One week, Ningxia 丨 There are too much test, what is the college entrance examination!

Author:Yinchuan City News Media Group Time:2022.06.13

Last week, the highly anticipated college entrance examination finally came to an end, the children were "liberated", and the majority of parents finally relieved.

Next, a more severe problem will be placed in front of parents and candidates, that is to check the scores and fill in volunteers. At the moment when the results were announced, some people were happy, and some people and intestines were broken, which was inevitable.

Here I still have to talk about a few words. Although the college entrance examination will decide to a certain extent, the trajectory of life in the future will not be completely left to the whole life.

There are standard answers to the college test papers, but life never has. It can really determine that your life is never the three years of hard work and the final test score, but a persistent effort.

It is believed that in any era, young people are full of hope, and the temporary failure of the college entrance examination does not mean that life has never been dull.

Of course, students who are admitted to famous universities with high scores are naturally excellent and worthy of praise. Students who can only go to ordinary schools do not have to be discouraged. After all No.

Some people have been admitted to Tsinghua University, and some have entered 985 and 211, but in the end, you may also sit in an office to eat instant noodles.

Besides, the important test of life is more than the college entrance examination.

Some people, after studying undergraduate, are soaked in the self -study room every day in order to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and repeatedly brush the boring questions all day;

Some people go ashore for public examinations, and give up the social lights to boil the oil as an ascetic monk.

There are also people who stayed on the road in order to hold a certificate and stayed in the driving school for a few years but they could not take the subject two. They were scolded by the coach.

In short, in addition to the final exams after college, you also need to take the four or sixth level of English, Mandarin level, computer level ... different occupations after work are even more diverse.

Therefore, don't think that if you go through the college entrance examination, everything is good. After all, you also know the geography of astronomy at this time. You can calculate the triangle functions, solve the chemical equation, understand standard English, ancient poetry comes casually, and historical cypresses are familiar with the heart. In a few years, memory decline, learning efficiency decreased, and decreased energy. How can I cope with that many exams?

In a word, don't be proud of good grades. There are many challenges in the future. Don't be discouraged if you have poor grades. Maybe you can overtake the curve.

In recent days, the children who have just finished the college entrance examination have been busy with graduation party, giving graduation gifts, or busy explaining to their green feelings.

Even if the parting is sad, after all, it is difficult for a classmate to gather together in the future. But you must understand that reunion is short -lived, and it is long -lasting. After you go to college, you will find that people in each lesson are difficult to get together ...

Without a thorough farewell, I asked my classmates and friends to eat, chat, and enjoy this simple and innocent friendship, and draw a successful end of the youth for several years.

Of course, you can relax, but do n’t cut indulgence, smoke, alcohol, nightclub, etc. Do n’t try it easily. Go home on time and on time on time. Do n’t worry your parents and family.

the most important is

Don't stay late at night on the barbecue stall

Remember, remember!

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