Hangzhou Xiayan Primary School and Xia Yan Er's small launching series of special activities allowed seed teenagers to discover the power of "me"

Author:Blue media education Time:2022.07.01

There is a song singing like this: "The night shines, me; Liu Yun does not leave, me; I bloom in a blink of an eye, I am proud of me ..." Everyone is a different individual, every "I" is The most exciting me! Recently, Hangzhou Xiayan Primary School and Xia Yan Er have organized a series of activities to allow each student to highlight the value of "self", be their own masters, be their own championship, and make "I" love me more.

I bid to "shoot" my vegetable garden, I am the master

"The new year's project test place has begun bidding again, do you know?" "Of course, the sharing of the two teams of the two small teams of the project in the project last year is still vivid!" "Yes Ah, their performances that day is really wonderful! A few days ago, the two captains also introduced the results of the project -based test site at the school gate, very interesting. " OK!"……


Recently, Xiayan Elementary School's Meteor Team, Sunflower Team, Green Hope Team, Sunflower Planting Squad, Seed Wing Planting Team, and Sun Planting Team 6 partners teams have formally gathered in the preliminary free combination and independent declaration, and they are officially set up and conducted at the event site. The bidding display. Also with them are the in -campus instructor and off -campus counselor invited by partners.


It is understood that the school's bidding is mainly for students who are interested in planting. After the support of the class teacher, the children invite the instructor inside and outside the school to provide a detailed plan to participate in the bidding. The successful bidding partners will obtain a project -based test place to carry out a one -year planting project. In the process of planting and observation, members recorded the growth of plant growth in detail, harvested fruits, and fully enjoyed planting rights, maintenance rights, picking rights, and management rights. One year later, they wrote their experiences and harvests into a project results. In the meantime, the school will help students as much as possible!


3-8 partners organizations, 1 bid registration form, 1 bid planting plan (planting plan, bidding advantage, expected results, etc.), 1 8-minute bid speech ... The team of 6 partners teams for this time The bidding will be prepared. Through reading books, collecting materials, and group discussions, scientific planning is made for the garden in the heart. They conducted bid speeches from their own advantages, project highlights, and expected results. In order to better show their own advantages, various teams also showed carefully prepared bidding documents on the spot.

The players showed the planning of the vegetable garden and showed the expectations of their hope in their hearts. Each team made the judges present. In the end, the school principal room and 30 public judges formed a judge team to conduct a fair review of the bidding and performance performance of the bidding team, determine the contractor of the two partners teams to become the contractor of the test place, carry out project practice, and submit it one year later. Report.


It is reported that the reason why the school opened a project -based learning test is to provide real learning situations so that students can achieve the effect of deep learning through independent management and independent inquiry in projects, and improve the ability of teamwork.

Open your heart and please make "I" more love me

"I want to be the monitor of a day" "I want to have lunch with the principal's mother" "I want to participate in the school's bazaar" "I want my parents to accompany me for an hour every day" ... Recently, Xia Yan Primary School and Xia Yan Er have launched A psychological day activity with the theme of "I Love Me", and combined with the theme of "Making its own champion" to help students care for themselves, understand themselves, accept themselves, pay attention to their mental health and spiritual growth. Improve your psychological quality, and then love others and society.


It is understood that in the early stage of the event, through love, healing, love · smile, love, creation, love, sharing, love · yourself, love, wish and other topics to launch a number of themes. On the day of the event, Xia Yan Primary School and Xia Yan Ercupin created rich conditions at the same time, so that children can speak loudly and help them realize their wishes as much as possible.


At the event site, the exquisite wish wall was carefully prepared, and the children also posted beautiful wishes. On the podium of the playground, the student representatives shared their champion stories, and the students also shared their wishes: "Eating with your favorite teacher" "Take a photo with the principal's mother" "Talk to the teacher" " "A big hug" "Management of lunch civilization as a small cadre", "掰 一 一 一 一" ... The bright smile appeared on the face of a child who had reached a wish.


At the theme class, children understand themselves through the form of painting, understand their appearance characteristics, clearly understand "who am I", and understand themselves through painting.

Reporter Zhang Jiarong Correspondent Guo Qing

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