Guangzhou formulates the standard of out -of -school training institutions for sports: the area is not less than 200 square meters

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.07.02

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Jiang Yantu/Yangcheng Evening News Data Map

On July 1, the reporter learned from the Guangzhou Education Bureau that the "Guangzhou Sports School Training Institution Establishment Standards (Trial)" (Draft for Solicitation) began to inquire about the public, and the funds for out -of -school training institutions for sports school should be not less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less 200,000 yuan, covering an area of ​​no less than 200 square meters, a third -party custody of the pre -collection fee. The deadline for solicitation is July 29, 2022.

Capital: The funds for opening should be not less than 200,000 yuan

The opinion draft pointed out that primary and secondary schools shall not organize out -of -school training institutions.

In terms of capital contribution and refund, the opinion draft requires that the organizers should have a relatively stable source of funds, and the funding of the running shall be not less than 200,000 yuan to ensure that the training activities will run normally.

Training shall not use the training method to pay the training fee. The training charging period is consistent with the teaching arrangement period, and the time span of the time span of the course fees (including recharge, secondary cards and other forms) from a single time is not more than 3 months or 60 hours. Establish a toll publicity sign at the prominent location of the training venue, and publish related content such as toll projects, charging documents, charging standards, and refund procedures, so that students and parents will understand and accept the supervision of relevant departments. Training institutions shall uniformly use the "Extra Primary and Middle School Student Training Service Contracts (Demonstration Texts)" jointly issued by the Ministry of Education and the State Administration of Market Supervision. For training courses with unfinished training targets, the relevant refund matters shall be handled strictly in accordance with the contract between the two parties.

Pre -collection fee supervision: third -party hosting

The training institution shall select a bank with third -party fund custody requirements in the administrative area where the approval department is located, sign a dedicated supervision account management agreement, and open the only special deposit account for pre -charging funds in the name of the institution to store pre -paid trainees and pay for students' prepaid, and and also pay for pre -paid for students. Pack to the education department in the district.

The pre -collection fees for off -campus training must be all entered a special account of fund custody. Do not use other accounts or non -institutional accounts to charge training fees. If it is collected in the form of cash, all shall be collected to a special account of fund custody. The account must be strictly distinguished from the training institution's own funds bank settlement accounts, and the pre -collection funds in the account shall not be used for financing guarantees.

Training venue: covers no less than 200 square meters

The organizer shall have fixed places and facilities that are compatible with the training items and scale and meet the safety requirements. If you run a school with your own places, you must provide a certificate of house property rights; if you run a school with a leased place, you must provide a lease contract with legal effect. Do not choose residential houses, dangerous houses, basements, overhead floors, medical and health housing, garage and other places with hidden safety hazards.

The total area of ​​the training venue (including physical education training venues and supporting service venues) should be not less than 200 square meters. Among them, the area of ​​sports teaching training venues is not less than two -thirds of the use area of ​​training venues. The density of the training venue is appropriate to ensure that it is not crowded and easy to evacuate. The per capita training area for the training of chess and card sports is not less than 3 square meters per class. The per capita training area for each class of other sports projects is not less than 5 square meters (per capita training area = total area of ​​training venue/The number of students on the same time at the same time at the same time. To. In principle, there are no more than 35 trainees in each class (the number of training personnel and requirements of high -risk sports projects in accordance with relevant regulations). The indoor venue should hang the national flag of the People's Republic of China in the main location.

Supporting facilities and functional areas of training venues should generally include, but not limited to service desks (service centers), parental rest areas, bulletin boards, bathrooms, dressing rooms, water dispensers, lockers, equipment rooms, etc. Essence

If the training institution uses sports and cultural venues, conference exhibition centers, practical training venues, etc., event activities or sports training shall be selected for safety places that meet the requirements of the activity, and the safety prevention responsibilities of the site safety prevention, facilities and equipment safety maintenance responsibilities shall be clarified by signing an agreement. , Personal accidental injury treatment mechanism and other matters.

Practitioners: hold a certificate to the job

Training institutions shall be equipped with team personnel teams that are compatible with training content and training scale, including managers, coach, teaching and research personnel, auxiliary personnel and other practitioners. Employees must abide by the Constitution and Law, love education, have good ideological morality and corresponding training capabilities, and meet the relevant requirements of the "Administrative Measures for Practitioners of off -campus training institutions (trial)". Equipped with a full -time teaching manager with a college degree or above, and related work experience, the number of full -time coaching personnel is not lower than 50%of the total number of employees. Finance personnel must comply with financial management regulations. Essence

Coaching staff should be familiar with the teaching and training laws of sports projects and the characteristics of students' physical and mental development, and hold the following at least one certificate: 1. Sports coach title certificate; 2. Social sports instructor professional qualification certificate; 3. National Single Sports Association issued sports issued by sports associations issued by sports associations Skills level certificate; 4. Qualification certificate of physical education teachers; 5. Sports vocational skills level certificates issued by the talent evaluation agency determined by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security; To carry out off -campus training for high -risk sports projects, employees must have a national qualifications stipulated in the state.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Xue Renzheng

School pair | Peng Jiye

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