Nanhua University: "Send the Fa down the countryside" warm campus

Author:Nanhua University Time:2022.07.05

(Correspondent Zhang Qi Tan Yaqian, Zheng Haixin) In order to implement the spirit of the twelfth party congress of the province and build a higher level of rule of law in Hunan, on July 4th, the "River My Peers" environmental protection public welfare team of the School of Resources and Environment and Safety Engineering of South China University hikes 2.5 kilometers in foot Come to the four capitals of Weishan Township, Xinhua County, Loudi City, Hunan Province to carry out the "sending the Fa to the countryside" activities to conduct popular science propaganda for the "Environmental Protection Law" for the local teachers and students.

In the "Environmental Protection Law" propaganda session, the team of Zeng Qi of the team took a vivid law education course for middle school students as alumni. The active classroom interaction aroused the strong interest of students and parents. Next, other team members cooperated with the preaching, and issued ten citizenship manuals to call on students and parents to sign the content and sign it on it. On the ten citizens' ten publicized manuals, they recorded not only the promise of students and parents, but also their determination to practice responsibilities.

The event was close to the end. The school's teachers and students and parents of the students actively took a photo with the team. The smile appeared in the photo frame, and the camera recorded this beautiful moment.


The picture shows the team member Zeng Qi to publicize the "Environmental Protection Law" New Hunan client correspondent Tan Yaei


The picture shows the team with the participants taking a group photo of the new Hunan client correspondent Tan Yaei


The picture shows some parents and students taking photos with the team to take a group photo of the new Hunan client correspondent Tan Yaei

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