"Educational Power" Zhu Yongxin: How to read and discuss with children?

Author:Chang'an Street Reading Club Time:2022.07.11

Zhu Yongxin: How to read and discuss with children?

Educational power

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The greatest conversation mode to children's help should be one -on -one conversation, and the topic of adults that talks with them should be interested and willing to contact more. For example Ordinary plans to be implemented, or activities that adults and children can participate together. The last point is very important. When adults and children participate in a certain activity together, they are likely to be attracted by some things, so they do not have the same situation of the situation at that time. This means that misunderstandings in the communication process can be minimized, and it is easier to reach consensus and understand each other.

—— (US) Gordon Wels

This is a paragraph quoted in the Chambers. This text comes from the professor of Education, the Department of Education, the Department of Education of the University of California, Mr. Walls, and mainly talks about the three layers of meaning. First, the best model of reading discussion is one -to -one conversation; second, the topic of conversation should be things that children are interested in, and children should be centered on adults. Third, the timing of conversation is best It is in the process of common activity. Why is one -on -one better? Because one -to -one is unique and strong. One -to -one is relatively easy to do in the family, and it is relatively difficult in the school. However, for some special children, they still need one -to -one conversation and exchange, and use a key to open a special lock to have special effects. Why is the topic of conversations be interested in children? Human attention is directed. If you are interested, you will naturally concentrate and go all out. If you have nothing to do with themselves, have nothing to do with the present, and not interested, children will naturally be absent High hanging. Why is it better in common activities? Because the common life naturally has a common topic, reading and common life together, reading and discussing together, bringing the text of reading to the same activity situation, it is easier to form a common language, password and value, reduce communication costs "The misunderstanding in the communication process can be minimized, and it is easier to reach consensus and understand each other." Of course, a pair of discussions also have one -to -one advantages, and the importance of the influence of children's influence cannot be underestimated. Therefore, the second and third principles are also very suitable for one -to -many reading discussions.

The conversation is actually part of the thinking process. We often listen to people and say, "I don't have a lot of words, but I think more." "Let me change my way to persuade you." "How do you think this idea is?" I want to confirm whether I really understand what I think in my heart. I might as well try Try to speak freely.

- (English) Aiden Charles

I once said that if you want to write wonderful, you must do wonderful and lively. Similarly, if you want to speak wonderful, you must think clearly, understand, and wonderful. Talks and discussions are not only to test whether a person really understands books, understands text, and master the important criterion of content. It is also an important path of a person to organize his own thinking and clarify his thoughts. Therefore, Chambers proposed that the motivation of "telling ideas" is not only to listen to their own inner, but also hope to clarify their intentions through the interaction with the audience, and this kind of thing "cannot be done by yourself." Therefore, both in the family or in the school, parents and teachers should let their children speak as much as possible to express their views and demands. We must discuss and communicate equally with children as much as possible, and encourage children to express different opinions and opinions. After the children read a book, they encouraged them to tell the content of the book, the viewpoints in the comment, and the possible ending. Talking, communication, and communication can not only train children's expression skills, but also train their thinking skills. Joining reading for discussion itself is a motivation to attract participation, because "everyone speaks together" can not only bring together everyone's understanding of the text, achieve a more complete cognition, discuss itself that it can often stimulate new sparks, deepen us Cognition of text; and this cognition usually knows that before discussion, we usually know it.

- (English) Aiden Charles

In the school's reading education, there are more activities. The discussions, exchanges, and sharing of various reading clubs and reading groups are very important. Why is this discussion important? Because it is an important way to make good benefits, condense consensus, and rich cognition. As Chambers said, such a discussion can be used to "solve the difficult and complicated issues that cannot be completed by single fighting alone." In any team, few people are omnipresent. "When each member in the team can do everything and cooperate with each other, it is definitely more meaningful than individuals." In the discussion, the conceptual graphics in each person's mind will be enriched into a more complete puzzle. The picture of the picture that was not seen was found. The discussion was not only rich and improved. It can help us get new knowledge. Because of in -depth discussions, we "better understand the rich and diverse appearance of the text." At the same time, the collision of this thinking and the integration of emotions will further stimulate the interest of reading, generate the so -called "intellectual joy", and form a positive cycle of reading.

Zhu Yongxin: The lecturer of the Chang'an Street Reading Club, Deputy Secretary -General of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

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