"Double Subtitle" Family Education Special Cloud Class ㊳ 丨 Teacher Yu Bei, Junior Middle S

Author:Luqiao District Women's Feder Time:2022.06.13

I was honored to invite last week

District Outstanding Teacher, District Advanced Education Workers

Xinqiao Town Junior Middle School Deputy President of Moral Education Work

Teacher Yu Bei

Bring a lesson for everyone

"Several key points that are successfully connected by Xiaochu"

family Education

From elementary school to junior high school, it is an important turning point. Because there are many differences in teaching management and teaching content in middle schools and primary schools, coupled with the children's just adolescence, there have been obvious changes in both physiological and psychological. Problems that need to be solved urgently.

Many facts have proven that this problem is solved, which is beneficial to the growth of the child. If it is not solved, it may affect the development of the child's life. Therefore, it is especially important to do a good job of Xiaosheng's first connection.

A good start is half of success. The seventh grade is the starting point of the entire junior high school life. It is a critical crossroad in the process of life growth. How to learn the seventh grade often has a decisive impact on the entire middle school stage.

So, what preparations should parents make to help their children go through the adaptive period smoothly, so that children can adapt to middle school life as soon as possible? How can parents help and guide their children in life, learning, and psychologically, so that children can go through the critical period of Xiao Sheng's first connection?

First of all, parents must have such a understanding, what kind of understanding? There are many differences between primary school and junior high school. Children transition from elementary school to junior high school education. There will be four changes in aspects

Change of children's physical and consciousness: Children in this age gradually change their physiology, and a large part of children enter adolescence. For physical changes, many children are nervous, anxious, and fearful. In this case, many times they are in the stage of curiosity, seemingly understanding, began to have independence, and self -esteem gradually enhanced. Thoughts from simplicity to complexity, starting to have their own consciousness, no longer say anything to their parents, with their own world and secrets. At this stage, many parents find it difficult to communicate, so parents must be calm.

Change of learning environment, learning content and methods

1. In elementary school, junior high school first has increased learning content, and learning difficulties have also increased; learning time is long.

2. Primary school teachers are nanny -style teaching. The teaching rhythm is slow. The junior high school teachers are rough, the focus is strong, and the teaching rhythm is fast. A lesson can master 70%of them is a good student. The classrooms of elementary school are often less independent thinking. In the classroom in junior high school, students must have the ability to listen, read books, and think. The students' multiple senses must participate in the activities at the same time, so the difficulty of listening to the lesson has increased much. Children can learn well in the classroom, ear, mouth, hand to heart, and heart.

3. There are relatively few primary school courses. As long as the task of the teacher is completed, many smart children can easily be "excellent". The number of learning subjects in middle schools has increased, the learning difficulties are increasing, and the classroom capacity is large. Teachers will no longer pay attention to follow. If the learning method is not changed, it will soon fall into the team.

4. From kind to severe, change in teaching style. The teaching style has changed greatly. Elementary school teachers have a cordial language language language, and there are more encouraging words, and the words of middle school teachers have less care, sometimes even more severe. Primary school teachers are more understanding, tolerance, and expectation. Middle school teachers require rules, self -discipline, and strictness. The needs of the two needs to transition.

5. Most of the primary school students study with interest, the content is simple, interesting, and more easy to have a sense of accomplishment, so learning interest is stronger and more enthusiastic. There are many subjects in middle schools, and it is much difficult to get a sense of satisfaction in elementary school. Once the students' sense of frustration, helplessness, and boring, the enthusiasm of learning will inevitably decline.

6. The rhythm of the rhythm of life is significantly accelerated

How should parents help their children prepare?

"Application is king, service first" is the request made by the Ministry of Education for the new platform. Under the deployment of the Ministry of Education, it immediately acted in many places across the country, and the national primary and secondary school smart education platform made efforts in the "suspension of classes". According to statistics, from March 1st to 14th, the average number of views on the national primary and secondary school smart education platform reached 16.87 million, especially in the relevant areas of "suspension of class" during the epidemic period. So how should parents help their children prepare in all aspects and successfully cross the learning disabilities of the initial stage?

First, psychological adaptation

Most seventh grade freshmen have nervousness, anxiety, and inadequate adaptation. Parents can collect some information about junior high schools during the holidays. What are the requirements for new schools? What are the teachers in the new seventh grade? On the other hand, we must guide children to believe in new teachers, like new environments, treat new students friendly, and teach children to communicate with new classmates. In the district junior high school, in order to allow the new seventh grade to better adapt to junior high school life, it is often a few days before the official start of school. Living in junior high school, familiar with the key step of teachers and classmates, parents should encourage their children to actively participate, do not feel bad because of distress, and then find all reasons to make children not participate. Every year, freshmen training will always encounter such a few parents. Because of distressing the children's hardships, they will give their children to ask for leave for various reasons. After the official start of school, other children start the rhythm of junior high school life and study, but his child is still flowing. Tears, crying in junior high school uncomfortable. In addition, the psychological preparation of children with middle school learning pressure will increase and learning requirements will be increased in advance to overcome fear. During the transition time period of Xiao Sheng, parents should find ways to help their children to learn one step to establish a leading advantage.

In fact, objectively speaking, the knowledge points of dear age are not very difficult, but the study of the seventh grade is very important. Whether it is in the knowledge system, in terms of learning methods and thinking methods, it plays a key role. If you do n’t grasp it well, you ca n’t successfully adapt to the learning methods and learning habits in junior high school. After pressing down the problem, it has increased the learning subjects and learning difficulties in the eighth grade, and it is difficult to catch up.

Second, learn to adapt

In terms of learning: habit development, learning method guidance is the key to success or failure. Learning is the field marathon. It starts to learn well and may not be able to maintain it to the end. What is important is to cultivate children's learning interest and learning habits from an early age. "When Jiang Lili went to the third or fourth grade of elementary school, Dad Jiang would take his own thesis home to let his daughter modify and give his opinion. What was happy to make Jiang Lili was that although his thoughts were naive, Dad never listened carefully and discussed together. . Jiang Li Li's interest and habits were cultivated a little bit.

Therefore, our parents should not have a thorough relaxation in the child's departure. We have to develop children's good learning habits and optimize their learning methods, so that children during the holidays:

● To develop the habit of preview.

Parents can guide their children to prepare for the summer vacation, pave the way for the study after school, and enhance their children's self -confidence.

● Develop the habit of formulating plans and summing up after school.

In order to prevent the child's lazy mental state, the child is arranged to complete a certain amount of summer operations, requires the child to formulate the assignment plan, and strictly use the plan to change the homework, change the disorderly state of learning, reduce the randomness of learning, and gradually make the child's learning gradually gradually learn the learning. From spontaneous to consciousness. When completing the summer vacation, the child is required to set the problem book, copy the problems encountered in the summer vacation on the specialized book, and seek to solve the method and way.

● Develop the habit of listening to lessons and the habit of taking notes in science.

In junior high school learning, children need to listen, watch, think, and remember. Parents are advised to help their children to set up special notebooks during the holidays, choose the TV broadcast programs they are really uncomfortable, watch while listening to records, and train their ability to make notes.

● Develop the habit of accumulating frequently.

Junior high school pays more attention to the expansion of extracurricular knowledge and the cultivation of comprehensive capabilities, especially liberal arts must expand extracurricular reading. Parents can list the number of reading for their children, and put forward reading requirements to let their children choose their own choice, write a reading plan and make an appropriate amount of reading notes.

In the early stages of the promotion, psychological satisfaction from the family is also critical.

Third, know how to care

1. Care about children's health and help children develop reasonable schedules during the holidays.

2. Parents who have a break with the children accompany their children on Sunday. If parents only care about work or their own entertainment, they will not guide their children correctly, they will easily make their children get on TV, computers, etc., and forget everything behind them. If the two -month holiday is in this state, then the state after the official start is difficult to imagine

3. Create a good family atmosphere for children. Psychological research shows that pleasant emotions are very helpful for children's learning, and bad family atmosphere will reduce the effect of children's learning. For example, children of families with tight relations in the family have not as good as other children, poor psychological tolerance, and it is easy to abandon and abandon themselves. Therefore, parents should create a harmonious learning environment for their children to avoid unpleasant emotions. Even if you sometimes encounter unintentional things, you have to work hard to restrain themselves so as not to fluctuate the child's emotions. Especially when children have just entered junior high school, because they are not fully adapted, they often do the first exam, and their grades will not be too ideal. Some parents are not ideal when they see the children's grades. Punishment is very wrong. Be good at communication

Xiao Shengchu is a period of great fluctuations in students. Parents should pay special attention to their children's mental health at this stage to help them form a good behavior and moral quality. Usually communicate with children, communicate more with children, understand their joy and sorrow, and truly understand them, care about them, and help them.

Every child needs care. But how do parents express their care? Be more with your children! Each of us has our own job, we have our own troubles, fatigue, or even resentment. But no matter how busy with work, when your child has any doubts in study, and what thoughts do you have in your life, I hope that parents will not be busy with work, or busy with housework, busy entertainment, or have time to have time. You must be busy playing mahjong, watching TV, and. There is no time and patience to listen to the doubts and ideas in the child's heart. Do not perfunctory saying "don't know", or often take "I'm busy, I'm too tired", etc., and lack communication with children. Don't let the child get rid of the child's problem. I do n’t know once, I do n’t know twice, and the third child will not come to ask you for the third time. As a parent, you must have such a consciousness, not just let your children eat and dress well. In fact, when the child is growing up, you have to talk more and talk to them, and understand some of their situation in school. At the same time, let them understand their hard work and troubles, communicate and communicate with the children more. Talking, it will gradually establish a deep relationship with you, and you can grow up healthily. Such communication will benefit you with your child's own relationship for three years.

We want to make our children better, we must be friends of children and a wise leader. Starting now, scientific management children! Intersection

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