Public Welfare Face | The four -year "Aid Road" of the President of Guangzhou Branch

Author:Southern Plus client Time:2022.07.11

"Good morning classmate!" "Good morning teacher!"

In the second middle school of Kashgar Shufu County, Xinjiang, every morning at school, students can see that familiar figures welcomes them to return to school at the entrance of the school. Over the past four years, whether it is a cold winter of minus 35 degrees or the summer heat of 35 degrees in summer, it has never stopped.

Cute and kind "patrol school"

"Don't look at my shoes a lot of old shoes. In fact, this is also a pair of new shoes, but it is gray less than half a day every day." Xinjiang's off work ".

"There are two hours of time difference in Xinjiang and Guangzhou. I get up at 7 o'clock every day and return to school at 10 pm. In order to be able to return to school, I also reject the best support apartment. The dormitory of the road is to return to the school more conveniently. "In President Ye's view, as a foreign support teacher, he needs to invest more time and energy to integrate into the school and integrate into the students in order to get closer to the students The distance becomes the good teacher and friend of the students.

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