Careful planning, strengthening interaction, inspecting 20,000 classrooms, only for the "qualit

Author:Central National University Time:2022.06.14

2480 courses start on schedule

More than 88,000 people to learn online

With the work of teachers and students of the whole school

The online teaching of this preparatory course is orderly

Standard does not decrease


Study is not interrupted

From the beginning of the summer in the early spring, our spring semester courses gradually ended. Looking closely, even if the screen was seen and the cloud platform was class, everyone was still enthusiastic and self -disciplined. The teachers always taught and taught them seriously. The orderly, vivid, and positive online classroom atmosphere allowed us to gain a portion of learning experience.

Different learning life immersive learning status

Zhang Xinzheng, a level 2020 undergraduate student at the School of Ethnology and Sociology

Although I felt sorry for missing some campus life, looking back at the online course of the one -semester, I felt that the online course also made me a lot. I learned to adjust the state of learning, learn to keep up with the teacher's thinking, so that I can truly enter the immersive learning state, and be responsible for my own learning.

The desire for knowledge will not be interrupted

Xu Xin, a level 2020 undergraduate student at the School of Literature

Even across one screen, I can still feel the college teachers' concern about our learning situation and living conditions. In class discussions, we are also actively involved in it, and the collision of views often has new thoughts and new feelings.

During the online class, I hope to be self -disciplined, not unruly

Lan Sijing, 2019 undergraduate student of the School of History and Culture

Self -discipline is the habit we must develop during the online class. The courses set by teachers are very interesting. In addition to simply classroom teaching, they will also carry out rich activities in WeChat groups, such as knowledge competitions, card commentary, etc., which not only deepen our pair of courses related to the content of the course content. The memory of knowledge has also been active for the long -term "autism" of students at home.

Refusing to anxiety, progress is hidden in hard work

Pu Yetong, a level 2021 undergraduate student at the School of Economics

Through a period of exploration, I found my best online class. As long as I put down my mobile phone and picked up the pen, I would not distract the teacher's thinking process while listening to the class. My professional class teachers are very patient. Although it is an online course, I still want to help us better understand the knowledge, and answer questions online in time.

Time, diligent, advanced day by day, do not drop academic studies

Shu Xinying, a level 2021 undergraduate student at the Academy of Science

Compared with traditional teaching, I think that online lessons are more mobile and flexible, which not only reduces commute time, and there will be back to live lessons. Video class resources and learning materials are sufficient. These undoubtedly provide great convenience for our learning to provide great convenience ; During the home, I also give everyone more time to cultivate their interests, and the tolerance is high.

The teaching method is changing, the enthusiasm is not diminished

Mr. Yang Zongli, a professor of this semester of Marxist Academy, is the "Outline of Modern History in China". When it comes to online teaching experience, she said:

"Although there are complete courses in the learning passage, I still have to take a live lesson for students. Still, the teacher's teaching enthusiasm is still. "

Teacher Yang Zongli believes that online teaching makes the interaction between teachers and students more convenient, and the classroom atmosphere is more active. Some students who are usually more embarrassed and do not like to speak can also participate in online interaction and express their true ideas:

"Compared with traditional classrooms, online teaching is set up by setting theme discussion, automatic answers, random names, etc. force."

Careful planning to ensure the "three non -stop"

Since the spring semester, considering the prevention and control of the epidemic and teaching work plan, the school has formulated the "Central University of the National University for the Spring Semete of 2022 (Pre -Science and Teaching Work Plan", which clarifies the work content, schedule, work requirements, etc. of online teaching , Encourage teachers to adapt to course conditions and adopt various ways to ensure the school's normal teaching and scientific order.

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Slide left and right to view pictures

Keep teaching, keep studying, and keep studying. Since the online teaching, the school has held video conferences on the prevention and control of the epidemic many times to re -deploy and emphasize related work, and require various tasks in accordance with the standards of "strict, tight, fast, and realistic". The school's party committee listened to the work report of teaching and research units. It is clear that while doing a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic, we must make a good job in teaching and scientific research, effectively ensure the quality of online teaching, and continue to strengthen scientific research.

The school has held a video conference on the prevention and control work of the epidemic, and the requirements for deployment of related work

Strengthen inspection and supervision to ensure "quality online"

The school pays attention to the operation status of undergraduate online teaching work, earnestly does well and implements relevant work deployment, emphasizes to ensure the improvement of online teaching quality, improve teaching methods, and adjust teaching solutions. Related teaching units must supervise online teaching models to ensure guarantee Online teaching quality.

The first class of the start of the school online teaching order online inspection

Song Min, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President, hosted a working meeting of the President of Teaching, requesting to strengthen the inspection of online teaching order and quality monitoring

With the core of strengthening the quality monitoring of online teaching, the school implemented the system of online teaching inspection weekly reporting system targeted. The Academic Affairs Office is in the new week of online teaching teaching in the new week, and conducts teaching order inspections and classroom listening for class. Classroom teaching inspections include classroom teaching order, teacher spiritual style, student attendance inspection, etc.; Classroom listening to lessons mainly examines classroom teaching specifications, teaching content, teaching effects, student feedback and teaching quality. Conference of the Academic Affairs Office deploy online teaching inspection work

School leaders, college leaders, supervisory experts, and academic affairs office

"Zuo Duer" teaching front line

Discover problems in the classroom and improve improvement

A total of more than 20,000 inspection class

Online teaching listening course nearly 250 courses

Covering the school's 20 preparatory teaching units

Teachers have unlocked new teaching skills, and flexibly adopt innovative teaching methods such as learning through learning, teacher -student interaction, flipping classrooms, hybrid teaching, to increase the attractiveness of the classroom, and to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students' online learning.

The two ends of the network cable are connected to you and me

When spring comes, we will not be enthusiastic about it

If you are thirsty, cherish the knowledge of knowledge

Accumulated a while, the remote journey of thousands of miles

The final exam season is coming

Hope you Mucer

Get good grades!

Products | Merchants Media Center of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee

Text | Academic Affairs Office

Draft | Chi Jingjing

Capture | Xu Xinyu

Editor | Li Hongliang

- END -

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