Urgent reminder!In recent days, this kind of trap is beware of it

Author:Qianjiang Evening News Time:2022.06.28

Recently, the 2022 college entrance examination results have been released in various places

And launch the work of volunteering for college entrance examination

These days, it has also become the busiest time for candidates' parents

But there are various traps and scams that follow

Need everyone to brighten your eyes

Figure Self -Vision China

One -on -one consultation is the most expensive tens of thousands of yuan

AI intelligent reporting can only refer to superstition

With the release of the 2022 college entrance examination results in various places, filling in volunteers has also become the most concerned issue for candidates and parents. Mr. Meng, who lives in Henan, also encountered such problems.

"Filling in volunteers is the most energetic. We frequently listen to lectures and learn how to fill in volunteers. The key is to understand each school, what are the advantages of various schools, and whether children are interested in." Mr. Meng said.

The reporter noticed that the current common so -called "college entrance examination volunteer planning service" is roughly divided into two types. One is traditional offline services. Generally, it provides one -on -one consultation for candidates or parents. No. The other is the volunteer filling software based on the so -called algorithm big data artificial intelligence. The price is generally hundreds of yuan.

△ AI Volunteer Filling Software The Volunteer Prediction results

The reporter found a merchant who provided a one -to -one college entrance examination volunteer to fill in consulting services through a search engine. The official website showed that there were many teachers responsible for answering questions, divided into gold medals and senior grades. The staff told reporters that the consultation costs are distinguished according to the qualifications of the mentor. "See what file you choose. Our mentor is divided into gold medal mentors and senior mentor lines. ) There are thousands of dollars, the higher the price, the better the quality of the instructor will be. "

In this regard, Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Education and Science, said that most of the data provided by these merchants are the public information on the school's official website, the website of the Ministry of Education, and the public information on the Sunshine College Entrance Examination Platform. "It is difficult to get this information for ordinary students because the current enrollment is mainly based on the enrollment office. quite difficult."

In addition to the common one -to -one paid consultation, for the so -called artificial intelligence filling, Chu Zhaohui believes that the data and results obtained from such software can only be referred to, "AI is mainly an information tool, and some students may need it. AI. This information can also be comprehensive through other channels. Do not use AI as an artifact to determine that you can apply for a professional application for your own application. You can only treat it as a reference. "

These five scams are paying attention to avoid

The latest reminder of the Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education recently issued an early warning saying that the "high price" volunteer of institutions or individuals in the society to report to candidates and parents is a volunteer reporting consultation activity. There are problems such as inaccurate policy interpretation, inaccurate information, irregular costs, or even fraud.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security also issued a reminder to remind candidates and parents to be alert to the five common telecommunications network scams for college entrance examination candidates, including check -in scams in advance, internal indicator scams for subsidy places, fake admission notice scams, subsidies, and volunteer guidance scams.

Qin Chunhua, dean of the Peking University Examination Research Institute, pointed out that the reason why similar situations occur repeatedly is the problem of asymmetric information in the information of the college entrance examination enrollment.

Qin Chunhua said: "Now the development of higher education is relatively fast, there are many new majors and fields, and even new terms and nouns. These contents are far from the general public. Therefore, whether it is students or parents, facing the vast sea of ​​smoke The college enrollment information will cause fear, confusion, and anxiety when the information is asymmetric. Many scammers often use people's psychological anxiety, and even consciously create such anxiety to make people fall into the trap step by step. "

Volunteer information can be viewed from official channels

There are uneven situations in individual institutions

Qin Chunhua said that in recent years, various universities, social public welfare organizations, and social public welfare persons have done a lot of work to help students fill in their volunteers.

"The first category is the enrollment office of various universities. Not only the staff of the college admissions office, but the school also mobilized teachers and students to volunteer to participate in admissions work. This is the most important channel.

The second category is the media. Do a variety of enrollment consultations, including online consultation meetings.

The third category is some volunteers, and a large number of volunteer filling agencies emerging. Some of these institutions also provide customers and candidates with professional services with their own professional knowledge and in -depth research, but there are also different situations of good and bad. Even some people have not even read universities. He also guides others to fill in reports. volunteer. The service and quality of such institutions can be imagined. "Qin Chunhua said.

Source: Voice of China of Central Radio and Television Station

Editor on duty: Ni Wangzhen

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