Chunhui School of Loudi City actively carried out drowning work in the summer vacation

Author:Loudi News Network Time:2022.07.03

Loudi News Network (correspondent Wang Hui) The summer vacation is coming immediately. In order to do a good job in the summer vacation, students 'anti -drowning work, strengthen campus safety education, help the majority of students to strengthen drowning safety awareness, master drowning knowledge skills, and ensure the safety of students' lives. Recently, Loudi Chunhui School launched a series of anti -drowning safety education activities.

On the first lesson on May 16th, classes with the theme of "cherishing life and preventing drowning" were carried out in each class, and a videos of anti -drowning warning were played to conduct students' anti -drowning safety publicity and education. On June 8th, the Primary School held a drowning calligraphy and painting competition, and the junior high school held a drowning essay contest. On the afternoon of June 13, the school's anti -drowning exercise and the "six or two sessions" recitation competition was held. On the afternoon of June 23, the parent meeting with the theme of "combining home and school to prevent drowning" was held in each class. From June 23rd to June 27th, the head teacher and the teacher of the class deepened the students' family visits to conduct a safety hazard investigation of the surrounding waters of the student's family. Safety.

By carrying out this series of anti -drowning activities, the education of anti -drowning is deeply rooted in people's hearts, and continuously improves the safety awareness of teachers and students, parents, and the effectiveness of school safety education, so that each student is aware of the importance of safety and the value of life.

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