Fudan youth chasing stars | Graduates

Author:Fudan University Time:2022.07.04

Editor's note: Since the start of the 2022 undergraduate "Graduate Star", since its launch, a group of outstanding undergraduate graduates have stood out. Self -strong hard work, serving dedication, scientific research reporting the country, comprehensive development, fighting against the epidemic ... They have worked forward and shining in their respective fields.

Recently, the list of "Star of Graduates" from Fudan University was officially released. The stars are bright, and the future can be expected. Today, let's get closer to the "Star of Graduates" from Fudan University -Yu Zhibo from the Department of Physics.

▲ Yu Zhibo

In the summer of the northern Los Angeles, the temperature fell at night, and it was far from urban light pollution, and the night was completely dark.

Yu Zhibo brought a moisture -proof pad and lay down, and it was all stars in front of him. Silent and silent around the world, sleepy, when he opened his eyes confused, the two meteors passed through the sky.

In this trip, he came to the Yingxian meteor shower. As one of the three major meteor shower in the northern hemisphere, it appears in a fixed time every year and has almost never been absent from the starry sky that has passed summer nights.

Yu Zhibo likes the feeling of encounter with meteors. Because he wants to explore the mystery of the vast universe, he always wants to go far away and see the starry sky he has never seen before.

This dream, from the childhood root of astronomical popular science books, has germinated, booming in the nourishment of Fudan Sun and Moonlight.

▲ The Yingxian Meteor Shower is the first time that Yu Zhibo took the meteor

The astronomical dream in childhood set sail from Fudan Yangfan

Astronomical, a discipline that looks like niche but includes the universe. How interested in astronomy is developed, Yu Zhibo can only find answers from sporadic memory fragments.

When he was a kid, his parents often took him to the bookstore to read a book. It was a whole day. He loves to watch "100,000 Bras" and read science fiction books explored by space. He gradually discovered that he was always attracted by the grand and mysterious universe.

In the third year of high school, Yu Zhibo hadn't thought about what work in the future. When communicating with the teacher once, the other party inadvertently said that you may do scientific research in the future because you are very tough. Yu Zhibo remembered this sentence, and he wanted to try it in the aspect of astronomical research in the future.

Dreams must not only stay in your mind. After being admitted to the Department of Physics of Fudan, rich academic resources provided the real path of dreaming for Yu Zhibo. In the efforts of step by step, he has become more and more determined to engage in the goal of astronomy research.

In a freshman, he participated in the Chinese University Physical Academic Competition as the main player, and spent almost the entire freshman spare time. There are 17 topics in the competition. Each person is divided into at least 3 topics. In addition to completing his own subject, he also helps other classmates.

▲ Take photos of the 10th China University Physical Academic Competition Fudan University Team

"Scientific research not only does experiment and analysis data, but also needs to report verbally to communicate and communicate with others efficiently." Yu Zhibo said that this competition is the first step in his scientific research door, allowing him to cognition of scientific research on scientific research. From blurring to clear. In the end, they won the championship in the competition, which is also the first champion in the history of the Fudan team.

In order to better understand astronomical research, Yu Zhibo actively found Professor Cosimo Bambi, who studied high -energy astronomy and X -ray astronomy, and joined his research group. Feeling scientific research in experiments and observations, he found that scientific research is not a "cold bench" that others say. Happiness and sense of accomplishment ".

"Scientific research is a kind of incentive for me. Others can see the results I released. The author, published scientific research results in the high -energy celestial physics international journal "Physics D".

With the funding of the "top plan", in his sophomore year, he went to the University of California Berkeley Space Science Laboratory for scientific research. In junior year, he also set up the "Program of the College Student Student Student Student Research Program" and went to California Institute of Technology Cahill astronomy and celestial physics center. Now there is a related paper to be published.

▲ Yu Zhibo at California Institute of Technology

On the road to exploring the universe, Fudan's school motto "learning and aspirations, cutting and thinking" has always led him.

"'Copy" and' Near Thinking 'Leading me to raise scientific issues, seek solutions, perceive the joy of challenging themselves, and discovering new knowledge; while' knowledge 'and' duzhi "lead me Clarify his aspirations. "He gradually strengthened his lifelong ambition to dedicate the country through astronomical research.

Unknown in scientific research will always be there. After experiencing real scientific research, Yu Zhibo encountered more puzzles: it is simple to obtain data and analysis, but what does it mean? Is there any special place for the physical system?

These questions are waiting for him to answer.

Looking up at the science starry sky, we must step on the land of love

"Astronomical observation is a great thing."

Yu Zhibo said that astronomical research is mainly divided into several parts such as observation, instruments and theory. His research interest is astronomical observation, that is, observation of telescope and analyzing observation data.

Speaking of astronomical observation "great", Yu Zhibo is not exaggerated, "because astronomy is not like physics, chemistry, and creatures in the laboratory. The astronomical laboratory is the universe itself. What we naturally give us, what do we have to accept? There is no chance to control variables, you can only obey nature. "

For him, it naturally gives researchers a very complex system. Researchers can use theories and models to derive the operation of complex systems on the earth that is a theory and model. What happened in the place, "very incredible." The precision of astronomical detection instruments also sighed. "Humans want to measure the scale of the universe, it sounds impossible, but this is everything in astronomy."

▲ Yu Zhibo and the Students of the Astronomical Association carried out astronomical observations in Guangcao

Perhaps everyone has longing for and longing for the starry sky, but because of busy study, work, and life, not everyone can really look up at the starry sky with heart. Fortunately, Yu Zhibo encountered a group of like -minded companions in Fudan, and before joining the Fudan Astronomy Association, he has been "alone" in watching the stars.

In the four years of college, they use the heavens as a cover, the earth as the seat, and look up at the universe -to go to the Chongming Island with the misty night to see the Venus accompanying month, wait for the Chinese space station to transit Chongming; go to Nanhui mouth in the southeast of Shanghai Waiting for the sunrise; in the Typhoon Huzhou Anji Tianhuang Ping recorded the hunter star track ...

▲ Chongming observation photo of the Astronomical Association

Looking up at the scientific starry sky, we must step on the land of love.

As a representative of an undergraduate graduate, Yu Zhibo recalled in the speech of the 2022 undergraduate graduation ceremony of Fudan University. He has participated in various types of volunteer services since March and anti -epidemic with teachers and students. This special experience allowed him to have a more personal understanding of the spirit of "unity, service, sacrifice" that he remembered at school.

▲ Yu Zhibo participated in volunteer service

"We must not only internalize the school motto in our hearts, maintain the passion and motivation of exploring the world, but also to externalize the" unity, service, and sacrifice 'Fudan spiritualization, pay attention to the people and things around us, and do the hard work of life. " Yu Zhibo said.

A few months ago, Yu Zhibo received an admission notice from the State University of Pennsylvania, a State University of Pennsylvania, and was about to go to a doctorate degree. In the future, he hopes to explore the mystery of the starry sky on a larger platform and write the marks that belong to the Chinese in the stars.

"I have watched the stars in many places, but the favorite is the starry sky of Guangcao." From the brilliant Fudan starry sky, he will bring a pair of eyes that will always be curious to a wider distance.

Payment: Rong Media Center

Text: Shang Yue

Photo: Provided by the respondent

Responsible editor: Yin Menghao

Edit: Xu Jiahui

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