The scorching sun is busy with the group fan to send cool this summer. This summer, the children of Ningbo are full

Author:Ningbo Evening News Time:2022.07.11

Many areas in the south are still using traditional artificial seedlings for rice planting. Right now it is the season of rice seedlings. On July 9th, at the scorching sun, 100 students and parents from the fifth grade of the second experimental elementary school in Yuyao City came to Hemu Town to participate in the town "I have a paddy field in Hemugu" labor practice.

Students and parents learn to insert rice together. School drawing

Artificial sowing and transplanting agriculture are strange for many post -80s parents present, not to mention the "10 post -10" grew up in the city. Some children even saw the plowed water field for the first time, and when they stepped on the mud, they made a surprise of "Oh, oh".

At the scene, many parents first learned by themselves and then guided their children how to master the field of farming and the depth of pairing. The slippery sludge makes people go empty as soon as they don't pay attention, and be careful when walking in the paddy field. With a courageous heart, the children were courageous, and after a simple training of local farmers, they rolled up their sleeves and lifted their trouser legs to work hard.

In the scorching sun, students and parents are tired and happy. School drawing

"It was so difficult to insert seedlings in Xiadian, and the uncle of the peasants really worked!" The children said with a smile while wiping the sweat on their forehead. After a while, the mud water was covered with clothes, and the sweat beads slipped along the cheeks to the neck, tired and happy.

"How hard to farm, we should cherish the food in the future. We must not leave the rice without eating. initiative.

Children learn to make group fans. School drawing

After ending the seedling experience, the hot and tiring students took a break, and began to learn to do something very practical in the summer-fan. The number of reeds was unearthed in the Hemudu site, indicating that the ancestors had wisdom wisdom seven thousand years ago. After learning to understand the principles of Jingwei weaving, students and parents cooperate to produce a variety of group fans in just one hour, with exquisite hanging ears, full of sense of accomplishment.

The seedling farming has turned "Khan Dihe and the Earth" into a personal experience. The woven of the group fans has a cool wind, soothe the tired body ... Yuyao Second Experimental Primary School combines labor education and research to allow children Learn to cherish the results of labor, and grow into newcomers in the era of understanding, working, and loving labor in labor practice.

Reporter Fan Ying Correspondent Culai Bo

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