This year, Henan's "Three Branches and One Support" will recruit 3,200 people to fully qualify for all career establishment

Author:Luoyang Daily Time:2022.07.04

On July 1, the reporter from Henan Province Human Resources and Social Security was informed that the recruitment of the "Three Branches and One Support" of Henan in 2022 has been fully launched, and 3,200 people will be recruited.

According to the "Three Branches and One Support" plan launched by Henan Province, the recruitment target this year is 2022 full -time ordinary college graduates (including college students, undergraduates and graduate students); Graduates of military service colleges and universities who are retired in 2020 and 2021; graduates of senior work classes and preparatory technicians (technicians) of all -time technical colleges in Henan Province may refer to college and undergraduate cultural levels.

Compared with previous years, there are some new changes in the recruitment of "three branches and one support" of Henan Province this year. In terms of recruitment, the recruitment quota this year increased by 200 people to 3,200 people. The number of recruits doubled on the basis of 800 in 2017, and achieved a "five consecutive increase". In terms of recruitment positions, in addition to the years of support, supporting farmers, branches, and helping rural rejuvenation, water conservancy, forestry, employment and social security, this year innovatively set up health care positions to provide talent support for the development of grass -roots health care. In terms of quota distribution, this year's recruitment distribution focuses on the rejuvenation of the countryside to consolidate and enhance the county's tilt, tilt towards the old revolutionary districts such as poverty alleviation, hard -to -border areas, and Dabie Mountain, and tilt towards the support of the villages.

According to relevant policies, those who have passed the expiration of the "three branches and one support" recruitment this year will all implement the career establishment.

Source: Henan Daily

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