Starting the service of graduates of university universities this year

Author:China Renmin Socialary Media Time:2022.07.04

Provide continuous assistance to promote employment as soon as possible

Starting the service of graduates of university universities this year

Core reading

In 2022, the service of the university graduates of the university university will be launched in July to December: it will establish a real -name ledger for unlimited graduates, improve the real -name assistance mechanism, and formulate "one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person The "assistance plan for the policy; encourage enterprises to absorb the employment of college graduates, and publish job information through various channels such as online and offline; promote the acceleration of policy positions and public sector positions, expand grassroots employment space ... Through a series of measures, carefully guarantee The road to job hunting.

A few days ago, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs issued a notice that from July to December, the implementation of the service of graduates from unobstructed universities from the university in 2022 was launched. What help will the unlimited graduates get? How to get job information? What other employment opportunities are there at present? The reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

Improve the real -name assistance mechanism

Graduate graduates from school can get at least 1 career guidance, 3 job promotion, 1 skill training or employment trainee opportunity

The university secretary and principal "live broadcast" to recommend the graduates of our school to the enterprise; the online double election and offline recruitment fairs are held; resume mentors and job search counselors have accompanied the whole process ... Since this year, all localities have actively promoted public employment services to enter On campus, colleges and universities continue to innovate assistance measures to carefully ensure graduates' job search.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said that employment services for unlimited graduates will not be discontinued. On the one hand, the provincial -level human -social departments will be connected with the education department and universities early to ensure that the work is continuously file. On the other hand, at the end of June, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs has opened a small procedure for employment registration for employment in the 2022 session and simultaneously opens offline for channels. Unlimited graduates can register or register for employment or job search in the residential place, resident place, job search place, Essence

After receiving information, people and social departments will establish a real -name ledger for unscrupulous graduates to improve the real -name assistance mechanism. Through visiting the row, data comparison, etc., you can find out information about graduates' education, job search intention, service needs and other information. For unable employment graduates with willingness to employment, they will provide at least one career guidance, 3 job promotion, 1 skill training or employment trainee opportunity; for those who have no willingness to employment for the time being, they will record a state of status and follow up the service in time.

It is worth noting that for unable employment graduates who have special difficulties such as poverty alleviation families, subsistence allowance families, zero -employed families, and disabled, disabled, and unable to employment for a long time. One person and one policy "assistance plan.

"We will give priority to their positions, give priority to implementation, organize training trainees, provide professional professional guidance services in a timely manner, and promote employment and entrepreneurship as soon as possible." The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said Provide public welfare positions.

For graduates who are determined to entrepreneurship, they can also get policy "gift packages". Graduates can not only participate in free entrepreneurial training and improve their entrepreneurial ability, but also apply for entrepreneurial guarantee loans and discounts, tax discounts, and entrepreneurial subsidies to reduce entrepreneurial pressure. Not only that, the entrepreneurial incubation base invested and developed by government departments will also open the door to graduates, providing support for opening guidance, project promotion, and incubation services.

High -frequency hosting event release post information

Underexic graduates who are more concentrated in prefecture -level cities at or above the city level, hold at least once a week for professional recruitment activities

"Various localities are in order to implement policies such as social insurance subsidies, attracting employment subsidies, and expansion subsidies to encourage enterprises to absorb employment of college graduates." Said the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

Taking Beijing as an example, if an enterprise enrolls graduates of college colleges and universities in the city, signs a labor contract and participates in unemployment insurance, it will give one -time expansion subsidy in accordance with the standard of 1500 yuan per person; the employer enrolls 2022 colleges and universities in the city Birth will also receive social insurance subsidies that have been not more than 3 years.

State -owned enterprises take the lead in exerting their efforts. A few days ago, the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission held a video meeting for the employment of state -owned enterprises to promote the employment work of college graduates, and proposed that the number of national -owned enterprises enrolled college graduates this year should increase a greater increase on the basis of last year. On the basis of implementing last year's autumn recruitment and this year's spring recruitment, the summer recruitment is launched as soon as possible.

After the meeting was held, CCCC Group specially released more than 800 positions, and China -Guangzhou Nuclear launched a campus recruitment in 2022. China Unicom and China Baowu also announced the launch of the expansion activities and released a number of employment positions.

Top 10 of the posts, and the release of information in time. At present, the 100 -day online recruitment activity is in full swing. As of now, the demand for posts has released more than 10 million. Among them, Heilongjiang, Zhejiang, Shandong, Guangxi and other provinces have launched special recruitment of college graduates. Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hubei and other places organize high -quality human resources service agencies to enter the campus to recommend high -quality and targeted positions for graduates.

For example, Zhejiang University Graduate Employment Recruitment Conference, linking 11 cities in the province, organizing 1081 companies including Bank of Ningbo, Hangzhou Iron and Steel, Zhejiang Jianchu provided 5,191 posts, providing services such as intelligent matching, online negotiations, and live recruitment. Shandong college graduates specially recruited to focus on manufacturing, and organized 113 employers including CNMC, Shan Mining Machinery Company, and Lane Optoelectronics Technology Company to provide 3,200 positions, and provided "one -to -one" career guidance services.

"Next, we will also host activities such as joint recruitment of large and medium -sized cities, Jinqiu Recruitment Month, Employment Services Week, and Special Recruitment of Central Enterprises to continue to push posts for graduates." The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said. In terms of activities, it will pay more attention to online and offline integration. On the one hand, using online recruitment platforms, normalization of post information, widely used new models such as live broadcasts, air preaching, and no contact interviews, and accelerating the provincial concentration of post information and the release of the nationwide network. On the other hand, the normalization requirements of the epidemic prevention and control are implemented as much as possible to organize offline recruitment activities as possible. Underexposed graduates who are relatively concentrated in prefecture -municipal cities, at least once a week to hold professional recruitment activities, and hold at least 1 comprehensive recruitment activity per month.

Accelerate the implementation of public sector positions

Strive to complete the recruitment of kindergarten teachers in primary and secondary schools before August 1

For policy positions and public sector positions that graduates are very concerned about, various regions and departments are also promoting their posts to accelerate the landing.

At present, the "Three Branches and One Support" plan in 2022 is being implemented in an orderly manner. It is planned to recruit 34,000 college graduates, an increase of 2,000 over last year. The central government will provide subsidies in accordance with certain standards, and local finance will be matched accordingly.

According to reports, on the basis of previous years of service positions such as support, supporting farmers, supporting medicines, and helping rural rejuvenation, this year has further expanded service positions such as assistants such as rural construction, wild animals and plant protection officers, and expand the space for graduates to employment at the grassroots level. Essence

As of now, Beijing, Shanxi, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guizhou, Sichuan and other provinces have released the 2022 "Three Branches and One Support" plan recruitment announcement, and some provinces have organized the exam.

At the same time, the "Special Plan" in 2022 has also been released, and 67,000 people plan to recruit 67,000 people across the country. According to reports, the "Special Post Plan" recruitment target is mainly under the undergraduate and above graduates of ordinary colleges and universities, encouraging graduates of undergraduate teachers to apply, and appropriate recruitment of higher -level teachers' graduates. For 3 years of special service teachers, those who have passed the assessment and are willing to stay in office shall be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations, continue to calculate the working age and teachings continuously, and no longer implement the probation period.

"Next, we will jointly conjugate with multiple departments, deep excavation potential, and coordinated promotion, and actively develop various grass -roots jobs. Multi -channel, multi -form, multi -field collection and release of a group of grass -roots positions suitable for college graduates." The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said.

In addition to actively promoting the recruitment of grass -roots service projects, the Human Resources Department is also accelerating the public recruitment of public institutions.

A few days ago, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Education jointly issued a notice that all localities should start public recruitment work as soon as possible, and widely promote recruitment information through various channels, inverted recruitment registration, examination, inspection, physical examination and other schedules, and implement them. Under the premise of preventing epidemic prevention measures and ensuring safety, accelerate the progress of recruitment, and strive to complete the teacher recruitment task before August 1.

"For areas that are seriously affected by the epidemic, we will continue to implement some teachers 'first -job, then verify the test' phased policy," said the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

In terms of civil servants, in 2022, the central government agencies and its direct institutions and civil servants at all levels at all levels planned to recruit 116,000 fresh graduates, an increase of 9,000 over last year. As of June 23, more than 60%of the central recruitment agencies have completed the interview; 8 provinces and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have completed written tests.

Source: People's Daily

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