hubei Time:2022.06.27


The results of the college entrance examination have been released one after another

Multiple universities announced

Admissions Propaganda Group Itinerary

According to

June 25 morning

Xiangyang No. 5 Middle School in Hubei

College admissions consultation site

Accidental scene

That day

A student parent suddenly fainted to the ground

In the process of waiting for the arrival of 120 emergency vehicles

Teachers from Wuhan University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Step forward in time

Professor Zhou Yiwu of Datongji Medical College of Central China

Kneel on the ground for professional rescue

Video screenshot:@视 视

At the time at the time of the incident, the scene of the incident

School of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Associate Professor Jin Wenwen said

After the college entrance examination score is announced

The school organized more than 40 professors as the main body

Admissions cadres come to Xiangyang

Instruct students to fill in their volunteers

Xiangyang Fifth Middle School is the first stop

Fainted parent

It is a consultation desk at Wuhan University

The teachers of Wuhan University at that time

I took measures soon

Evacuate crowd, among people

And dial 120 emergency calls

The Consultation desk of Central China is next to Wu Da

Professor Zhou Yiwu, who happened to be Tongji Medical College

After discovering the situation, Professor Zhou stepped forward the first time

Professional assistance to this parent

Due to the timely assistance of the teachers of the two universities

Haven't waited for 120 to arrive

Parents gradually restored their state

Professor Zhou Yiwu preliminary judgment

This time fainting may be related to hypoglycemia

He also recalled a detail of the scene:

That day

After the fainted parents are awake

Hold tightly

Notebooks collecting enrollment information


Wuhan University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology

One after another

Remind the hot weather

Parents should pay attention to their bodies

At the same time, candidates are welcome to consult and apply

In the comment area

Many netizens Amway gets their own school

Some netizens said

The pattern is open, this wave of "win -win"!

Strength and sincerity

Is the best "enrollment advertisement"!

May all candidates pay as expected

Enter the dream of dreams!

Editor | Luo Lu (Wuhan Vocational and Technical College)

Nuclear review | Wang Junwen

Editor -in -chief on Duty | Dai Hengye

Laiyuan | Youth Hubei Comprehensive Finance from China Youth Daily,, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, netizens commented

(Click on the picture to view the full text)

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Parents are lost, and their children's college entrance examination 710 points are rejected?

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[Youth Hubei] Submitting mailbox: [email protected]

Welcome to repost likes, reprinting must indicate the source

The best enrollment advertisement!

- END -

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