Set up without work day?The latest notice of the Provincial Department of Education

Author:Dragon rock Time:2022.07.02

Yesterday (July 1), the official website of the Provincial Department of Education issued the latest notice pointed out that it strengthened the elasticity and humanized management through the establishment of no operation days, slow -to -job, and replenishment. The following is the details of the notification--

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Fujian Provincial Department of Education about printing and distribution

Disciplinary operation during compulsory education

Notice of design and management guide

Education bureaus of various cities, counties (districts), and Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone Social Business Bureau, provincial primary and secondary schools:

In order to thoroughly implement the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council's "Opinions on Further Reduce the burden of student homework and off -campus training during the compulsory education stage" and the spirit of the "Implementation Plan" of our province, comprehensively implement the General Office of the General Office of the Ministry of Education "About the operation of compulsory education school operations The deployment requirements of the management notice effectively guided the schools of compulsory education in our province to improve the level of management and implementation of various disciplines. Our department organized the teaching and research department to study and formulate a guidelines for the design and management of compulsory education (trial). It is issued to you (download address: "Download Center" column), and put forward the following implementation opinions, please ask all schools to carefully implement it.

1. Adhere to the correct orientation and give full play to the function of work and education

Homework is the basic link of school education and teaching. It is an important means to help students consolidate knowledge, form ability, and cultivate habits. It plays an important role in diagnosing students 'learning, improving teachers' teaching methods, and improving school teaching management. Comprehensively improving the level of operation design and management is an important measure to thoroughly implement the "double reduction" policy, improve the quality of education and teaching, and reduce the burden of students. All localities must fully understand the significance of strengthening operational management, focusing on the fundamental tasks of Lindu Shushu, accurately grasping the function of the work of homework, so that the homework will better focus on deepening students 'understanding of knowledge, stimulating students' interest in learning, serving the core of the student's core The comprehensive development of literacy training and morality, intellectual, physical and labor, and return to school education and educating people.

2. Improve the design level and enrich the type of operation

The school should take the design design as a key point to improve the level of operation management. On the basis of following the education rules and accurately grasping the characteristics of student cognition, the organizational instructor shall carefully understand the relevant requirements of various discipline operation design and management guidelines in accordance with the curriculum standards and teaching plans. , Continue to optimize the operating design system. Strictly control the total number of homework and duration. In the first and second grades of primary schools, no written family homework can be arranged, and appropriate consolidation exercises can be arranged in the school; other grades and junior high schools in elementary schools must strictly implement the daily written operation requirements. Accurately grasp the difficulty of homework, adhere to teaching according to their aptitude, and actively promote layering, elasticity and personalized operations. Select the content of the operation and reasonably allocate the proportion of basic, comprehensive, practical, and expanding operations. Enrich the form of operation, enhance the diversity, interest and effectiveness of the operation, and avoid mechanical, repeated and punitive operations. Strengthen the flexible and humanized management by establishing mechanisms such as operational days, slowing, and supplementation. It is strictly forbidden to arrange or disguise assignments for parents. Parents are strictly prohibited to check, correct homework, or require students to approve their own homework.

3. Timely correction feedback and strengthen the use of evaluation results

The assignment correction must be standardized in a timely manner, serious and responsible, and must be corrected by the layout. Optimize the approval method, strengthen the explanation, dial guidance, and use classroom teaching time and after -school service time to do a good job of answering and counseling. According to the operational correction situation, timely review the feedback, collectively commented and solve the common problem, and solve the individual explanations and co -guidance of individual issues. Pay attention to the cultivation and ability of the habit of students in the process of completion of students. Guide students to master scientific learning methods and develop Good learning habits. Encourage the use of information technology to conduct operational analysis and diagnosis, optimize teaching content, improve teaching methods, and adjust the teaching rhythm of teaching, and adjust the teaching rhythm of teaching.

4. Strengthen standardized management and strengthen work inspection and guidance

The school should strengthen the scientific planning of the operation design, formulate and improve the operation management measures, improve the operating management monitoring mechanism and evaluation mechanism, and linked the operation arrangement and correction situation with the teacher's annual assessment and professional title evaluation. All localities and schools should regularly carry out teachers' training and teaching and research activities that work design and implementation, in -depth excavation of typical experience in refining school operation design and management, regularly organize outstanding operation design, reorganization and exhibition and exchange activities, strengthen the co -construction and sharing of high -quality operation resources , Promote the continuous improvement of operation design and management. All localities should take operational management as an important content of the supervision and inspection of school -running behaviors and the quality evaluation of compulsory education, as the daily supervision content of responsibility to supervise, unblocking the problem to reflect the channels, and strengthen supervision and rectification. Strengthen home -school collaboration, guide parents to reasonably arrange students' spare time and holiday life, and create a good environment for students to develop a healthy and growth for students.

Fujian Provincial Department of Education

June 29, 2022

Source: The official website of the Fujian Provincial Department of Education, the Straits Education Daily Longyan Rong Media Center

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