Meet you 丨 "Smile Girl" Liu Beibei: Slowly walk without giving up

Author:China Disabled Persons' Feder Time:2022.07.06

It was another year of graduation, and another group of young college graduates were full of longing for a new journey of life. Recently, Suzhou girls who staggered on the stage of graduation ceremony rushed on a hot search. Her name is Liu Beibei, a 2022 graduate of Suzhou City College.

Liu Beibei was diagnosed with cerebral palsy shortly after his birth. For her, the road under her feet has always been covered with thorns. The road of studying is long and painful, but she has gritted her teeth and persisted on the stage of the college graduation ceremony "Excellent Graduate" all the way. Because Liu Beibei is optimistic and cheerful, many people call her a "smile girl".

Cerebral palsy girl becomes "outstanding graduate of university"

Liu Beibei, 23 years old, is a 2022 graduate of Suzhou City College. Liu Beibei in life is interested and loves to laugh, but unlike ordinary people, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at seven or eight months because of congenital brain injury.

Liu Beibei, a 2022 graduate of Suzhou City College: If I walk, it is actually unstable. As long as I encounter something like a little stumbling, I will fall. The most serious one is to break this chin and sew it about four or five stitches.

Starting in 10 months, Beibei had to stay in the center of rehabilitation, received various inspections and training, from looking up, turning over, sitting, standing, walking, these simple moves for other children, doubled, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more. But Bei has to pay unimaginable efforts, and countless training can only be completed.

Liu Beibei's mother Feng Hongfang: Because of her muscle tension, her two legs cannot be separated. Two trainers need to divide her two legs on both sides. age. At first she must be crying and really painful. Later, she slowly adapted. She also learned to face each other bravely, sweaty, and her clothes were soaked.

At the age of six or seven, although Beibei could barely walk, her walking posture always attracted some different eyes and pointers. This is also the most worried thing about her mother.

Liu Beibei's mother Feng Hongfang: I'm afraid she might be inferior, and she dumped her head two and said, it doesn't matter, I leave me. At that moment, I was very relieved. She was very sunny, and her heart had a sunshine.

The young Beibei did not lose. She clenched her teeth and insisted on correcting the abnormal posture day after day, year after year.

Liu Beibei's mother Feng Hongfang: She is wearing a very hard and hard support shoes. The long one is practicing and walking. She keeps falling and climbing up.

At the age of 9, she underwent her muscles in many legs in her legs, and she had been practicing at the age of 11 in the rehabilitation center. Because of the treatment, Beibei's primary school study was forced to interrupt, and only for less than two semesters in intermittently, the school arranged for her retired teacher to tuition homework in her training gap. With a strong desire and hard work on learning, Babe not only worked hard to complete the primary school, but also admitted to key middle schools. She also learned to play the piano and won awards in the national characters in Chinese characters many times.

Liu Beibei, a 2022 graduate of Suzhou City College: Get up at 5 o'clock a day, exercise first, and then take the cultural class, and you need to practice the vertical code, because the writing is slow, and you need to add some supplements when you come back. At 12 o'clock in the evening.

While improving his studies, Beibei is constantly challenging himself. With her efforts, the girl who was unstable in that year, gradually stood up bravely, stepped down the wheelchair, and unexpectedly climbed up the Great Wall. When the reporter asked what difficulties and setbacks she had encountered, Beibei just answered quietly with a smile.

Liu Beibei, a 2022 graduate of Suzhou City College: If you encounter setbacks, I think it can still be survived by biting my teeth. After all, frustration is not always, it is just a moment, the sun will rise again tomorrow, I don't think I don’t have What ca n’t live. There is light in my heart to light myself to illuminate others

With the perseverance of perseverance, the optimistic and confident Beibei was all over the thorns. In 2018, she was admitted to Suzhou City Academy. She suffered from disability and specially chose to work and social security for people with disabilities.

As Ms. Beibei said, Babe's heart had a sun. During college, in addition to studying hard, Beibei is also keen on public welfare. The light in her heart, warming herself, also illuminated others.

In college, despite the inconvenience of action, Beibei did not want to be treated differently. She had to study with everyone and live normally. What others can do, she also strives to complete. Other students walk to the classroom. It only takes 10 minutes on the road. Beibei will start half an hour earlier than others to ensure that classes are in class on time. After studying, Beibei also participated in the sign language club, and often went to the nursing home to perform with his classmates. He was a voluntary propagandist on the disabled day, and made every effort to help the people they needed and passed the warmth. For four years of college life, Beibei was busy and never stopped, full and happy.

Liu Beibei, a 2022 graduate of Suzhou City College: I have always regarded myself as an ordinary person and can also experience the psychology of the disabled. If they get help, I will be very happy. After all, I have been helpful from others since childhood.

During college, Beibei won a scholarship many times and won the honor of the third prize of the National English Contest and the third prize of the sign language contest. The roommate encountered difficulties in calculus and probability theory. Beibei was always enthusiastic to help explain and share their learning methods. Everyone learned the late night. The four girls in the dormitory made together. Everyone received a scholarship every year. Essence

Not long ago, at the graduation ceremony of Suzhou City Academy, Beibei, as a representative of outstanding graduates, stepped on the stage step by step, and took the honor certificate of the outstanding graduate. Full of confidence, the applause from the audience ended endlessly.

Zhao Zhihong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Suzhou Urban College: We have all made a lot of efforts in the past four years to achieve today's achievements.

Liu Beibei's mother Feng Hongfang: Beibei explained a strong and sunshine with her actions, which really made me very pleased.

In fact, until now, the pain is still entangled with Beibei from time to time. She still has to do walking and spine treatment uninterrupted. Even so, she can't stop her step forward. Right now, Beibei is struggling to prepare for the master's degree in psychology of Suzhou University.

Liu Beibei, a 2022 graduate of Suzhou City College: I think that if I think psychology, I can help those disabled children who give up directly when they encounter setbacks. With a person with a goal, a better mentality can go further and further. Don't be afraid to walk slowly, let's go early, walk slowly, and always reach the end.

Facing life and trying to write the future

Beibei's spiritual idols are Zhang Haidi and Shi Tiesheng, both of which overcome the example of the body's defects with strong optimism to achieve a lifelong life. Compared with them, Beibei feels that he is lucky and can at least move forward slowly. So why can't they do it? During the interview, Beibei said that her dream was to be a powerful ordinary person.

Become a great ordinary person, this sentence is not ordinary at all, carried the wisdom and courage of life.Each of us in life is ordinary people, and they are facing various challenges.May you and me, every ordinary person can have the courage to be fearless and unprepared. Like a smile girl Liu Beibei, even if you encounter setbacks, you will not give up, you will not avoid it, and you will walk slowly.Eventually arrived at the other side of the dream.Source: CCTV News Client

Edit: Bobenin

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