"Multi -Language Repeated Language" stimulates learning potential

Author:Catti center Time:2022.06.27

In 2018, Liu Dongbo was admitted to the translation major of the North Second Express Translation Academy as expected. In the semester, the school -level re -language translation talent experimental class began to enroll the whole school.

The two days of the exam, Liu Dongbo still remembers it so far. "The first day is written and oral test. Many people are here in the test room. The test questions are not difficult. You need to remember a large piece of paper in 5 minutes during the oral test, and then repeat it with Chinese and English. It's my first attempt to interpret. "

After entering the Sino -British -French Rehabilitation Experimental Class, Liu Dongbo started a "more difficult" college life. Especially in junior year, French class is equivalent to classmates in French, and English hours are not inferior to classmates in English majors. "The three -character movement goes side by side, and the problem of language confusion will inevitably occur." Liu Dongbo said that in English, French vocabulary often popped up in his mind; in French test, he always spit out English expression. In this regard, Teacher Fuyu provided a solution: the classmates formed a 'language companion' or group, sorting out the China -British and French three -language vocabulary control table, and in the lesson "holding the arm" practice, consolidating the basic skills, and gradually practicing 'Three Three Language 'Learn thinking.

With the language advantage, Liu Dongbo has played a volunteer in major international activities and plays the role of "world language". Especially during the 2019 Beijing World Horticultural Expo, the leader of the Volunteer Volunteer of Bei Er Erri provided language services to the opening ceremony. "These experiences have learned the abilities that many professional translators should have, and I am even more long for this profession."

At present, Liu Dongbo has been accepted by the first place in the first place in the English Interpretation of the University of Higher Translation of Beijing Foreign Studies (France, Britain, and Han Dynasty). She said: "At the undergraduate stage 'multi -language replica' learning experience, it inspired my potential and let me find the goal of life. The interpreter is a witness and witness of cultural collisions. I will continue to dream about Professional struggle! "

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Wang Bin

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