521 Xinjiang awarded the first vocational undergraduate graduate bachelor's degree certificate

Author:Tianshan.com Time:2022.07.04

On July 2nd, at the first undergraduate graduation ceremony and bachelor's degree awarding ceremony of the first undergraduate graduation ceremony of the Tianshan Vocational and Technical University, the professors allocated the first undergraduate graduates. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Zhao Siya Photo

Pomegranate/Xinjiang Daily News (Reporter Zhao Siya reported) On July 2nd, holding a degree certificate number "000001", Xinjiang Tianshan Vocational University of Vocational University of Accounting, the first undergraduate graduate Chen Xiao, was difficult to hide his excitement. Said: "This is the first bachelor's degree certificate issued by Xinjiang Vocational College.

On July 2nd, Lang Tao, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and principal of the Tianshan Vocational and Technical University of Xinjiang, dialed the first undergraduate graduate and awarded a degree certificate. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Zhao Siya Photo

On the same day, the first undergraduate graduation ceremony and bachelor's degree awarding ceremony of the first undergraduate student of Tianshan Vocational and Technical University of Xinjiang was held. 521 (college -promoted) undergraduate graduates were awarded bachelor's degrees. This is also the first batch of professional undergraduate degree certificates issued by Xinjiang.

Xinjiang Tianshan Vocational and Technical University was established in 2019 with the approval of the Ministry of Education, becoming one of the 21 undergraduate -level vocational education pilot schools across the country. The establishment of Xinjiang Tianshan Vocational and Technical University has improved the Xinjiang vocational education system and private education system, and promoted the integration of vocational education and higher education talent training systems. Since the undergraduate education, the school has enrolled students from Xinjiang to the country.

The school's first vocational undergraduate graduates cover 6 majors, namely accounting, e -commerce, tourism management, big data technology and applications, intelligent manufacturing engineering and communication engineering majors.

On July 2nd, at the first undergraduate graduation ceremony and bachelor's degree awarding ceremony of the first undergraduate graduation ceremony of the Tianshan Vocational and Technical University of Xinjiang, Liu Xiaochen, a representative of outstanding graduates, spoke. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Zhao Siya Photo

As the first undergraduate graduate of Xinjiang, after two years of systematic study, students have a stronger mastery of professional knowledge and professional skills, and they are full of confidence in entering the job. The first undergraduate graduate Liu Xiaochen bluntly said: "The course during the school was basically half of the practical lessons and half of the cultural lessons. There were many practical experience, and the work would be faster." Liu Xiaochen has won the silver award of the college innovation and entrepreneurial contest of the college of vocational colleges in the autonomous region. It has signed an employment agreement with an company under Alibaba.

"From the current survey of students' employment status, under the same degree, the undergraduate skills of vocational colleges are stronger and more popular, and employment choices have more space." Belle introduced that most of the first undergraduate graduates of the school have been recruited by employers, and 2%of graduates choose to continue their studies.

On May 1st this year, the newly revised "Vocational Education Law" clearly clearly implemented higher vocational school education in higher vocational schools, high -vocational schools and ordinary colleges of education levels. This means that the "ceiling" of vocational education stopped at the academic qualifications at the level of specialized level has been broken, forming a "through traffic" from secondary vocational, college, and undergraduate to graduate students.

On July 2nd, at the graduation ceremony, the first undergraduate students of Tianshan Vocational and Technical University in Xinjiang whispered. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Zhao Siya Photo

"Vocational education prospects are broad and there is a lot of promise." The relevant person in charge of the Education Department of the Autonomous Region said that the presence of the first vocational graduate bachelor's degree certificate is of great significance to Xinjiang vocational education. Promoting the development of vocational undergraduate education can provide more solid skills support for the high -quality development of Xinjiang's economy. In addition, vocational education is also a lifelong education, and vocational undergraduate education conveys a positive orientation -that is, everyone can make colorful, society is for everyone for everyone Providing fair employment opportunities will inspire more young people to take skills to achieve talents and serve the country.

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