@,, Sichuan Province 2022 ordinary college enrollment admission time is determined

Author:Chengdu Daily Jinguan Time:2022.07.06

Candidates of arts, please pay attention! Just now the Sichuan Provincial Education Examination Institute released information. In 2022, the admission time schedule of ordinary colleges and universities in our province has been preliminarily determined. Candidates are requested to pay close attention to the admission process in time according to their performance and the batches they reported, and get their own admission information in time!

The start time of each batch of submissions

Around July 8th

Bulletin of art undergraduate

Around July 16th

Provincial Public Fund Teachers Bachelor's Undergraduate

Around July 20

The first batch of art undergraduate, sports undergraduate batch

Around July 28

The second batch of art undergraduate

Around August 5th

Art and Sports Specialty Batch

Volunteer time for each batch

Around July 14

Art undergraduate approval of volunteers in advance

Around July 16th

Provincial public -funded teacher undergraduate college for the first time solicited volunteers

Around July 17

Provincial public -funded teacher undergraduate college for the second solicitation of volunteers

Around July 24

The first batch of art undergraduate and the first solicitation of the first collection of sports undergraduate criticisms

Around July 26

The first batch of art undergraduate, the second solicitation of the second time of the sports undergraduate criticism

Around July 29

The second batch of art undergraduate solicitation volunteers

Around August 7

The first solicitation of the art and sports specialist group solicited volunteer for the first time

Around August 9th

Art and Sports Specialty Classification for the second time to solicit volunteers

Special reminder: The above is the admission and volunteer expected time arrangement in the province's 2022 general universities. According to the actual process, if the admission time of each batch and the time of solicitation of volunteers is adjusted, please refer to official information.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan News Reporter Zhao Zijun Editor He Qixie Editor Liu Yonghao

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