Admissions admission results of ordinary colleges and universities in Gansu Province opened at 18:00 on July 6th

Author:Zhangjiachuan County Rong Medi Time:2022.07.06

Inquiry system for admissions of general colleges and universities in Gansu Province

Open at 18:00 on July 6

The enrollment results inquiry system of ordinary colleges and universities in Gansu Province will be opened at 18:00 on July 6, and the admission results will be announced one after another. Candidates can enter the relevant information correctly through the following methods to query:

1. Website query

(1) Log in to the website of the Gansu Provincial Education Examination Institute (, click the "Candidate Query" column in the upper right corner or enter the URL directly in the browser address bar to inquire Essence

(2) Log in to Gansu Sunshine College Entrance Examination Information Platform (, click the "College Entrance Examination Inquiry" column for inquiry.

2. WeChat and APP query

Pay attention to the official WeChat public account of the Gansu Education Examination Institute (GSSJYKSY), click "Query Center -College Entrance Examination Inquiry", and inquire in the pop -up page "Comprehensive Inquiry Platform of the General College Admissions Examination Information of Gansu Province".

Pay attention to the WeChat public account of the Gansu Provincial Department of Education "Gansujiaoyu", click "College Entrance Examination Inquiry -Admission Inquiry", and inquire in the pop -up page "Comprehensive Inquiry Platform of General Admissions Examination Information of Gansu Province".

Telecom users can pay attention to the public account of "University Gangs", click "Check Admission" or WeChat Search for "Lezhi College Entrance Examination" WeChat mini program, and click "Check admission" (college entrance examination admission) to query.

Mobile users download China Mobile APP, Gansu Mobile APP, or follow Gansu Mobile's WeChat public account.

Third, telephone query

Dial Unicom 1161148 hotline for query.

Since the enrollment admission of ordinary universities in our province is performed in batches (sections), one enrollment batch (paragraph) can only start the next batch of (paragraph) admission work. Therefore, according to the official website of the Provincial Education Examination Institute and the "2022 Gansu Provincial General College Admissions Accepting Working Date" published on the official website of the Provincial Education Examination Institute and the WeChat public account, compare the submission time of the submission (paragraph) of their own reporting (paragraph) After the second admission starts, the query is performed.

It should be noted that the candidates' volunteer approved (paragraph) universities have not completed the entire admission procedure, and candidates cannot check the admission results. During the admission period, the Provincial Education Examination Institute will announce the latest admission results at 12 and 22 per day. Candidates are requested to wait patiently. If the admission work is adjusted, the Provincial Education Examination Institute will inform the society through the official website, WeChat public account, and news media in a timely manner.

Admissions of ordinary universities in Gansu Province in 2022

Consultation services for education and examination institutions at all levels

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