From the successful people, I summarized the five rules of career planning. After the boss saw it, trembling

Author:Kunlun Yunxi Reading Time:2022.07.03

From the successful people, I summarized the five rules of career planning. After the boss saw it, trembling

Some people have changed their jobs too frequently. They may have tried three or four positions in half a year. Some people who have been in the workplace for several years will also encounter some workplace confusion and confusion. How can I find the workplace road that suits you? The laws of many young people in the workplace have been analyzed, and I summarize the five career planning rules.

1. Just choose the right, not expensive.

You can understand your wish through various professional planning tools to understand your career achievement motivation or attempt, personality characteristics, work expertise and interest, etc., and write down your wish.

Understand what kind of talents and positions, and positions, everyone has their own unique habits and preferences, work environment, work style, etc. There is no best industry or company in the world. Industry, companies and positions are the best.

In addition to taking care of interests, the most important thing is to pay attention to the industry and position you have been doing. What you can really do is actually what you have been doing, not what you have been thinking and not doing. You have a long work experience in a certain industry and field. You have a high chance of being familiar with the industry, and the chance of rising positions.

If your post is not satisfied with a variety of factors, first work down on the ground; follow your current position, list the leadership positions that you can involve in your post, and every branch will be every branch. It is clear that there may be your future optional promotion path. You can also continue to replace positions within the company. In this way, we will broaden their careers; constantly innovate, and to create performance for the company through innovation, and it is not far from promotion.

2. Growth and avoid weaknesses, reserve resources.

List a list of resources you own, which includes your own personality, friends, property, education background, time limit, ability, and other resources that can be borrowed or rely on, the better, the better; Summarize the reasons for success, and what resources you listed will be very familiar.

In the past few years, the management academic community highly respected the theory of shortcomings, that is, the amount of water in a barrel, does not depend on the long board of the wooden barrel, but depends on the short board of the wooden barrel. Therefore, we should focus on repairing "shortcomings" and eliminating the limitation of "shortcomings". However, in the market positioning, marketers cannot abide by this "barrel principle". They should not pay too much attention to the short board of wooden barrels. Instead, they must focus on the long board.

Find the longest long board, and even extend the long board to make the role of the long board to the extreme. As for the shortcomings, you can wait until you have enough strength. This is also called "the principle of anti -wood barrels".

A friend of my father is a loyal and silent person who has worked in the administrative department for more than ten years. He has no achievements nor not to be noticed. Published a lot of articles. These articles attracted the attention of society, and soon he published a papers, which surprised the previous colleagues. Someone asked him, why didn't you find that you still have such a huge potential before? In fact, the person who looks silent is mediocre. They also have their own strengths, but they are not suitable for the long -term unsuitable occupation and cannot be exerted.

3. Make the worst plan, but go all out.

There is a businessman friend who starts to collect waste. He first pulled the car to collect waste along the street, and later opened a waste product acquisition station. After three or five years of operation, he had a savings of 100,000 yuan. At this time, he encountered a project, which was a chemical product, investing 100,000 yuan It can be produced. If it succeeds, it can earn more than 100,000 within three years. Of course, the risks are not small. If it fails, the money invested will not return. After repeated thinking, the friend decided to develop this project and put all the 100,000 yuan in funds in. Three months later, the products came out, but the market did not agree, and the sales could not be opened.

In desperation, he spent a high salary to hire an experienced factory retirement factory director. The director of the factory came up with all methods, and finally made the product open up the market, and the production and operation gradually stepped on the right track. Today, this businessman has become the owner of million wealth.

When people asked him why he had the courage to invest in a new industry with such a great risk, he replied: "I was also worried about failure at the time, but later I thought that the worst result was the failure of investment. Drifting, I did n’t get back a few years ago to pull the car on the street to collect waste products. With this mentality, I was calm, so I dare to invest in investment. "

For their professional goals, set each step to achieve them. Be sure to remember what this plan needs to be done today, don't be so high. Then it is estimated that there are any factors that may cause the target to be unable to complete, and can analyze the conditions of lack of personality, ability, resources, and other objective factors; consider the worst results, including the shrinking of the industry, their own diseases, and family changes. Strategy.

4. Find the model and imitate transcendence.

Three or five people who have achieved outstanding achievements in your target field from around you or from celebrities, simply write down their successful traits and deeds. After that, you will find that each of them can provide you with some suggestions that can achieve goals, and write down their suggestions. Choose a company with development potential and grow up to grow up, and simulate the professional status of the company after entering the company, and then plan the knowledge and ability required for learning and learning in advance.

This requires as much as possible to grasp the information of related industries, including the development history, the current status and future trends.

For example, with the continuous advancement of the digital economy and new smart city construction projects in various places, and the implementation of the large -scale IoT terminals, the application and intelligent analysis in the fields of government, finance, telecommunications, and industry will usher in a new one. Rotation growth, the sales volume of all kinds of big data related basic software and platform software will also increase.

In the next 2-3 years, the growth rate of market size will remain at about 50%. It is expected that in 2021, the scale of cloud computing markets will reach 200 billion yuan, and the size of the big data market will reach 500 billion yuan.

The big data industry chain includes Internet giants, industry giants, big data startups and big data third -party service companies. The development of the industry and the advancement of technology make the job group further subdivide. In terms of cloud computing industry, new occupational positions such as cloud implementation engineers, cloud operation and maintenance engineers, cloud security engineers, Hadoop engineers, and cloud platform development engineers have appeared; in the big data industry, junior analytical engineers, mining algorithm engineers, and development New career such as operation and maintenance engineers and product operation engineers.

The above industries are popular trends, and career planning can be the first in this regard.

5. The machine must not be lost and will not come again.

The timing of job -hopping is also very important. Many friends in the workplace are wrong because of the time to change jobs. Either cannot be successfully resigned, or the job after changing jobs is worse than before, which has lost the significance of changing jobs.

Some of the rules of changing jobs in the year are divided into the following three stages.

At the beginning of the year: During the period of Golden Sanyin Four, when the talent flow of talents is the highest, major enterprises will choose to release a large number of recruitment needs at this time. At this time, the competition between job seekers is also very fierce, but because there are more recruitment positions, everyone can easily find a suitable job during this period.

Before and after the Spring Festival, it is precisely that the actual changing season is at the beginning of the year, and the reason is actually simple: the year -end award. Most companies will choose to issue year -end awards during the Spring Festival or during New Year's Day. Basically, it is 2-4 months of salary. It is a lot of income for each employee, so most people will choose to finish getting finished to get finished to get finished. After the year -end prize, jump jobs.

In the middle of the year: During the Ten Ten period of Golden Jiuyin, there are also many opportunities for job -hopping, but the heat is still much reduced compared to the year ago. Because some companies have half a year of performance, and the other place in the peak season "Golden Nine Silver Ten" is almost the same.

Although there are many people who have jumped in gold, there are many jobs and many posts, there are many candidates, and the difficulty of interviewing job hunting has become greater. There are few companies for Jin Jiuyin to find people, but there are fewer jobs, and most of them are newly graduated in the workplace, and you have more competitiveness with veterans with professional experience.

At the end of the year: November to December, many companies adjusted their personnel in advance, and they also cut off people in order to start the year-end prize. For some positions, although there are not many posts at the end of the year, most of them are waiting for the year -end award, so job search competition is not so fierce, and salary is good.

On the one hand, at the end of the year, the company has basically completed the production and operation tasks of the year. In the formulation of the next year's strategic planning, it also includes the human resources planning of the next year. For many group -owned enterprises preparing to expand, in order to in order to prepare for expansion, in order to in order to prepare for expansion, in order to in order to prepare for expansion, in order to in order to prepare for expansion, in order to in order to prepare for expansion, in order to in order to prepare for expansion, in order to in order to prepare for expansion, in order to in order to prepare for expansion, in order to in order to prepare for expansion, in order to in order to prepare for expansion, in order to in order to make it Ensuring the expansion plan for the next year can be implemented smoothly, and a large number of management talents need to be supplemented in time. Job seekers engaged in management positions often compete for jobs when finding a job during the seasons of job search, and it is not easy to apply for success. At this time, finding a job is a rare vacuum period.

For those with good performance, after the end of the year, they are ready to change jobs. Those who did not get the year -end award, I also had a number of hearts, and I didn't expect this "broken company". I couldn't even post the year -end award. I hopped to go to a high -paying company! So I started to find the next day before and after the Spring Festival.

The above three time periods can choose the most suitable time to change jobs according to your career planning.


For newcomers in the workplace, these methods are good career planning methods; for the workplace that has rolled in the workplace for several years, the above content is also worth learning from

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