The college entrance examination fails to enter the Harbin Institute of Technology, but graduates to stay in school, Ding Effect: Scientific research is thick accumulation

Author:Quantum Time:2022.06.27

AMINER × Quantum is jointly produced

Editor's note:

Ding Xiao is now an associate researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Computing Science and Technology of Harbin Institute of Technology.

Young and promising and talking about elegance are the first impression of Ding's effect.

Like badminton and drunk scientific research is the greatest fun of Ding Xiao's life.

As a student of Harbin University of Technology, he has laid today's achievements with hard work.

And now as a teacher of Harbin Institute of Technology, he is a leader for students.

He always believes that "Tiandao pays diligence", so is a student and a teacher.

In January this year, in the AI ​​2000 list launched by the AMINER team, Ding Xiao was selected into the world's most influential influential scholars in 2022.

AMiner was also fortunate to have a in -depth dialogue with him.

"In Harbin University, be an explorer"

If scientific research is compared to the seas of the sea, then for Ding Effect, Harbin University of Technology is the leaf light boat that carries his scientific research journey.

In 2005, the 18 -year -old Ding Effect was admitted to Harbin Institute of Technology with excellent results, which was a good result to others.

You know, Harbin Institute of Technology gave birth to the first electronic computer major in New China, which is also one of its ace majors.

However, Ding's at that time was actually slightly disappointed with the results of this college entrance examination.

But after a period of time, the atmosphere of Harbin Institute of Technology made Ding Xiao deeply convinced-

Teachers 'rigorous academic style, the excellent quality of the students' positive aggressive influenced him deeply:

Being able to enter Harbin Institute of Technology is my luckiest choice.

He also quickly adjusted his state, hoping to glow in the best years.

Therefore, in addition to the top grade, he also became the chairman of the college student union, participated in various computer competitions, created interest society ...

In the year of the senior year, he successfully studied and chose to continue to scientific research on the fertile soil of Harbin University of Technology.

In 2011, although the doctoral offer of the National University of Singapore has been obtained, he hopes to continue to study at his alma mater:

Continue to work at Harbin University and be an explorer of academic research.

In the past few years, he did make some achievements in the field of natural language processing.

When it comes to his own research direction, Ding Effect focuses on research related to social computing.

During the Ph.D., his teacher was Professor Liu Ting, and the latter established a social prediction research team at the time, mainly based on social media to predict applications such as industry direction.

Ding Xiao has since been exploration in this direction. His doctoral dissertation is based on social media to conduct market predictions.

Specifically, through deep semantic analysis and representation of people's subjective consumer intentions and objective incidents in the social media, to help the film box office forecast and stock market forecasting tasks.

△ Figure: Forecast framework based on social media

Later, Ding Xiao had been deeply cultivating in the direction of social computing.

He originally carried out the relevant research work of the map, and led students to conduct in -depth research in the direction of interpreting the reason for the construction of the matter, the knowledge of the knowledge of the matter, and the explanatory reasoning direction based on the map. Standing member.

In fact, there is a deeper meaning behind the alma mater. Ding Xiao said:

In fact, in recent years, the problem of the loss of population in Heilongjiang needs to be resolved urgently, so I think that if such a group of Harbin workers can really take root in the northeast, they can make some contributions to reverse the situation in the future. If a generation does not work, then the two generations and three generations will have the students we have taught to stay in school. Everyone works together. I believe that Heilongjiang will have better development prospects.

Breakthrough: from ability cultivation to output paper

It is inevitable to encounter the wind and rain and loss of the sea on the sea.

During the undergraduate master's degree, he was recognized by his classmates and teachers, but after entering the doctoral degree, these aura did not help him quickly produce papers.

In the second grade of the master's degree, I have begun to explore the direction of doctoral subjects under the guidance of Teacher Liu Ting and Teacher Qin Bing. It should be said that the preparations were successfully completed, but the first papers written were rejected for two consecutive years for two consecutive years. Essence A series of top -level conferences have been cast around. Regardless of the high review or low review, it is ultimately refusal. It is false.

On one occasion, Ding Xiao encountered a teacher in the undergraduate, and the teacher's sentence "Why do you seem to have no previous essence" made Ding Xiao feel that he could no longer be affected by the state of frustration. "I have to actively change the status quo! "

He decided to talk to his mentor Professor Liu Ting, and it turned out that the operation was very correct. After listening to his confusion, Professor Liu Ting drew a diagram of the relationship between ability and academic achievements on the blackboard.

What the mentor wants to tell Ding is that with the continuous efforts and the growth of the doctoral grade, his ability curve has been increasing, and the growth rate of the mentor's view is still fast.

Although the current academic results are zero, he believes that since his ability has been growing, the good news will come soon.

Hearing this, Ding Xiao was relieved:

I feel that Teacher Liu Ting's recognition and affirmation of me, and I also started to understand -not to work hard to get a point of results immediately, but to accumulate hard work in order to accumulate.

Adjusting the mentality, Ding Effects was in full swing into a new research attempt. When Bo San, he finally ushered in the long -awaited "breakthrough" -the two papers were hired at the same time. Since then, his results have rarely encountered many rejection, and have really formed a virtuous circle.

After graduating from the PhD, he also stayed at Harbin University and became a teacher.

Until now, sometimes when the student encounters the same confusion as him, he will also draw the ability-output diagram for the students, hoping that the students can sink their minds to learn the ability and reduce stress.

Do a good "conscience" with "inheritance"

In fact, whether he graduated to stay in the school to become a choice of preacher, or insist on continuously studying from his teacher, and acting as examples, he encourages students. He practiced the word "inheritance" with practical actions.

Whether it is Professor Qin Bing during the master's degree, or Professor Liu Ting during the doctoral supervisor, it has brought a positive impact on Ding's different effects.

"Teacher Qin treats us, treats and guidance like a friend of his own, or like his friends.

Especially in life, she is very delicate to take care of every student of us. "He said with emotion.

It is precisely because of such a mentor full of gentle power that Ding Xiao often thought about itself:

What would it be dealt with if Mr. Qin was facing this incident? She will definitely help students answer questions and care about the difficulties of students' lives.

Therefore, as a teacher, he also worked hard to urge himself to "think in other places and care more about students."

On the other hand, Mr. Liu Ting brought him the exercise of logical thinking ability. When guiding students to do academic research, he also unconsciously emphasized his inherent logical rationality.

In addition, Ding Xiao believes that in addition to "lectures", "body education" is equally important. He said: "Bringing students to academic and studying is a 'conscience work'."

"If I ask students to come to the laboratory before nine o'clock in the morning, then I will definitely arrive before nine o'clock. As long as there is no class every night, I will leave the laboratory after all students leave."

Ding Xiao believes that he should do it, so that he can be a teacher who is "an example". In the case of instructing students to write papers, he became more and more rigorous:

Students' first papers are often the hardest and most conducive to how they learn how to publish the results smoothly, so I hope to use this opportunity to help them improve themselves to the greatest extent.

Therefore, Ding Xiao will call the students to help the students modify the papers in words, while modifying, they will explain why they change this way.

He hopes to help students enter the academic track more quickly and get rid of his "crutch" as soon as possible.

"Strict specifications, work hard to get home"

Education is a kind of "inheritance", and why is scientific research not a generation of "inheritance"? Ding Xiao also hopes that young scientific researchers can get better academic development and give some suggestions:

First of all, in the selection of scientific research issues, we should focus on heavy difficulties.

He believes that if you first entered the academic field at the beginning, he only limited his eyes to a minimalist point, then even if he successfully issued a paper, it did not actually bring much help to the field.

Therefore, the attention of scientific researchers must be more long -term.

The second is that the students' mentality is more calm. Doing scientific research itself is a very heavy early investment. If it is too anxious to achieve success, it will not only affect the mood, but also affect the presentation of the final academic achievements.

Just like Ding Xiao's own experience, he reflects on whether his ability has increased, and to achieve "strong accumulation and thin hair".

Finally, when it comes to the valuable quality of scientific researchers, Ding Xiao believes that the university of the Harbin Institute of Technology "strict specifications and kung fu at home" is the best portrayal.

He also explained the "Guangxi Spirit" adhering to the Department of Computing of Harbin Institute of Technology: strict specifications, working on home; realistic innovation, exploring and enterprising; tirelessness, willingness to be a ladder; pursuing truth, frankly treated people.

For example, for realistic innovation, I think scientific researchers need to do real and useful research, instead of saying that I will find some pseudo -propositions to post a few papers. Adhering to this spirit of seeking truth, then explore and strive for innovation. And the tireless and sweet ladder, some of the teachers I encountered do very well. This is also the state that I still need to work hard to achieve. , To stand higher. In the end, no matter what career and life, you should pursue truth, be honest, and make progress. This is also some goals I want to pursue in the future.

In the sea of ​​scientific research, a tough flat boat was driving a leaf, and Ding Xiao was calculated by the society as a paddle. It seemed to be innovative and innovated as a sail.

I wish each struggler that moved towards the target, accumulated thick and thin!

About Ding Effect

Ding Xiao, an associate researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Computing of Harbin Institute of Technology.

The main research directions are artificial intelligence, natural language processing, cognitive reasoning, and maps.

Published more than 40 related papers in the well -known international journals and conferences in the fields of artificial intelligence in ACL, AAAI, IJCAI, EMNLP, TASLP and other artificial intelligence fields.

In 2015, the paper "Deep Learning for Event-Driven Stock Prediction" was published in the top international conference in the field of artificial intelligence. 2016-2020) The total number of references is 7th. Ding Xiao undertakes many projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China and other provincial and ministerial levels, participating in the construction of major national science and technology infrastructure construction projects (large scientific engineering installation), "new generation of artificial intelligence" major projects, National Natural Science Foundation Key Projects Wait for multiple scientific research projects.

He has won the second prize of the second prize of scientific and technological progress in Heilongjiang Province, and the Semeval 2020 international semantic evaluation of the "Detection Anti -Fact Statement" task, and was selected as the most influential influential scholar (AMiner) in 2022 AI 2000 global artificial intelligence.

Ding Xiao also serves as the deputy director of the key laboratory of Heilongjiang Province, a member of the Standing Committee of the Social Media Treatment Special Committee of the Chinese Information Society of the Chinese Information Society, a member of the Language and Knowledge Computing Commission, and a member of the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Society of Chinese Information.


About the AI ​​2000 list:

In January of this year, the AMiner team launched the AI ​​2000 list, which aims to select the most influential and vibrant top scholars in the past ten years through AMiner academic data. Outstanding contribution.

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