I used to be a famous teacher in Beijing. I found that the "poor students" were not bad.

Author:Apollo at 4:30 in the morning Time:2022.06.28

This is the 519th real story we told

My brother is Song, born in Beijing in 1978. After graduating from university at the age of 23, I became a people's teacher.

After teaching for more than ten years, I saw that the student chose to commit suicide at the moment when the student got the notice, and then I realized that education is a love art; I also realized that many poor students were mixed. I have also been exposed to many anxious parents, and they are unhappy with their children. In the end, everyone will roll away the sense of security in education.

In the end, I left the Beijing No. 4 Middle School, who was known as the "Qingbei Harvest Machine", and worked as a lecturer in the training institution. I found out that when education was linked to the market, there would be more disadvantages. The teacher was more like an actor ...

(I am in front of the top of the Gang of Macau in 2018)

My family is a dual -employee family. My parents are workers. They are busy at work every day. I basically be brought by grandpa. When I was a kid, my grandfather took me to school. When I was okay at home, I taught me to memorize Tang poetry, practice writing brushes, and some basic English. Grandpa died at the age of 96. Before that, we lived together.

Grandpa was from Tianjin. He once studied in Nankai Middle School and studied English. He came to Beijing in his twenties and worked in Western Bank before liberation. The English level was very high.

Grandpa continued to retire until the age of 86, but he did the entrance and export work of the book, which was relatively idle. When I went to college, I encountered an English word I didn't know, and asked him, no matter how remote words, he could blurt out and tell me the answer.

In the 1970s and 1980s, children did not have a tutoring class. Grandpa's requirements for me were not high. He had only one hard requirement: the first thing after returning home was to complete family homework. After that, I would like to play.

Grandpa's education has been very helpful to me. When I was in elementary school, my grades have always been among the best in the class, which is inseparable from his careful cultivation of me. Until now, I have maintained a good habit of finishing work before playing.

(When I was in Beijing Fourth Middle School, the collective photo of the mathematics group)

My entire elementary school basically lives smoothly, but even good students will encounter some unfair treatment.

At that time, our school had a rule that children who evaluated Sanhao students for three consecutive years could be sent to key schools in the district. I have a good grade. I am a three -year -old student every year, but in the fourth grade, because a classmate went to the back door, the three good students who belonged to my class were given directly to the classmate by the class teacher.

In the sixth grade, we changed to a class teacher and a new classmate in the class. The head teacher did not give any reason, nor did he let the classmates elected, and directly got off my brigade's position and turned to the new classmate.

Although the teaching skills of these two teachers have passed the level, it is uncomfortable to deal with this kind of thing at that time. Unlike another math teacher, I have been respected by all my classmates, including me.

This mathematics teacher not only did the class well in class, but also was very kind to all students, and never forced us to do what we did. Even if he occasionally criticized us, every student he criticized was clear that he was really good for us.

(Fourth Middle School Games, students and I are watching stations)

In my impression, there is also a music teacher with the surname of palace. Once I went to the chorus as a member of the choir, I accidentally stomped my feet when I stepped down. Teacher Gong, who was thin, didn't say anything, carrying me more than a hundred pounds of fat people, and did not put me down when climbing, and kept me back to school.

Most of the teachers at that time were really good and loved students from the heart. Even the bad teachers are not so bad, their teaching ability is very good, but occasional unfairness will cause psychological damage to students.

Therefore, I pay special attention to these details when I am a teacher. Never interfere with the cadres of students' evaluation of class, and at most, it will be guided from the side.

For children with particularly good grades but not highlights in other aspects, I will guide everyone to choose him as other class cadres instead of being a monitor. But it will never remove the qualified class cadres because of personal opinions or other factors.

(As a teacher, pay attention to students' thoughts in time)

As a teacher, I always remind myself that every error made by students may create the malformations of personality, the pain and suffering of the mind. When the child enters the school's door and becomes your student, he believes in you unlimited, and every word is a well -known statement. For him, you are a model of wisdom, rationality and morality.

Every teacher should cherish the trust from the students, because it is their love for the teacher. Education is a "art of love". The school has never been used to teach colds. The work of teachers is not only intellectual work, but also emotional work.

The math teacher in elementary school gave me a good opinion of mathematics, and the mathematics teacher in junior high school made me love and hate.

(Graduated from high school in 1997 to go to Yunmeng Mountain to play)

When I was admitted to key junior high school in 1991, computers were not popular, but my math teacher was particularly foresight in this regard. He told us that computers must have a great future in the future, encouraging us to start learning computer knowledge now, and even a weekly math class to take us computer lessons.

After that, there were many people learning computers in my classmates. Unfortunately, I did not learn this major. I like his fresh concepts beyond the times, but sometimes he is very dissatisfied with some of his practices.

After I was in junior high school, I became playful. At the beginning, my grades were still very good. At that time, he thought it was because he invited my parents after catching me. As a result, I found that my grades had regressed during the end of the exam and criticized me a good criticism. Who knew that my grade was worse next time, and he was criticized by him fiercely. In the end, I simply gave birth to a rebellious psychology, broken the jar, and the grades fell all the way, so that the college entrance examination was lost, and I didn't get the ideal school in my mind.

Objectively speaking, I need to take half of the responsibility for the regression of grades, but the other half has a lot to do with the seeds he planted. The teacher blindly criticized that without encouragement and guidance, it really destroyed the self -confidence of a child.

(Graduated in college in 2001)

After graduating from college in 2001, I also became a math teacher. But I always use this as a precept, often reflect on myself. When educating students, do you make the same mistake?

From the perspective of self -confidence being destroyed, I actually hate him. However, from another perspective, although he is too young, he is too simple to deal with the problem, but it is indeed enthusiastic about our students.

During the period when I resigned from school, when I was very uncomfortable in my business, I also accepted his guidance and help. Although I did not earn a lot of money, at least it maintained a basic life, and there was no power to continue to develop their careers.

However, the time I missed can no longer be made up. In the years of junior high school, although my grades have stepped back, they have reached the qualifications to protect high school. Unfortunately, at that time, I had leaked the energy of hard work. I felt a little bit of time in high school for a few years. Finally, I was only admitted to the Department of Mathematics of the Capital Normal University.

(I left Xicheng Foreign Language in 2007 and went to Beijing No. 4 Middle School)

After graduating from college, I went to a job fair. At the job fair, there are leaders from various districts. The director of the Personnel Office came from Xicheng District. It is particularly arrogant. When you look at people, the nostrils are facing the sky, and they do not look at our school.

I don't like his faction, I didn't look at those key schools in Xicheng District, and finally entered the Xicheng Foreign Language School. Although Xicheng Foreign Language is a private office aid school, salary can be higher than ordinary public schools. In 2001, my monthly salary had reached 4,000 yuan, and the surrounding house prices were only 6,000 yuan.

After joining the work, I was lucky enough to meet a good master. And just to catch up with his last three years before his retirement, following him, he walked through the process from the junior class to the third grade.

I followed him a lot, and he was recommended in the district, and held some positions. Because I want to make up for the time I wasted in the past ten years, I worked hard. In those years, I achieved some results and slowly had some fame.

(Teachers should pay attention to cultivating students' good habits)

At that time, the blessing of Master was a leader in the district. He appreciated me very much and hoped to transfer me to the district to work. I have worked for 6 years at the Xicheng Foreign Language School and brought two rounds of students. I really wanted to go to the district to do teaching and research work, but the school was refused to let people go.

Although I am grateful to the foreign language school to accept me. But in the past few years, the school has always made me a head teacher. The class teacher has been for a long time. I have no time to study teaching, which makes me very distressed.

I did not succeed twice to leave. In order to leave me, the school leaders said that I did not work seriously. After hearing this news, I became more and more eager to leave here immediately. This wish finally realized after I met the second master.

The second master was a teacher who was retired by the school after retiring from the fourth middle school. The fourth middle school just resumed junior high school, and he told me the news and asked me to apply. Because there were few people who knew the news, many people missed this opportunity, and in the end I successfully applied.

After passing the interview, I did not sign the contract for the first time. However, I hope to shatter again. In the end, I still disappeared with a foreign language school. I left here in 2007 and went to the Fourth Middle School.

(In the fourth middle school, the students I have brought in invite me to take a group photo)

Like a foreign language school, I met a good master again in this school. He was particularly selfless to young teachers and taught all his skills and experience, but because the requirements were too strict, it attracted many people's disgusting.

And because of my own experience, I can understand his approach. I have seen many teachers in these years. Some teachers may not have high education skills, but they have a sincere heart; and some teachers have high education skills, but they are not good to students from the heart. Get along very well.

After all, the two teachers of the two are a minority. When they were young, the masters and I belonged to the first type, so they were willing to learn from him sincerely. And whether a teacher is sincere to the student, maybe the child does not understand when he is young, but for most students, it can be distinguished after adulthood.

Good teachers have a pair of enthusiasm and a pair of cold eyes. Enthusiastic, meaning its complete and rich human quality, has a sincere love and true understanding of education and students; cold eyes refer to his usual place in education, can observe silently, realize the touch, calmly cope with daily life, to deal with daily life calmly Educational life all kinds of tricky things.

(To maintain the dignity of students)

When I first joined the work, there was a theft in the class, and a student lost 5 yuan of pocket money. The five yuan in 2002 is not too small. Since the student reports the case, we naturally need to help. I haven't found it for a long time. The school director and grade team leader discussed with me. After school, leave all the students, wait outside the classroom, and then come in one by one to criticize the podium as a child with money. A teacher sat aside observing the child's expression, and finally locked the three most suspected children.

We talk to these three children alone. Before asking for inquiries, I will make an appointment with the child. If you take the initiative to admit it, we will not investigate this incident, and will not tell your parents or give you a punishment.

A child quickly acknowledged his mistake. What surprised me was that he confessed without any evidence, because the 5 dollars had been thrown into the toilet and washed away.

Although I am not a person with a strict mouth, today, the three teachers still retain this secret and never say the name of the children to others. Even if he is not a student with excellent grades, he has to give him a chance to change.

(2018 I am in the "Finance" magazine)

After this incident, the same thing happened again in the class. Later, I heard that the child had found a good job and was very relieved. From this student, I found a truth. Not all students who did not perform well in school would have a bad time in the future.

Later, I interviewed a child who did not work hard when I was in school and did not get ideal in the middle school entrance examination. Later, his family had money to send him to study abroad. But after going abroad, he did not eat, drink and play like ordinary people, but began to work hard. He successfully started his business with a little entrepreneurial fund given by his parents.

After listening to his story, I was a little emotional. The ancients often said, "I look at the age at the age of three, and I look at the old age at the age of seven." Essence

Children are a seed containing vitality with their own development mission and growth way. Different seeds, the time and methods of germination, flowering, and results are different. Parents sometimes do not have to be too anxious, and the seedlings are lifted.

(Do not talk about heroes with test results)

As long as the child does not go on the road, when will it become a talent in the future, or even whether it is "talent", it should not be the standard for measuring whether education is successful.

The highest state of education is to fully dig out the potential of the child and fully publicize his personality instead of using a unified examination and unified evaluation to cultivate people who have diversity and infinite possibilities into one -way People.

I have been a teacher for more than ten years, and I have taught many students. One of the strictest children who were forced by parents had already received a notice of admission to the university, but chose to leave the world because of depression. Before that, he tried three self -rescue and did not succeed. After the last time he got together with a few good friends, he left without signs.

Life and education are integrated, and education is originally prepared for the growth of life. The mission of education should be to help a person becomes a social person from a natural person, and at the same time expand the length, width and height of his life, and help everyone become a better self, not the best self in the eyes of others.

(I was in Malta in 2018)

Remember, a student in my fourth middle school deliberately thanked me after entering college. He told me that because his grades were medium, he was often forced by his parents to study hard. He was admitted to the best university and was particularly stressed.

As his class teacher, I did not ask all students to take Tsinghua University as the goal. In comparison, it reduced some of his pressure. Although my impression of this student is not deep, it does not mean that I am an irresponsible teacher.

I brought five years of junior high school graduation classes in the fourth middle school, and then brought two years of high school. At that time, the school stipulated that the high school class teacher had to conduct at least one home visit to each classmate in the class within three years.

Some teachers do not pay attention to this matter, but I visited one by one seriously, but found that what I did with my conscience did not care at all, and I felt a little cold. And the most chilling thing is the school's cross -river disassembling bridge.

(2014 and my wife and I in Hokkaido)

I had been teaching junior high school before, and in the circle of junior high school teachers, it was already small and famous. Among the teachers of the same age, it can be said that it has reached a very high level. However, the school was lacking in high school teachers at the time, and arranged for me to be the head teacher of high school. I accepted the challenge and increased the total scores of the class to one of the best.

Who knew that after teaching in the second year of high school, the school did not let me teach graduation classes, and arranged for me to teach junior high school. I also found a bunch of reasons to be unable to stand. After seeing the brutal attitude of the school leader, I was very unwilling, and I gave birth to again.

Now that you have arisen with the leader, it is better to leave by yourself. The style of the school's leadership has too much influence on a school. Many parents and friends now ask me how to choose a school for my children. My answer is to first understand the style of the school leadership.

Scholar types or leaders who are committed to improving their children's scores can generally improve their academic performance. But if it is the leader who only considers how to improve performance, it is not a good choice to me.

(Go to the United States to learn English in 2019)

After leaving the fourth middle school in 2014, I lost the direction and entered several teaching aids, which became their famous teacher signboard. I did n’t take a long time in class. Others were 10 hours a day, and I took up to 3 hours a day. After all, people's energy is limited, the class time is long, and the quality of teaching will inevitably decline. Although I also want to make money, earning this kind of money will feel uneasy.

Because my base salary is higher than that of ordinary teachers, I have given a lot of opportunities to young teachers, and I still voluntarily guide them when I have time. However, I later found that when education is linked to the market, there will really be many disadvantages, especially in large institutions.

If the institutional leaders are good for education, at least they really understand education. Whether you are looking for truly powerful teachers, or to improve the education level of teachers, at least you use your mind in education.

(The students you most hope you can bring you can achieve talents)

But to some extent, many institutional teachers are not like a teacher, but they are more like an actor. They are not interacted and answering with students in the back of the lens. In my opinion of a teacher like orthodox education, this is actually a way of teaching.

In addition, teachers who teach in the institution, in order to improve their performance, have to learn self -marketing to recruit more students, thereby compressing a lot of time to improve their own level. This approach had some conflicts with my inner concept, which made me do it with a high salary and could not do it down. Finally, I chose to leave.

In these years, I have been trying to start a business. I have made some conscience products with my friends. I have made everything. As a result, I encountered some force majeure factors and I could only strand the stranded.

After so many years in the education industry, I deeply realized a truth.

In the past, many parents felt that their children had poor grades, and spending money to report a class can solve the problem. What they do not understand is that not only the children need to grow, but parents also need to grow.

(I am in the United States in 2019)

In recent years, I have contacted many parents and found that some of them's ability in education is declining. They lack some of the most basic educational methods and ideas, relying on the help of teachers to provide all aspects, such as learning habits, learning methods and motivation.

Education is actually a thing that requires three parties to do well. Children have half of their time at school and at home. After returning home, they actually need the guidance and help of parents on many learning issues. Some parents especially hope that the teacher to do everything for him is not realistic.

There is another kind of parent just the opposite. They have thought about how to educate their children. The reason why I communicated with me is actually just to get my approval. In fact, the problem that should be solved has not been resolved.

(I hike in the old house of Ronaldo in 2020)

Both teachers and parents have the same confusion, which is the question of how the two sides should cooperate on the issue of children's education.

In my opinion, parents need to find professional and reliable channels to improve their educational ability by learning. If you are not a professionals, it is best not to over -confidence, nor blindly worship parents who have successfully cultivated children who have successfully cultivated the prestigious schools.

Education is not replicated. Successful parents can teach a successful child, which does not mean that they can be copied to other children's children, even if they are other children in his own family. Whether it is blind superstition or worship of successful parents, it is not advisable to use a set of templates to solve the child's educational problems once and for all.

Ask others to ask for help from the teacher. Parents need to learn to distinguish and identify them, and at the same time, they are taught according to their own children's situation.

There is also a very common question. Many parents often ask me if they let their children learn Olympic.

This reminds me of the experience of learning Olympiad when I was a kid. I have been taking mathematical experimental classes since the fourth grade of elementary school. Each grade is screened at a grade. The admission rate is 50%, which is completely spoken by grades. And the tuition fee is very low, not for profit, it is just a model of selecting mathematical talents.

(I went to Ulanchabu to watch the volcano in 2021)

At that time, some children who had mathematical talents or willing to learn mathematics at that time, unlike the current Olympic schools, can go to it as long as they have money. In order to allow their children to enter a prestigious school, they have to force their children to participate in the Olympic class, or some of the selection competitions. In the end, parents and children are painful.

I think if the Olympiad becomes a necessary entrance channel, parents need to send their children to learn Olympic, and to see if they meet the two prerequisites. One premise is whether the child has the talent of mathematics, and the other is that even if the child does not have a high mathematical talent, but you prefer it, at least you do not hate mathematics.

Otherwise, parents forced their children to learn Olympiad and will not achieve good results. However, when the Olympiad does not become a channel for further studies, we might as well choose something that children are more interested in learning, and we do not have to force children to compete with the Olympiad.

In fact, when educating children, parents should often be a assistant. Help children make comprehensive planning, understand the entry policy of the area, discover the interest of children, and provide necessary support and help.

(I travel to Lanzhou in 2021)

Especially for those children who have already entered junior high school, once parents help him determine the basic line of academic studies, do not modify it easily. Because people are cloudy, they will only waste time and life.

What kind of extra -curricular class to report or whether to prepare for studying abroad in the future requires parents to learn more, prepare more, and always follow the children's growth.At the same time, it is necessary to give your child a certain amount of relaxation, not too tight.Because each parent's growth belongs to themselves, but also the entire family.It is a blessing if a person's life can encounter several good teachers.But if he can still meet parents who are willing to grow, then he has the most precious wealth in the world from the beginning.

【Oral: Song Brother】

【Edit: Anyo Fish】

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