"3+1+2"!The comprehensive reform plan of the Henan Provincial College Entrance Examination was released, and this fall was launched this fall

Author:Dahe Health News Time:2022.06.27

On June 27, the Provincial Government Information Office held a press conference on the reform of the Henan Provincial College Entrance Examination. The meeting revealed that starting in the fall of 2022, Henan will start a comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination.

At the meeting, the "Implementation Plan for the Comprehensive Reform of the Admissions of General Examinations in Henan Province" was released. According to the plan, the first -year first -year students who entered the school in the fall of 2022 will face the first batch of "new college entrance examinations". In other words, in 2025, the Henan College Entrance Examination will no longer be implemented, but the "3+1+2" model will be implemented.

3: It is the three subjects of Chinese, mathematics, and foreign languages. This is a must -have;

1: Choose one from history and physics;

2: Choose two doors from ideological politics, geography, chemistry, and biology.

The "3+1+2" model of Henan College Entrance Examination was implemented in 2025, with a full score of 750 points.

In addition, after implementing the "3+1+2" model selection system, the college entrance examination mathematics will be unified and no longer use the art and science division test papers.

How to calculate the score?

At the meeting, the unified college entrance examination subjects were three doors of Chinese, mathematics, and foreign languages. They used the national unified test papers. Regardless of liberal arts and sciences, the grades were valid that year.

How does the total score of candidates constitute? Candidates' total scores are composed of 3 unified college entrance examination subjects and 3 general high school academic level selective examination subjects, with a score of 750 points. Among them, the original scores of Chinese and mathematics in the unified college entrance examination subjects are included in the total score of candidates, with a score of 150 points for each door; 150 points for foreign language subjects, among which the hearing part is 30 points and the written test part is 120 points. In 2025 and 2026, our province continues The current scoring method has been included in the total score of foreign languages ​​since 2027.

The primary subjects of the selective exam are used to use the original scores to be included in the total score of the candidates.

How to admit it? Since 2025, ordinary colleges and universities enrolled in our province should scientifically and reasonably set up selection subjects according to the needs of subject majors, and announce them to the society in advance. A batch of undergraduates and two batches of undergraduate admission batch will be compiled according to the two categories of the preferred subject physics and historical categories, respectively, and the admission control score line is delineated.

What is the difference between the traditional liberal arts and science divisions?

What is the difference between the "3+1+2" mode and the traditional liberal arts and sciences? Lu Bing, a full -time member of the Education Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, introduced it.

The target is different. The model of "3+1+2" not only reflects the basic role of physics and historical disciplines, highlights the requirements of different disciplines in colleges and universities, but also pays more attention to the comprehensive development of students and improves the comprehensive quality of students.

Select different combinations. Under the "3+1+2" model, students can choose from 12 combinations based on their personal interests, intended to apply for schools and professional enrollment requirements to provide students with more choices; Two fixed combinations for candidates to choose from. Among them, the liberal arts candidates can only choose a fixed combination of ideological politics, history, and geography. Science candidates can only choose a fixed combination of physics, chemistry, and biology.

The content of the exam is different. Under the "3+1+2" model, students participate in the three subjects of Chinese, mathematics, and foreign languages ​​in the national unified college entrance examination. The difficulty is distinguished.

How to take the academic level test?

What are the academic level exams?

Mao Jie, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Henan Provincial Department of Education, introduced that starting from the first -year first -year students who enrolled in the fall of 2022, the general high school academic level examination was divided into qualified examinations and selective examinations.

The scores of qualified examinations are the main basis for graduating from ordinary high school students; selective test scores are important basis for enrollment admission of ordinary colleges and universities.

Among them, the qualification examination covers all subjects except labor education and comprehensive practice activities stipulated in the national high school curriculum plan. Selective test subjects include 6 subjects of ideological politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, and creatures.

How to choose a selective test subject?

Mao Jie introduced that students can choose 3 to take the exam from a selective examination subjects according to their own interests, aspirations, advantages, and enrollment requirements of ordinary colleges and universities. Among them, physics and history are the first choice subjects, and candidates must choose one test; ideological politics, geography, chemistry, and biology as re -selection subjects, candidates must choose two exams from them.

When will the academic level test take?

The qualification test is carried out after the corresponding subject compulsory module course. Selective exams were conducted during the same period as the national unified college entrance examination, and the results were valid.

High school teaching will implement course selection teaching teaching

In the context of the new college entrance examination, is there a new adjustment of ordinary high school teaching management? How to change?

Mao Jie, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Education, introduced that after the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, ordinary high school education and teaching faced three changes.

The first is to implement class selection teaching. The new college entrance examination model has increased the right to select students. Students choose to choose test subjects based on their own interests, aspirations, advantages, and enrollment requirements of colleges and universities. The school will classify the selected courses based on the needs of students to choose a class to meet the different needs of students. Increase class arrangements, student management, teacher deployment, teaching facilities, etc., and provide guarantee for class teaching. Explore a variety of teaching organizations such as administrative classes and teaching classes, strengthen the responsibilities of teachers in class, and give full play to the role of student organization's independent management. The second is to implement the student development guidance system. High school stage is a critical period for students' healthy development and personality formation, and it is also a critical period for students to choose the direction of future life. After the new college entrance examination, students should face courses and tests, and put forward higher requirements for the school's student development guidance work. The school will offer students covering three grades for development guidance courses and incorporate the compulsory content. Establish a team of instructor teams in combination, and build a school, family, and social collaboration guidance mechanism. Further strengthen the guidance of students' mental health, academic development, curriculum selection, and career planning, help students fully understand themselves, learn to choose, do a good job of self -growth plan, clarify future development direction, and achieve comprehensive and individual development.

The third is to implement comprehensive quality evaluation. The comprehensive quality evaluation of ordinary high schools is an observation, record and analysis of the comprehensive development of students, an important means to discover and cultivate students' good personality, and an important system for deeply advancing quality education. Comprehensive quality evaluation mainly includes five aspects: ideological and morality, academic level, physical and mental health, artistic literacy, labor and social practice. The method of realistic records is used to truthfully record the outstanding performance in the growth process of students, and truly reflect the development of the students. Ordinary high school schools use the comprehensive quality archives of students to conduct scientific analysis of students 'growth process, guide students to discover themselves and build self -confidence; guide students to carry forward the advantages, overcome the shortcomings, clear the direction of efforts, and promote the comprehensive development of students' morality, intensity, and labor.

Admission to implement the "college professional group" volunteer mode

After the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, what changes have been changed in the admissions of ordinary colleges and universities in our province? What are the effects of candidates?

According to Liu Gang, a member of the Party Group of the Provincial Department of Education and secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial Education Examination Institute, there are four main changes in enrollment after the reform, which further increases the selection of candidates in order to promote the examination and promote the school. Comprehensive and individual development.

Aspect of enrollment

In the Henan Admissions College in accordance with the preferred subject physics and historical classification plan, and combined with their own school positioning and professional training goals, the requirements of the selection subjects are scientifically and reasonably set up. , Timely provide candidates' reference. When determining the test subjects, candidates must combine personal studies, interests, specialties, and professional ideas, learn what they are good at, take their strengths, and choose the subject combination that suits them best to avoid blind and utilitarian selection and majors. Essence

Volunteer setting

Implement the "college professional group" volunteer model. The "college professional group" refers to a combination of a professional requirement for candidates to choose the subjects. One or universities can set up one or more professional groups of universities, and the professional groups in each college may include majors. The traditional volunteer setting is to use a school as a volunteer unit. You can fill in several professional volunteers and obey the professional adjustment of professional adjustment under each school; (Group) is a volunteer unit, detailed each volunteer to a professional or professional group, and no longer performs a professional adjustment. Candidates can choose the professional group of the college first, and then choose some of their favorite majors under the professional group under the professional group. You can choose different professional groups in the same college, or the same professional groups of different universities to better meet the needs of candidates' professional selection and career planning; candidates admitted to the school are clearly and sufficiently expressed, sufficient, selected satisfaction and selection satisfaction and selection satisfaction. The degree of training will be further improved, and at the same time, it will also promote the further strengthening of disciplines and majors in colleges and universities, and improve the quality of talent training.

Aspect of batch settings

A batch of undergraduates and two batches of undergraduate undergraduates further expand the scope of candidates' choice. It does not lay the school and classify students in batches, which reflects the fairness of education and represents the direction of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination. In terms of submission: Under the volunteer setting of the "professional group of colleges and universities", according to the two categories of the preferred subject physics and history, the admission control score line is determined, and the parallel volunteer submission is derived.

Just like to understand the comprehensive reform plan of Henan Province's college entrance examination

Source: Dahe Daily · Yu Video

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