In 2022, the admissions of ordinary colleges and universities in Hebei Province will start more than 2,000 colleges and universities to enroll in Hebei tomorrow

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.07.06

Ji Shi client report (Hebei Taitai Yue Zhaoxi) This morning, our province held a pre -training and mobilization conference on the admissions work post of ordinary colleges and universities in 2022, to the province's educational examination institutions, provincial universities and other departments, as well as participating in high enrollment this year's admissions admission this year. More than 200 staff members conducted pre -job training and integrity education.

According to the plan, the enrollment work of ordinary universities in our province will begin tomorrow (July 7), and it is expected to end all on August 18. During the admission period, the Provincial Admissions Office will fully implement the "Sunshine Project" of colleges and universities. Education examination institutions and universities at all levels will strictly implement the relevant enrollment work ban in the Ministry of Education. Eight basic requirements "work discipline. Before the admission work begins, the functional groups of the admission site will conduct unified training; before the admission of each batch of files, special training is conducted for different characteristics of each batch.

According to reports, this year's province will continue to implement remote online admission to implement the admission principle of "school responsibility and recruitment supervision". According to the proportion of candidates' archives determined by the provincial education examination, the provincial education examination institutes are parallel to the college to put the electronic files of qualified students in accordance with the principles of "score priority, follow volunteers, one file, and no file". During the admission period, the Provincial Admissions Office will adhere to "civil defense, physical defense, technical defense" to ensure the security of admission data. Not only must we achieve the smooth operation of the online admission system, the important information system multiplayer to master the system password to ensure the security and accuracy of the data and information of the candidates. Each data instruction leaves a trajectory, and each data operation can be traced back.

During the admission period, the Provincial Education Examination Institute will make a timely and accurate public enrollment policy, enrollment plan, candidate qualification, consultation and appeal channels, etc., to allow candidates to understand the volunteers of various batches of volunteers, solicit volunteer arrangements, submit file admission Regulations, admission results, admission information query channels, etc. The information should be known. Each batch (section) admission will timely release the college's submission score statistics and the admission information of the candidates, so that the examination enrollment information is open and transparent, and consciously accept social supervision. Ensure that the admission work is open and fair and fair.

"Building the branch at the admission site" is a successful experience to ensure the smooth and smooth admission work of our province. This year, our province continues to "build the branch at the admission site", give full play to the role of the temporary party branch fighting fortress and the pioneering model of party members, and fully answer the last test of the "Ping An College Entrance Examination" and "Sunshine Admissions" this year.

It is understood that this year is the second year of the implementation of the "3+1+2" new college entrance examination reform model in Hebei Province. The number of college entrance examinations in the province is 753,200. Except for candidates who have enrolled in the previous high vocational colleges, 527,400 people actually participated in the unified college entrance examination. This year, more than 2,000 colleges and universities across the country enrolled in our province.

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