"Double reduction" landing!

Author:Wuwei Rong Media Time:2022.06.14

▲ Students are conducting popular science practice (taken on May 25).Some teachers and students of Wuwei Tenth Middle School organized some teachers and students into Wuwei Jinfan Agricultural Science and Education Rural Complex to visit new types of agricultural cultivation technology, representative non -heritage exhibition products, and experience science popularization practice, so that students can grow in experience and perceive in growth.Ensure that the "double reduction" falls down.All media reporter Wang Li

▲ On June 10th, Xiguan Primary School in Minqin County carried out after -school service community activities.The school closely grasped the key aspects of the "double reduction" work, vigorously improved the quality of teaching, the level of operation management, and the level of service after class, and promoted the high -quality and balanced development of education.Gan is full camera

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