"My instructor is actually a classmate!" This university military trainer is a veteran college student

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.28

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan client June 28th "How did the school sister become our instructors?" "My instructor turned out to be our college and my classmate!" ... On June 27th, Wuhan University of Science and Technology 2021 Students started military training for training, and many students found that the instructor was "familiar." It turned out that this year, the university selected the instructor for the first retired college student soldiers in the school. The 80 instructors who undertake the military training work are all outstanding retired college students soldiers.

Veterans and soldiers were served as military trainers. Photo by Tan Meiling

"Both feet are straight, the lower abdomen is slightly closed, and the chest is naturally lingering ..." On the training ground, the instructor Tao Bokai was correcting the military movement for the students. Tao Bokai said frankly that he was training with his classmates at the same level. But he quickly discovered that "everyone cooperates, but without a sense of distance, but can enter the military training state more quickly."

Tao Bokai corrected actions for students. Yu Kewei

Peng Jingyi, a sophomore student at the School of Foreign Languages ​​at the school, served as the instructor of the twelve companies. In the two -year military life, she loved music and created many original songs. Peng Jingyi hoped: "This military training can have the opportunity to share her stories and songs with the schoolgirls, and also share her life attitude that she does not escape and give up. Give them a brave and tough girl. "

Xin Songqing, the person in charge of the school's military training student, said that he hopes to teach what he has learned in the army to the students and schoolgirls, so that their late military training will become the most precious memory and wealth in life.

Student military training site. Yu Kewei

Looking at the heroic appearance of the instructors, Han Yantong, a freshman of the School of Chemical Engineering, also had the idea of ​​joining the army. "It is also the age of Fenghua Zhengmao, but they have a little more mature and a bit of responsibility."

Zhang Yanliang, the teacher of the school's student work office, told reporters that the relationship between the students, the relationship between the retired soldiers and the trainee students is relatively close, and it is also conducive to affecting the students in the presence of the educational religion. "I hope that this military training will not only complete the military training task, but also shaped the students' tenacity of the students, and plant the patriotism."

Students stand in the army. Photo by Tan Meiling

(Changjiang Daily reporter Wang Yang correspondent Tan Meiling Zhang salary)

【Edit: Zheng Xiaoxiao】

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