Besters under the Lion Mountain!

Author:Jinan University Time:2022.07.16

July 1, 2022

Celebrate the 25th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to the motherland

It is held in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center

Jinan University and Hong Kong

Have a unique deep source

Today, the Chinese Communist Party of China

More than 6,600 students studying in Hong Kong

Nearly 70,000 Hong Kong alumni and 14 alumni organizations

They have already become an important force for patriotism and Hong Kong

Seize the new opportunities to build a dream at the time

The story of Hong Kong Jinnan

It's a wonderful continuation every day

Hong Kong -based academician Su Guohui:

I grow together with the motherland

"We are all Chinese, we should help each other and find ways to solve the problem together. I am very grateful to the motherland for their special care of Hong Kong and Macao residents during the new crown epidemic." Su Guohui, president of the hospital.

In 1978, Su Guohui decided to return to China after graduating from MIT. According to his memories, there were many neurosciences in Europe and the United States at that time, but there were few in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions and the Mainland. It's. "

As the country pays more and more attention to scientific development and focus on cultivating scientific and technological talents, the application conversion rate of scientific research results has increased day by day. In this regard, Su Guohui said, "I am very grateful to the motherland for decades for their support for scientists over the past decades and their attention to scientific causes. Today's era has provided a lot of opportunities for scientific and technological talents."

Su Guohui believes that the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area is an important area for the future development of the motherland, and there will be many things worth looking forward to. He sends contemporary youths, "In the face of changing eras, only by continuously enhanced his ability and strives to meet the needs of the times, can we provide better services to the country, society, and regions."

He sighed from his heart, "The young people are very happy now, because the state's management is getting better and better, the level of economic development is getting higher and higher, and the environment of science and technology is constantly getting better. As a Chinese, it should be very proud. The Greater Bay Area is a very important development area in our country. There will be many opportunities for young people here. Give full play to your potential at any time. "

Hong Kong school director Huo Zhenhuan:

Salary and fire, mind, heart

The recovery and development of Jinan University is inseparable from the support of all schools. At the beginning of the re -office of Guangzhou in 1978, the Huo family had a close relationship with the University. From the beginning of the reconstruction in the snow to send charcoal to the persistent support in the future, the two generations of the Huo family played a key role in the history of the great development.

Born in Huo Zhenhuan in 1949, he is his peers in New China. He and his father Huo Yingdong and the previous generation of Hong Kong people witnessed and participated in the construction and development of China for decades. Before Hong Kong returned to the motherland, Huo Yingdong helped the reform and opening up. At that time, Huo Zhenhuan, who graduated from the school, followed his father to go south and went to the north to invest in the Mainland. He stepped on a dense footprint in Guangdong.

In 1980, Huo Yingdong began to be a director of the board of directors and the vice chairman in 1985. At the beginning of Ji Fu, Huo Yingdong sent charcoal to buy urgently needed instruments and equipment for the school. In 1984, Huo Yingdong donated $ 1 million to help and develop medical education and health care. Since 1986, Jinan University has established an office in Hong Kong. Huo Yingdong provided a set of office buildings at the Hong Kong Xinde Center for free for the school as an office and extended to this day. In 1996, Huo Yingdong donated 2 million Hong Kong dollars to the school to support the construction of Huo Yingdong Sports Center of Shenzhen Tourism Institute. In addition, Huo Yingdong is one of the founders of the Jinan University Education Foundation established in Hong Kong in Hong Kong. He did a lot of work for raising the education fund.

Huo Zhenhuan continued his father Huo Yingdong's feelings. He was hired as a board of directors of the Board of Directors in 2001 and was hired as the vice chairman in 2013. Huo Zhenhuan cares about supporting the development of the school's various undertakings, promotes exchanges and cooperation with the University of Hong Kong, provides suggestions for the development of the school, took the lead in supporting the construction of the Panyu campus, and educating the school's graduate education, the development of sports, and promoting the communication of Chinese culture to make excellence. contribute.

Anti -Epidemic People Ming Weijie:

"Medicine" Guardian of the front line of resistance

In January 2020, when the new crown epidemic broke out, the unknown and fear of the epidemic spread in society. In the face of this situation, Ming Weijie, an alumni of Jinan University Hong Kong, fought for the first time, and quickly organized students to set up a new type of coronary virus pneumonia science volunteer team on New Year's Eve. The science work of the epidemic prevention and control knowledge has served nearly 60,000 people.

Ming Weijie said: "I didn't think so much at the time. As a medical teacher, I had the responsibility to prevent the people from popularizing the epidemic to prevent and control knowledge and reduce panic. But my own strength was still limited. Power. "According to Ming Weijie, this team was the earliest student science popularization team in the country after the outbreak of the epidemic, of which about 30%of them came from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas regions.

Ming Weijie is a native of Hong Kong. He said that his feelings for the motherland were deep, and this deep emotion was actually produced by him during studying abroad. At that time, in a foreign country, he felt that he was different as a Chinese among many differences, but he would have worries, but he would also feel a sense of pride in his heart. The determination. "As a medical worker, Ming Weijie saw the power of the motherland more intuitively in this epidemic. He preached that the country is very concerned about the situation of the epidemic situation in Hong Kong, and has given strong support in medical supplies and personnel. "Thanks to the motherland, we feel very warm and practical."

"Fairy Fairy" Liang Anli:

Planting Huahai in Guizhou

Liang Anli is a native "post -90s" Hong Kong girl. After graduating from Jinan University in 2018, she first came to Hezhang County, Guizhou Province during her travel with her family. After learning that Hezhang was a national deep poverty -stricken county, Liang Anli found the "new coordinate" of life -through industrial assistance, he drove the villagers of Hezhang to get rid of poverty. "I used to be hard to imagine what is useful to society, but I think it has been slowly found the answer in recent years."

With the help of the first poverty alleviation cooperation group in Guangdong Province and his unremitting efforts, Liang Anli finally built a flower base in the Wumeng Mountains at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters. In just a few years, dozens of flower varieties such as white fan chrysanthemum, Hokkaido lavender, Zhizhi, Annabela hydrangea have been successfully introduced and successfully introduced. As of November 2020, she and the team had a total of 517 greenhouses and 400 flowers planting bases.

"Poverty alleviation does not rely on a team, but to rely on many people to do this together." In the process of participating in poverty alleviation, Liang Anli had a deeper understanding of the motherland and felt for being a Chinese. Sincere pride. After successful entrepreneurship, in order to give more alumni and youth opportunities, Liang Anli first created a bridge between Hong Kong and Macao Youth Aid Guizhou Aid Entrepreneurship Base and built a bridge between Hong Kong and Macao and the Mainland, providing opportunities for Yue, Hong Kong and Macao youth to study at the base.

In 5 years, the "Fairy Fairy" that came out of the Jinan Garden, with the sweat of youth, was poured out of the hot soil of poverty alleviation.

Glorious Banner Guardian Yang Yingting:

"National flag has unique power"

Yang Yingting from Hong Kong, China is a student at Jinan University Law and a member of the National Flag Guard. According to her memories, the reason why she joined the National Flag Guard is because when the enrollment community was new, I saw the very bright flag on the side of the flag guard at a glance. With a unique power. "She recalled that the attraction of the national flag to herself was already born when she was a child. A sense of being protected. "

After several months of standing troops, walking away, walking, and physical test assessment, Yang Yingting officially became a member of the Guardian Guard of the Jinan University. Over the years of the flag protection experience has brought many spiritual support to the milded Hong Kong girl, and it has also become her "happiness moment". "The national flag gave me a spiritual orientation, which made my pride in the country incorporate ideas, and made my forward direction more clear." Today, Yang Yingting, the senior, is very pleased to see that there are more and more in the national flag guards. New face from Hong Kong.

After graduating, Yang Yingting decided to stay in the Mainland to develop, which also received the full support of his family. In this regard, she said that the connection between Hong Kong and the Mainland is getting closer and closer. "I hope that one day I can become a bridge in the two places to better serve regional and national development."

They are down to the ground step by step

With your own actions

Promote the development of Hong Kong and the Mainland

In your own way

Show the heart of punches

Congratulations to Hong Kong's 25th anniversary of returning to the motherland

Bester under the Lion Rock Mountain

Continue to create the future together

Source: Guangming Daily CCTV News Jinan University Alumni Association N Video Jinan University Rong Media Center

Editor of the People's No.: Lin Millennium

- END -

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