The Public High Public High estimate plan for Changsha City is released!How to admit the rise?Come and see

Author:Sanxiang Metropolis Daily Time:2022.07.03

Pay attention to the Changsha High School Entrance Examination! Just now, in 2022, the Public Public Public Public Public Estimation Plan and Private Admissions Plan for Changsha City were released to provide reference for candidates to fill in their volunteers.

On the evening of July 2nd, the Changsha Education Bureau released the statistical form of the 2022 middle school entrance examination results in Changsha City and the statistical table of the secondary entrance examination scores in Changsha City in 2022 (excluding pre -record indicators). When parents fill in their volunteers, they can combine the ranking corresponding to the candidates' scores, as well as the public high estimated line plan and private admissions plan in Changsha City in 2022 to fill in their volunteers more accurately.

Since 2022, the total score of 720 points for admission to Changsha High School is 720 points, including 120 points for Chinese, mathematics, and English, 60 points in morality and rule of law, 60 points in history, 70 points in physics, 50 points for chemistry, 40 points of biology, geography 40 Sports and sports entrance examination 40 points. Judging from the announcement, 2812 people above 680 or more.

From 8:00 on July 4 to 17:30 on July 6th, it is the time for the volunteer of the entrance examination.

The reporter learned that in 2022, the Municipal Education Bureau's recruitment of the minimum admission control score of ordinary high schools in urban areas was 500 points. Except for the special students who have been approved, any ordinary high school school may not admit the scores lower than the students with the lowest high school admission control score line.

Regarding the comprehensive quality evaluation control line, when enrollment of high school schools, applying for Changsha No. 1 Middle School, Hunan Normal University Affiliated Middle School, Changjun Middle School, Yali Middle School, Mingde Middle School, Zhounan Middle School, Municipal Experimental Middle School, Nanya Middle School, Lushan International Experimental School When the first batch of admission schools, the results of the comprehensive quality evaluation are allowed at most one B; apply for other provincial demonstration middle schools, and the results of the comprehensive quality evaluation can be allowed to be up to two B; C et al. (All are B or above). The overall quality evaluation results will not be admitted for ordinary high schools.

In addition, the minimum control score line of indicators is also announced simultaneously. If the number of volunteers is greater than the number of indicators, the best admission will be selected in the following order.

● Compare the comprehensive scores of junior high school level exams.

● When the comprehensive results are the same, compare the results of the comprehensive quality evaluation level.

● Compare the total scores of the three subjects of Chinese, mathematics, and English in the junior high school level.

● Compare the scores of the three subjects of the junior high school level exams in the order of junior high school level.

After the publicity was not objected, the final candidate was determined. Any admission is an indicator, and the candidates are invalidated by volunteers on the Internet.

How to admit it?

Many parents have begun to care about the questions of volunteer filling

The reporter learned that ordinary high school enrollment was carried out in accordance with the principles of comprehensive measurement, comprehensive evaluation, respect for volunteers, and selection. Admission is carried out in order of indicators, specialty students, and line students. The indicator student plan and special student plan are instructive plans. The unprecedented indicator student planning plan and special student plan for high schools will be rolled into the line plan.

Among them, the line plan is planned in the following order:

① The comprehensive quality evaluation level of junior high school is shortlisted.

② Compare the comprehensive scores of junior high school level exams.

③ When the comprehensive results are the same, compare the results of the comprehensive quality evaluation level.

The method of scratching is based on batches and volunteers. This year's general high school admission is divided into 3 batches, and vocational colleges are 1 batches.

In the first batch of 9 schools, candidates can fill in 4 parallel volunteers

The reporter learned that the nine schools of the first batch were: Hunan Normal University Affiliated Middle School, Changsha No. 1 Middle School, Changjun Middle School, Yali Middle School, Mingde Middle School (including art classes, music classes), Zhou Nan Middle School, Municipal Experimental Middle School, Lushan International Experimental School, Nanya Middle School. Candidates can fill in 4 parallel volunteers. In the second batch of 35 schools, candidates can fill in 8 parallel volunteers

The second batch of schools are: Changsha Sixth Middle School (including Jingpeng Class), Changsha No. 11 Middle School (including music classes and art classes), Changsha Yali 15th Middle School (including Yali Class), Changsha City 21st Middle School (including one middle class), Changsha Railway No. 1 Middle School (including art class), Changsha Leifeng School (including Leifeng Class, Art Class and Music Class), Hunan Provincial Geological Middle School, Changsha Foreign Language School, Changjun County Meixi Lake Middle School, Meixihu Middle School of Normal University, Zhounan Meixi Lake Middle School, Changjun Binjiang Middle School, Yaliyang Lake Experiment Middle School, Lu Shan Binjiang Experimental School (including Luoshan Class, Music Class), Changjun Xiangfu Middle School ( With Changjun Class), Yali Experimental Middle School, Mingde Huaxing Middle School (including art class), Zhou Nan Experimental Middle School (including music class), Tian Jiabing Experimental Middle School, Dongya Middle School, Changsha No. 1 Middle School South Middle School, Lushan Meixi Lake Middle School, Changsha University Affiliated Middle School (including Yayi Class), Yali Academy Middle School (including Yali Class), Bo Cai Experimental Middle School (Xiangjiang Campus), Lushan Foreign Language Experiment Middle School, Yuelu Experimental Middle School, Changsha No. 1 Middle School Ya Middle School, Changsha City Daotian Middle School, Zhou Nanyuhua Middle School, Mingde Yuhua Experimental Middle School, Wangcheng District No. 1 Middle School (including Art Class), Changjun Zebra Lake Middle School (including Art Class), Wangcheng District 2 Middle School (including transition Futures to Wangcheng, inner six districts), and No. 6 Middle School in Wangcheng District (including the transitional period for Wangcheng and the six districts of the Nei 6). In the above 35 schools, candidates can fill in 8 parallel volunteers.

Special reminder: Changsha Mingde Middle School art class enrollment code 0142, music class enrollment code 0143, Changsha No. 11 Middle School music class enrollment code 0141, art class enrollment code 0131, Changsha Railway No. 1 Middle School art class recruitment code 0807, Changsha Changsha Municipal Leifeng School Art Class 0153, Music Class Recruitment Code 0163, Changsha Mingde Huaxing Middle School Art Code 0164, Changsha Zhounan Experimental Middle School Music Class 0170, Lushan Binjiang Experimental School Music Class 0171, Wangcheng District The enrollment code of the first Chinese art class 0203, Changjun Zebra Lake Middle School Art Class 0204 and other classes implement separate enrollment. Candidates who apply for the above -mentioned professional categories should contact the school in time to participate in the professional surgery test organized by the school, and conduct volunteer on the Internet at the same time. Fill in to participate in the admission.

Wangcheng District No. 2 Middle School is for Wangcheng, enrollment code 0202 is facing six districts in the six districts, enrollment code 8202, and Wangcheng District Sixth Middle School facing Wangcheng Line. The enrollment code 0206 faces the six districts in the six districts.

In the third batch of 42 schools, candidates can fill in 8 parallel volunteers

The third batch of schools are: Hunan Provincial Geological Middle School (transition), Hunan University Affiliated Middle School, Affiliated Middle School Affiliated to the University of Defense Science and Technology, No. 1 Middle School of Central South University, Changsha Yaohua Middle School, Changsha Hongyi Senior Middle School, Tongsheng Lake Experimental School, Changsha Zhongga School, Changsha City Yihai Middle School, Changsha Mings Da Middle School, Hunan Normal University Second Middle School, Changsha City Xinxin Middle School, Changsha Siqin Higher Middle School, Changsha Decheng School, Changsha Zhuohua High School, Changsha Zhuohua High School, Changsha City, Zhuohua High School, Changsha City, Zhuohua High School, Changsha City Changsha Hengzhong Senior Middle School, Changsha Jinhai Senior Middle School, Zhongnan Bocai Senior High School, Changsha Furong High School, Changsha Jinli Art Senior High School, Changsha Innovation Senior High School, Changsha Lugu Senior Middle School, Changsha City Jinhai Valley County Senior Middle School, Changsha Kaizhong Middle School, Changsha Kanglikleig Senior High School, Changsha Hunan Army Senior Middle School, Changsha Zhiyuan Middle School, Liuyang Xinhan Senior Middle School, Liuyang Beautiful Senior Middle School, Liuyang City High School, Liuyang Jingya Senior Middle School, Liuyang Jiangwan Senior Middle School, Liuyang Xinhong Higher Middle School, Ningxiang Country Garden School, Ningxiang Yutan Middle School, Changsha Ping Gaomo Middle School, and some school international curriculum classes. Candidates can fill in 8 parallel volunteers.

Special reminder: Admissions for private schools, children's schools and international curriculum classes are the fees. Candidates voluntarily choose private schools, children's schools or international curriculum classes, and they need to be familiar with the basic situation and charging standards of the corresponding schools.

At the same time, Changsha China -Canada School Art Class Recruitment Code 0738, Changsha Jinli Art Senior Middle School Art Class 0736, Changsha Jinsha Golden Law Art Senior Middle School Music Class enrollment code 0737 implements separate enrollment. Participate in the professional surgery test organized by the school and conduct voluntary reporting on the Internet to participate in the admission.

Hunan Normal University Affiliated Middle School Admissions Code 9100, Changsha No. 1 Middle School International Curriculum Recruitment Code 9101, Changjun Middle School International Course Course Admissions Code 9102, Yali Middle School International Course Course Recruitment Code 9105 Admissions Program; Mingde Middle School International Curriculum Admissions Code 9103, Zhounan Middle School International Curriculum Admissions Code 9104, Changsha Foreign Language School International Course Course Recruitment Code 9123 Admissions Plan is 80. The enrollment of international curriculums is a high fee. It is filled in the third batch of volunteer columns.

Candidates can fill in 20 parallel volunteers

Vocational colleges volunteer to choose according to the "school+professional" manner, that is, candidates first choose to fill in the school, and then choose a major opened by the school.You can fill in 20 parallel volunteers.

Special reminder: Changsha Financial School Aviation Services, Changsha Aerospace School Aviation Services, Urban Rail Transit Operation Management Implementing interviews and filling in volunteer admission methods. Candidates who apply for the above major should contact the school before July 5 to participate in school organizations to participate in school organizationInterviews or professional surgery tests, after confirming that they are confirmed, they can only participate in the admission on the Internet.

Famous students of Changsha Aerospace School, Changsha Electronic Industry School, Changsha Finance School, Changsha Automobile Industrial School, and Changsha High -tech Engineering School should contact the school before July 5 and sign the school with the school with the school.At the same time, fill in volunteers online.

All media reporter Yang Sihan Huang Jing intern Guiting

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