Sichuan Gaoyan Xueba family background is exposed, so I believe that Hanmen can really get out of expensive

Author:reader Time:2022.06.30

Team/table Mr.

Source/table life view (ID: ZZDSHG)

The results of the college entrance examination came out one after another.

The top 5 of hot search is related to the college entrance examination.

Some people have achieved ideal results, some people are sad, and a few are happy.

The college entrance examination, as the watershed of most candidates' lives, still affects the direction of their lives.

In the overwhelming searches of the results, a thank you letter was brushed on the entire network.

Official media such as CCTV News and "People's Daily" praised them.

The owner of the letter is Chen Shixin, a student from Liangshan, Sichuan.

He is a senior student at Nanjing University.

Seeing his photos for the first time, many netizens exclaimed: Obviously they can rely on their faces, but they have to rely on talent.

However, after seeing his family background, we realized how easy it was.

Born in Xiaoshan Village, his family was poor. From an early age, he worked with his mother in the field, inserting rice, cutting valleys, and feeding pigs ...

When the children of the same age were naive, he had already realized the cruelty of life.

Reading has become the only way to get out of Dashan.

He stepped through the mud and traveled, and after more than ten years of wind and frost, he was seen.

"From the Apu Road Village Elementary School in the southwest of the motherland to the Second Middle School of Mianning County, and then to the Shiji Middle School of Chengdu, I have taken a long way to go."

This is a poor child, climbing to the high point of fate.

As long as there is an error in these links, his destiny will be rewritten.

Every step is extremely difficult.

In middle school, he chose to go to study in order to save money.

Tour 4 trips between home and school every day.

At noon, he had no money to eat at school. He could only step on a bicycle and hurried home to cook before going to school.

In winter, the feet are full of frostbite, itching and unbearable.

In summer, there are many heavy rain in the mountains, the schoolbags are wet, and the shoes are filled with rainwater.

How many children of the same age, didn't persist?

He persisted for 3 years.

After finally going to high school, the conditions did not improve.

The school is more than 300 kilometers away from home, and takes 37 hours in the mountains and rushing mountains to make his body reach the limit.

The huge urban and rural differences also make him inferior.

There are too few cards in his hands. Only he can hold it tightly.

In order to save money and to catch up with this gap, he only returned to his house twice a year, and he was studying the rest of the time.

In pure school career, he always worried about money.

I am afraid that I ca n’t go to school. I ’m afraid that the burden at home is too heavy. No one knows how many efforts he has done to sit in a classroom with his classmates.

These sufferings may be difficult to persist on any person.

After eating hard, will there be sweetness?

After crossing the darkness, do you really see the dawn?

No one can give the answer.

The most paradoxical thing about life is that you have suffered, and you may not be able to take the lead.

Factors such as origin, environment, etc. are like a net that constantly hinders you.

In all the stories of "changing life against the sky", only the protagonist like Chen Shixin will insist on engraving into the DNA, and can you see that light.

All the way, all the way.

From the backward mountains, step by step, he spent 16 years.

There is a saying:

"Some children have golden keys as soon as they are born, but some children are born with only one sputum."

The children of poor people have very few things in their hands. Without paying attention, the diced point will also be taken away.

However, there are always people who can make the poor chips in their hands to the extreme.

Why do this to Xiexin swipe the screen on the entire network?

Because what moved us was not his achievements, but his persistence and toughness.

We see the power of reading and knowledge on him.

As he said: "Education and knowledge opened a window to the world for me."

In the era of more and more people questioning the meaning of learning, there are still people, such as ascetic monks, take root.

Even if you are in mud, you still look up at the starry sky.

Those who chased the light eventually became light.

Not long ago, Su Zhengmin, an outstanding graduate of the University of Central South China University of Economics and Law, also caused heated discussions on the entire network.

The beginning of his life is a typical "difficult model".

When I was a child, because of poverty, it caused malnutrition and almost did not support it.

Later, he went to school for two or three hours of mountain roads.

In junior high school, because the language was not connected and there were too many lags, after the dormitory turned off the lights, he learned in the quilt under the flashlight.

His father was working hard, suffering from a variety of diseases, and owed a lot of foreign debt in his family.

The level of mother's cultural level is not high, and she has been raising 3 children through sanitation workers.

Poor home, sick parents, heavy debt.

Each pile is enough to overwhelm the teenagers.

After his father fell ill, his family no longer continued, and he dropped out of school.

On the loess of his ancestors, he began a slim life.

However, there are always people who can bloom bright flowers in the gaps.

At the same time, he did not give up reading.

That was the only light in his life.

The fate is not too bad, the help of the kind people, the support of the party and the state policy allows him to return to the campus.

This is a freshman and the opportunity to give fate.

He worked desperately with a hundred times more than others. The closest to sleeping in the bedroom was him; the earliest got up, or him.

Poor children have no money to tuition, only to boil time.

But he never sighed the injustice of fate, and never worst in despair.

Crossing the mountains and passing through a hurdle, he finally reached the other side.

With excellent results, I was admitted to the University of Central South China and Economics and Law.

He said that he would return to Dashan with knowledge to help more children, take root in the grassroots, and be the most loyal son of the loess land.

After reading this story, I was extremely moved.

Children who once longed for light, finally got their wishes.

Now, he is going to become the light of others.

It does not mean that it is dark in front of his father's shoulders.

He never gave up hope, and worked hard to hold it when the opportunity came.

At that time, he discovered that there was a wider world through that difficulty.

He has no father's shoulders to step on, but he has become the cornerstone of the next generation.

There are actually many such stories.

I remember 19 years ago, Tan Zhijia, who was admitted to Peking University with 900 points.

Relying on reading, stepped out of Xiaoshan Village, entered the University of Hong Kong University of Hong Kong, and then stayed smoothly to engage in research.

I remember that Liu Xiuxiang, who was carrying "crazy lady" in college, ate the suffering that ordinary people could not imagine, and finally walked out of the mountain by reading.

In the end, he returned to Dashan to change the fate of those children like himself.

They got the worst cards, but turned around a little.

Reading and learning rewrite the trajectory of their lives.

There is a sentence in "Kung Fu Panda":

"The beginning of your life story may be full of bumps, but this does not affect what kind of person you become. The key depends on your later life path, how do you choose how you choose."

Come from the darkness and go to light.

One day, the suffering and bumps you experience will illuminate your way forward.

Why do I tell their stories?

Because more and more people are unwilling to believe that reading is useful anymore.

Playburning is ugly, and there is no connotation net celebrity star, casually earned hundreds of millions of family property.

The younger generation who studied hard for more than ten years, but in the downturn's employment environment, it was unpredictable.

So we started to question: Is it really useful to read?

Is it for so many years to make a salary of thousands of dollars a month?

The louder this question, the more "the theory of reading is useless", the more shaking.

do you know?

What I am scared, not many people ridicule the college entrance examination, not someone emphasizes that reading is useless; nor is they constantly reiterating that "the cold door is difficult to produce noble son."

I am afraid that you really believe it, you really give up the opportunity to change your destiny.

No matter how the times change, what we need, always people with connotation and knowledge.

Chen Shixin and Su Zhengmin are the best answers.

Dong Yuhui in the New Oriental live broadcast room was so.

A way in a live broadcast room, he rely on his rich knowledge reserves.

He brought not only the goods, but also the crystallization of reading and learning for many years.

From famous teachers, to anchors, the core that supports him is always knowledge.

There are always some people who calm down, precipitate, and discover themselves in this impetuous world.

So they had their own fate.

The big waves are the really powerful people.

I like a word very much:

Although reading, although the length of life cannot be changed, it can change the width of life.

Reading, although the starting point of life cannot be changed, it can change the end of life.

To what extent to read?

Some people say that they have read a lot of books, and life has not changed.

Some people say that they have forgotten when they read it. What is the meaning of reading?

Remember that little story?

The grandchildren chatted by the river. Sun Tzu asked Grandpa, do you read so many books every day, how much do you remember? If you forget it anyway, why do you still have to watch?

Grandpa asked his grandson to hold the bamboo basket for coal, and fought in the river over and over.

Water filters from the bamboo basket and left nothing.

But the original bamboo basket was full of custard.

That's it.

Whenever you keep reading and studying, you will never be wrong.

Like this comic.

The height of your life is the thickness of your books.

Perhaps reading can not make us rich and expensive, but let you know the world again.

Not all hard work can see the results at a glance.

But there must be a kind of persistence that lets you see the miracle of water droplets.

Please believe that when reading a certain depth, you will definitely make you see the differences in life.

All shortcuts are hidden in traps.

Only when we lower my head and work hard can we take root in the world.

Like a praise, one day, the books you have read, the knowledge you have learned will reunite with you.

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