The Central Primary School of the Provincial Zhuang Town, Taishan District, Tai'an City holds a meeting of young school schools.

Author:Taishan Rong Media Time:2022.06.28

On the campus in June, the green shade and the floral fragrance are dependent on, and the sun is accompanied by the sound of the book. In order to help preschool children smoothly achieve the smooth transition and effective connection of science from kindergarten to elementary school, on the morning of June 23, a young school school meeting was held in the primary school in Zhuang Town Central Primary School in Taishan District, Taian City.

The school answers the questions that students parents are more concerned about during the childhood connection stage. From the different kinds of kindergarten and primary school, how parents do a good job of young connection and how to correct their children to share with parents, provide sincere suggestions.

At the same time, the teachers led the children to visit the school's public activity areas, libraries, moral education exhibition rooms, dance rooms, scientific laboratories, psychological counseling rooms and other functional rooms to allow children to observe every corner of the campus and strive to find out to find out The difference between elementary school and kindergarten.

"This time the home school meeting will be very meaningful, letting children understand the elementary school environment and daily life in advance, and make a good way for successful completion of young transitions." A parent who came to the meeting said that the young school connects home schools this time The meeting promoted the communication and communication between home, gardens, and schools, and will work together with the school to help the children's healthy growth.

Correspondent Zhang Jiyan

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