Take the "Sailing for Dreams", from "Yucai Station" to "Future Station", they graduated!

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.02

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client July 2 News On July 1, nearly a thousand students from the graduation grade of Yucai Primary School in Wuhan City held the boarding card from "Yucai Station" to "Future Station" to usher in the "Wind Qiqi The graduation ceremony of the Dream of Dreams. At the scene, every student received the "confession of love" from his parents, a word of emotional words, and a sincere blessing, gathered to become a moving beauty. The "little men" also burst into tears.

Along with the bell, all graduates swore. Reporter Xiangjie

At the beginning of the ceremony, the graduates took the school's carefully prepared boarding card through the door of growth and solemnly entered the venue. They will start from "Yucai Station" and take the "Dream of Dreams" to the "Future Station". Teachers and parents watched the short film together, reviewing the wonderful moments of elementary school.

Walking away from his alma mater, please rest assured that we will always be children of Yucai. Reporter Xiangjie

At the ceremony, the representatives of the graduates told the most beautiful encounter, expressing their love to alma mater, teachers, and companions in the emotional dance; Witness the teacher's reluctance to the students, and contains the teacher's deep love and sincere blessings for the students.

Student chorus "The Sea of ​​Stars". Reporter Xiangjie

As the first primary school in Hubei Province to have a whole set of clocks in the country, Yucai students listened to the bells and music through ancient and modern times in this graduation season to conduct a graduation ceremony of Chongde and Pagang Le. "Chong Shengxian Gaode, Shang Huaxia ritual and music, inheritance of training throughout the ancients, and expanding new ..." The school specially invited Tian Zhijian, an advanced personal individual of the country's anti -new crown pneumonia, and Shen Shengwen, the model of the nation's public security organs, as the leader of the graduation ceremony. Along with the bell, he led all graduates to take an oath. The children were moved by the deeds of the vowing person, inspired by the spirit of the vow, and shouted the strongest voice of "establishing great ambitions and adding glory to education". The students bowed their salutes solemnly. Thanksgiving alma mater, gratitude teacher.

Xu Yixin, a graduate of 2019, recite "Reading China" on the spot. Reporter Xiangjie

"Everyone who grows up today, people who say and speak, this my parents' virtue." On the road of growth, parents are always relying on children, their children's strong backing, and their companionship is the warmest force! At the graduation ceremony, Wang Lixin, a student of class 6 (9), shared his experience of growing up with the children. She said that by studying the "Beautiful Parents" course from Jiang'an Education, she knew how to accompany her children better, and the children could thrive.

At the same time, each graduate present received a "confession of love" passed by parents in the form of letters, videos.

Graduates received "confession of love" by parents. Reporter Xiangjie

Yuan Shijie, a student of the school six (5), held a letter from his father and mother to him together, tears like rain. He choked and said that he was not the best child since he was a child, but he believed that he could make up for it. When other children are playing games, watching TV, and traveling, he chose to fight in the ocean of numbers, letters, and idioms in order to draw more knowledge and nutrients. It was his mother accompanied him all the way, and improved herself through continuous learning to cover the wind and rain for him. Mom said he wanted to be a good friend he wanted. He wanted to say to his mother loudly, "Mom, you have always been!"

In a word of emotional words, a sincere blessing, gathered to become moving. Reporter Xiangjie

Parents sincerely "confess". Reporter Xiangjie

Take off the wind and build a dream far. How far is it in the distance? The school specially invited a senior to "lead" for graduates. Wuhan Yucai Primary School Graduate 1995, a professor and blog director Hu Yan from the School of Computer Science and Technology of Huazhong University of Science and Technology to send a message to the graduates; Xu Yixin, a graduate of the 2019 Graduate, Wuhan "New Era", also came to the scene of the graduation ceremony. Send a good blessing to the students and sisters, which makes them full of longing and expectations for junior high school life.

The principal sent a message: The red blood was continued, and the great ideals were established. Reporter Xiangjie

A red graduation certificate, a book commemorative book, is the best testimony of growth. Yan Li, the principal of the school, inspires the majority of students, "Yucai is the" red gene 'inheritance school. May each education student can continue to learn the red spirit, continue the red blood, establish a great ideal, and strive to be a good boy in the new era! "

(Changjiang Daily reporter Xiang Jie Correspondent Chen Xin intern Hu Mingzi)

【Edit: Zheng Xiaoxiao】

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