Xi'an Foreign Affairs College: 2022 The main points of public welfare live broadcast of general colleges and universities

Author:Shaanxi Education Release Time:2022.06.27

Time: 16: 30-17: 15, June 24, 2022

Guest: Zhang Tao, director of the Admissions Office of Xi'an Foreign Affairs College

Live theme: Introduction to the school, volunteer reporting, professional consultation

Pain points for live broadcast

1. Brief introduction of school conditions

Founded in 1992, Xi'an Foreign Affairs College is an international, applied, and comprehensive undergraduate college that is mainly undergraduate education. The college is located in the Xi'an High -tech Development Zone. There are 44 undergraduate majors and 27 vocational majors, covering 8 discipline categories of economics, management, literature, medicine, engineering, art, agronomy, and education. The discipline professional system of coordinated development of work, art, agriculture, and education and the unique characteristics of innovation and entrepreneurial education, international education, and moral education. The college has 8 second -level colleges in business schools, the School of Humanities and Arts, Medical College, College of Engineering, International Cooperation, Entrepreneurship, Zhengmeng Academy, and School of Continuing Education. Applicable talents of industries. The college currently has more than 20,000 students and more than 1,700 faculty members. Among them, more than 530 senior professional titles, more than 1,090 masters and doctors, and actively absorbing teaching teachers at home and abroad to engage in front -line teaching.

In recent years, the college has been awarded a number of honors: the National Party Construction Work Demonstration University and the "One -stop" student community comprehensive management model construction pilot universities, the first batch of "national innovation and entrepreneurship experience universities" and the Ministry of Education of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, Data China "Hundred Schools Project" cultivation colleges, the Chinese excellent traditional culture Guqin inheritance base, the "National Advanced Social Organization" of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the construction unit of the first -class college in Shaanxi Province, and the advanced employment unit of Shaanxi Province.

2. The characteristics of college characteristics and education and teaching

The college focuses on talent training, scientific research, social services, cultural heritage, teachers, teaching resources and comprehensive strength, and college planning and construction.

The college's electronic information engineering, nursing science, logistics management, and performance of the four majors are selected as first -class majors at the provincial level. It is an important gain for creating special majors and developing superior disciplines.

In terms of education and teaching, the college pays great attention to the comprehensive development and development of people.

(1) In terms of professional learning, implement credit systems and provide students with opportunities for planning academics.

(2) In terms of academic planning, specialized educational counseling and services are conducted for students 'employment, postgraduate entrance examination, entrepreneurship, and abroad, and provided support for students' independent choices.

(3) In terms of practical teaching, we will implement professional and industry docking so that students can gain professional practical ability and more experience during school.

(4) In terms of education and teaching methods, vigorously carry out online courses, turn classroom discussions and interactive teaching, and focus on cultivating students' critical and creative thinking.

(5) In the educational model, the "college+academy" student management education model is adopted to extend education and teaching activities to student apartments, and build a "whole process, comprehensive" education model for teaching and management of education and management.

Third, further studies and employment situation

In terms of further studies, the college and the graduate education of the universities at home and abroad. Undergraduates can be transferred directly to foreign universities to study bachelor's and master's degrees. All vocational majors can be promoted. Essence

The employment measures of the college are mainly divided into: school -enterprise orders cooperate and resettle employment, school -enterprise two -way selection conferences recommend employment, relevant civil servants, career preparation examination employment, etc. Graduates are mainly employed in the medical and social nursing service industry, education industry, government and public management, media information and communications industries. The occupational categories with a large amount of employment are finance, auditing, taxation, statistics, medical care, emergency assistance, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administrative, administration, Logistics and so on.

4. Enrollment policy in 2022

In 2022, a total of 7,600 academic enrollment programs, including 4,100 undergraduates, 3,500 vocational colleges, and 2,360 undergraduate enrollment plans in Shaanxi Province and 1967 higher vocational vocational schools.

In 2021, the college's minimum admission score in ordinary literature and history in Shaanxi was 416 points, with a minimum of 41765; the minimum admission score of science and engineering was 357 points, and the lowest level was 114792.

5. Admission policy

1. The college's enrollment and admission policy, strictly implemented the enrollment constitution of the Provincial Department of Education and the Provincial Admissions Office. Based on the principles of fairness, fairness, and openness, candidates are measured. Evaluation, selection of best admission, and the province (city, district) regulations in the transfer ratio.

2. Implement the provinces of parallel volunteers, and implement the provincial (city, district) admission regulations where candidates are located. Volunteer candidates. Professional admission is not set up in professional grades. Higher vocational schools meet the greatest extent to meet the volunteer requirements of candidates. All the candidates are lined up according to the results of the college entrance examination, and they are admitted in turn according to their volunteers; when they cannot meet the candidates' volunteers, they will be admitted. There are no relevant scores and additional test requirements for each major.

3. Admissions rules for art majors in Shaanxi Province: On the basis of the candidates' college entrance examination cultural courses and professional courses are qualified, the broadcasting director majors are admitted from high to low according to the scores of the college entrance examination culture course. Admission from high to low; art majors are admitted from high to low according to the scores of professional courses. At the same time, professional courses are admitted from high to low according to the scores of cultural lessons. 6. Relevant policies for studying abroad and international cooperation

The college has an international exchange center and international cooperative college, responsible for foreign language teaching and students' external exchanges, studying abroad, and enrollment. The International Cooperation College has 9 undergraduate majors in international education, English, translation, Japanese, French, Russian, Korean, Spanish, German, and two high vocational majors in French and applied Japanese. British, China -Canada, China -Malaysia, China and South Korea, China and Japan, 6 international classes and China -Japan employment class, and more than 100 universities in foreign countries to jointly run school training talents. Essence

7. Award -winning academic policy

In terms of award -aid schooling funds, the college also gives great funding to support students in poor areas and encourages students to upgrade students and postgraduate entrance examinations. It provides students with nearly 30 million yuan award school award each year.

In terms of scholarship:

Any admission candidate can apply for national scholarship: 8000 yuan/person · year

National Inspirational Scholarship: 5000 yuan/person · year

The key college has set up a freshman admission award, with a annual award amount of more than 1.5 million yuan

Establish 3,000 yuan/person -12,000 yuan/person to set up admission scholarships for the students

Establish a Ye Qing scholarship for postgraduate students

In terms of student assistance:

National Student Fund: 2800 yuan/person · year -3800 yuan/person · year

Single college aid 2,000 yuan/person · year -3500 yuan/person · year

Diligence and student assistance post

8. Suggestions for voluntary reporting

1. Choose a major, be careful not to follow the trend blindly. Candidates should not blindly follow the wind when choosing a major. They should pay more attention to their hobbies, personal development, and the advantages and specialties of each college.

2. Understand policies and be careful not to hear. Admissions and enrollment articles of association are one of the basis for the college's enrollment. Candidates should carefully read the enrollment regulations and related admission policies published by each school when they report to the college entrance examination.

3. Fill in volunteers, be careful not to risk radicals. There is still a certain risk of "parallel volunteer" admission method. Candidates should not take risks when filling in their volunteers. If the college volunteer does not open the gradient, it will make their files unable to cast. The gap between the school's admission scores and handling the “gradient" of the college's volunteer "gradient" to make themselves "advanced or retreat", which is very important for candidates.

4. Know the details and be careful not to fall into a misunderstanding. Careful understanding of the "parallel volunteer" method of submission. The first is to pay attention to the order of the five volunteers of ABCDE, which is determined in order in order. Therefore, the order of volunteering for candidates is very important. If candidates want to attend our school very much, I suggest that A volunteer fills in our school. The second is to pay attention to the one -time principle of parallel volunteer submissions. A candidate can only be submitted once in the same batch. All files that retrieve the files are submitted at the same time, and the admission of each school is also carried out at the same time.

5. Fill in the network, be careful not to leak information. The online reporting volunteer is not only convenient for candidates to fill in the information and the administrative department to include data, but this method will also be used by others. Candidates are advised to properly keep their personal names and passwords for their volunteers. Do not disclose to others to prevent others from using it. If the person who fills in the volunteer is changed by others, it will cause irreparable consequences.

Nine, the way enrollment information acquisition method

Consultation Tel: 400-0019-888

Chuanzhen: 029-88751205

Consultation QQ: 4000019888

College website: www.xaiu.edu.cn

School site: No. 18, Yu Dou Road, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province

You can also search for the WeChat public account of "Xi'an Foreign Affairs College" and "Xi'an Foreign Affairs College Recruitment Office" to obtain relevant information.

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