"Looking for Dreams and Fujian": immersed real -life performance launched Fuzhou Millennium Humanities Scroll

Author:China Youth Daily Client Time:2022.08.07

China Youth Daily Client News (China Youth Daily · China Youth Network reporter Jiang Xiaobin) The large -scale immersive real -life performance "Looking for the Dream of Fujian" has recently completed the first performance in Wushan, Fuzhou. Performance is based on the culture of Fujian capital, integrates the art, light sculpture art, and visual art in one, and bring the audience's visual, listening, touching, and participating "dreams in the hole, the capital of Fujian for thousands of years".

The performances of "Finding Dreams and Fujian" are divided into four chapters such as "Mountains and Seas", "Fangxiang feelings", "Haise Legend" and "Blessing State". The main image runs through, depicting the lifelike Fuzhou humanistic ecological scroll.

"Between Mountains and Seas" uses immersive light and shadow space to bring the audience into the ancient fantasy realm to expand a mythical story of Fujian capital; "Fangxiang Feelings" uses 3D projection technology to tell the affection and affection of the historical and cultural celebrities of Fuzhou to the homeland Love; "Haise Legend" adopts the form of music and dance poetry dramas, which interprets the love story of a pair of young men and women in the upper and lower Hangzhou regions in the context of the development of maritime trade in the Ming Dynasty, showing Fuzhou's jasmine tea culture and the spirit of the bravery of Fujian businessmen; The final chapter, "Blessing State" with the interactive performance of the screen holographic and real people, showing the people of Fuzhou moved towards the future under the guidance of the banyan tree.

The ancient city space pattern of the "San Mountains, Two Towers and One Street" in Fuzhou retains the memory of this landscape city. Wushan, the place of this performance, has been a tourist spot since the Tang Dynasty, and has formed a tourist line with the Sanfang Qixiang District.

The performance was produced by Fuzhou Famous City Protection and Development Co., Ltd., planned and produced by Sunshine Media Group. Yang Lan, chairman of Sunshine Media Group and the general planning of "Looking for Dreams and Fujian", introduced that in 2021, as a part of the 44th World Heritage Conference, "Finding Dream · Fang Lane" showed the world the "treasure city" of Fuzhou. On this basis, innovation and improvement have become the current resident performance "Finding Dreams and Fujian". (The pictures of this article are produced by "Finding Dreams and Fujian"/Picture)

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