What exactly is the Qingdao teenager selected by Nanjing University's strong base plan?

Author:Qingdao News Network Education Time:2022.07.08

Education is related to the development of the country's social development, and it has also closed thousands of households. In recent years, it has become a hot topic for the attention of the whole people in recent years. Qingdao News Network specially launched the annual planning interview column- "Education Character", inviting different social groups such as authoritative experts, leaders in the industry, education -related professionals, principals, teachers, students, parents, related industry practitioners, etc. From the perspective of educational senior media reporters, comprehensively record the true voice of different aspects of each angle, and strive to diversify and display the interpretation and understanding of education by different groups of people.

The first time I saw Liu Yuanhao at the college entrance examination advice consultation on June 26, the people were crowded that day and the atmosphere was hot. When many students are still hiding behind their parents and bowing their heads, this thin and refreshing big boy stands in front of the booth of Nanjing University, from self -reporting results, to the ranking of consulting strong base plans. Attracted the eyes of reporters.

When filling in the volunteer list, the teacher of the admissions office reminds him to write a volunteer? He responded particularly firmly: "Yes, I just want to learn chemistry." So, the boy who could take his big idea to become a key interview object on the day of the reporter.

On June 28, he received good news from Liu Yuanhao. He was accepted by Nanjing University's strong base plan for chemistry with a comprehensive achievement of 860.313.

So with this interview. Let's take a look at the Qingdao teenager selected by Nanjing University's strong base plan?

Love: Chemistry from childhood fascination

Liu Yuanhao's love for chemistry originated from elementary school. At that time, he was curious about the composition of the material world. How did the water formed? Is acid or feeling? Many "weird" problems surround his little head.

In the sixth grade, under his persistence, Dad Liu bought a chemical element cycle table. Liu Yuanhao began to check the dictionary crazy, knew each element little by little, and gradually began to learn chemical knowledge. In junior high school to high school, Liu Yuanhao came into contact with chemical competitions, such as the fish, and dealt with freely.

It is precisely because of the experience and skills of chemical competition that in this year's strong base plan registration, Liu Yuanhao locks his eyes to the chemistry major of Nanjing University.

"My goal is very clear. For future career development and professional choices, it will always focus on chemistry." Liu Yuanhao told reporters firmly.

Perseverance: impact strong base plan

Speaking of his own strong base, Liu Yuanhao has a lot of experience to share with you:

First of all, it is integrating information and research policies. Each school and related majors are different in test subjects, grades, and preliminary re -examination time, etc. Liu Yuanhao suggested that everyone must do full homework, and some are targeted. On the basis of fully cognitive self, master more comprehensive information, comprehensively judge, and then make the corresponding choices.

Secondly, as a chemical competition student, it has certain advantages when applying for a strong base plan for the chemistry major of colleges and universities. Therefore, Liu Yuanhao suggested that you can appropriately impact the higher -level schools, not just the school that can be obtained by relying on the total score of naked tests.

In the end, Liu Yuanhao reminded everyone again that the strong base plan is mainly for students who are determined to devote themselves to basic disciplines. During this period, they cannot be transferred to a major, and there will even be a certain elimination rate. Everyone must be cautious when choosing.

When Liu Yuanhao himself impacted Nanjing University's strong base plan this year, he also passed five levels and six generals. +15%of the comprehensive results of strong bases), standing out of hundreds of people, eventually successfully became one of the three winners in the province.

From chemical competitions to the strong base plan, from the dare to sigh in the volunteer application to the chemistry major, there is no shrinking and perseverance. It is the light that is difficult to cover up in the 18 -year -old boy.

Support: Parents are firm backing

Liu Yuanhao scored a total of 652 points in the college entrance examination, and the province was about 1,000. When it comes to his family, he believes that the spiritual support given by parents and life care is important, and he can rest assured that he can fly with peace of mind.

Although Liu Yuanhao was interested in chemistry since he was a child, he was really involved in the field of chemical competitions late. He once hesitated to stop the class to attack the competition, but among them, the pressure of complementing academic homework and economic investment in the later period made him tangled. At that time, Liu Yuanhao's mother said to him: "The child is determined to do it, Don't think about money, parents will always support your decision. "This gave Liu Yuanhao a full sense of security.

Liu Yuanhao's parents are ordinary civil servants, and they are busy with daily work. They will basically not ask more about learning. During the third year of high school, in order to allow him to review it with peace of mind, they rented a house near the school and never cooking. In the evening, Dad Liu had to give him a meal for him, and basically it would not be until 12 am to go to bed. Liu Yuanhao told reporters that this year, Dad's cooking skills made rapid progress and became a "chef" from Xiao Bai.

Thanks: School of school carefully cultivated

"I want to thank the school and teachers for their training. Whether it is junior high school or high school, especially in chemical competitions and knowledge thinking, I have given me too many opportunities and exercise." Liu Yuanhao emphasized.

At the same time, he told reporters that he especially believed in the phrase "what he could say is really learned". In junior high school, the head teacher of the mathematics class arranged for Liu Yuanhao to approve the test papers and explained the class. This allowed him to gradually adapt to learning to show himself in introverted personality, no longer frightened, and further improvement of his thinking ability. Especially in the interviews of the self -recruitment and strong base plan of the high school entrance examination, Liu Yuanhao's ability to play and the confidence in his confidence has become an extra points for individuals. Liu Yuanhao not only won the quota of chemical competitions through his high school, but also maintained close exchanges with the teacher of the chemistry group. In addition, the vice president of the teaching of the teaching of him made him more firm on the road to pursuing chemical learning. In addition, Liu Yuanhao often discusses and explain the relevant knowledge points of university with teachers, and has really practiced "teaching longness" between teachers and students.

Liu Yuanhao and teacher chemistry team teacher

Suggestion: Holly solve the problem

When it comes to this summer vacation, Liu Yuanhao also made a few suggestions for the new high school students:

First, there will be a lot of operations in this summer vacation. If there are no special reasons, try to keep up with the progress of the school and strive to do more.

Second, students who have the power to learn can be appropriately expanded and reserve related competition knowledge. It is very helpful for the cognition and improvement of thinking. Especially for students who intend to participate in the strong base plan, their advantages will be more obvious. However, after the start of school, it is not recommended to take out a large time to misappropriate the competition topic.

Third, enter the third year of high school, especially for top students in high -quality high schools in the head, large -scale knowledge points generally do not have problems. Instead, small knowledge points are prone to omissions. At this time Starting from the perspective, make up for learning vulnerabilities in various ways.

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