Wuhan high school school admission qualification line is released.

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.01

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client July 1 (Reporter Liu Jia Correspondent Zou Yongning) On July 1st, the enrollment qualification line of the school enrollment of Wuhan High School in 2022. The central urban area demonstration high school admission qualification line is 424 points, and the general public high -quality admission qualification line is 405 points.

According to the Wuhan Municipal Admissions Office, the enrollment qualification line of the school enrollment of Wuhan High School is determined. Private high school admission qualification lines are 377 points, and secondary vocational school admission qualification lines are 220 points. The general public high school admission qualification line of general public high schools in Xincheng District is at the end of the text.

According to the previous enrollment plan, this year, the city's ordinary high school plan enrolls 49,000 students. Among them, the enrollment plan of public schools is 4,4185, and private schools are 4,815, and the total number is 5,260 compared to last year. Although the number of candidates this year increased by more than 3,000 compared with last year, the entire high school education rate, including secondary high school, is expected to reach more than 99.2%. Due to the moderate difficulty of the middle school entrance examination proposition this year, candidates' scores have generally risen, and the admission qualification line has also improved.

According to the work arrangement, the admission of the entrance examination will be held from July 12th to 24th. On July 17, the second batch of enrollment schools with insufficient students will collect volunteers on the demonstration high school admission qualification line. After Pu Gao's admission is over, candidates who have not been admitted to Pu Gao can pass the "3+2", five -year consistent schools and secondary vocational schools from July 22nd to 23rd. Essence

【Edit: Zhao Ke】

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