In the summer, the box office exceeded the summer of last year.

Author:Film and television vane Time:2022.08.15

According to data released by the National Film Bureau, at 16:38 on August 13, the box office of this summer (June 1st to August 31st) exceeded the total box office of 7.381 billion yuan last summer. As of now, the box office of this summer has reached 7.657 billion yuan.

Last week (August 8th to 14th), the box office closed at 810 million yuan, a significant decrease from 1.402 billion yuan and 1.243 billion yuan from the previous two weeks. Fortunately, this Friday, the Hollywood animated blockbuster "Little Yellow Restaurant Great Eyes: Stealing Daddy's Prequel" will be released across the country, hoping to add another fire to the film market and help the summer box office impact 10 billion yuan.

The box office this summer exceeds last summer in advance

In the early summer of this year, due to the impact of the epidemic, the two major ticket warehouses in Shanghai and Beijing were forced to suspend business. The theater in Shanghai did not resume work until July 8th. Opening, until now, there are more than 40 underground cinemas in Beijing that have not opened the door. In addition, the continuous and repeated epidemic in the country has greatly affected the audience's enthusiasm for watching the movie.

Under such difficult situations, what is unexpected is that "Lone Moon", "Life", "Jurassic World 3", "Detective War", "Tomorrow War", "Mozart of Outer Space" and other Chinese and foreign blockbusters Drive the box office of this summer to open and go low.

Especially the "Lone Moon" released on July 29 and "Life Event" released on June 24, set off two waves of viewing of this summer.

As of August 14, the 17 -day box office of "Lone Moon" reached 2.435 billion yuan, becoming the biggest contributor to the box office of the summer season this year. The 52 -day box office of "Life" was 1.693 billion yuan.

The box office of the two films has exceeded the box office champion "Chinese Doctor" (1.322 billion yuan) in the summer season of last year, accounting for more than half of the current box office of the summer season this year, helping the box office this summer at 16:38 on August 13th at 16:38 It exceeded the total box office of 7.381 billion yuan in the summer of last year.

The box office of 810 million yuan last week decreased significantly from the previous two weeks

Last week (August 8th to 14th), there were 7 new films such as "Broken Bridge", "Hunting", "Long Confession" and "Never Compromance", but only "Broken · Bridge" released on August 13 It can be called a relatively heavy film. It has received 122 million yuan in two days, and has achieved good box office results. The other new film market performed poorly.

Affected by the flat performance of the new film and the box office trend of "Lone Moon", last week, the box office of Mainland China Film City closed at 810 million yuan, a significant decline in 1.402 billion yuan and 1.243 billion yuan from the previous two weeks. If there is no heavy Chinese and foreign films and policy boost in the second half of August, it is expected that the box office of this summer is about 9 billion yuan.

Fortunately, two good news came from the film market this week. One is the favorable policy. On August 11, the National Film Bureau issued a notice that the 2022 film -benefit consumption season activities were launched from August to October. The main measures include promoting more new films to speed up the release. Film consumption vouchers, deeply excavate the potential of rural film consumption, promote tax reduction, social insurance premiums, rents and exemption, electricity use preferential discounts, business interrupt insurance and other rescue policies in the film industry.

It is expected that these measures will not only attract more audiences into the theater, but also drive the audience's film consumption enthusiasm for the audience in the short term, but also to a certain extent to have the role of relief and boosting the entire Chinese film industry.

Can "Little Yellow Restaurant Meng 2" add fire again?

Another advantage is: On August 8th, the Hollywood animation blockbuster "Little Yellow People's Eyes: Stealing Daddy's Prequel" officially set up on August 19th. The film was released in North America and the world on July 1 this year. As of now, the global box office is as high as US $ 905 million.

"Little Huang Ren Great Eye Meng: Stealing Daddy's Prequel" is the second part of the derivative film "Little Yellow Man's Eyes" of the "Daddy Stealing Daddy" series. Fifth movie.

The global box office of "Little Yellow Renxiang Eye Meng" released in 2015 is as high as 1.159 billion US dollars and 435 million yuan in the box office of Mainland China. "God Stealing Dad 3", which was released in the summer of 2017, has a global box office of US $ 1 billion and a box office in Mainland China up to 1.037 billion yuan.

It can be seen that this series has a strong IP effect and a good audience in both global and among Chinese audiences. With the release of the film in the Chinese mainland film market this Friday, it is expected to add another fire to this summer. If the film can gain 1 billion box office in China like "Daddy Stealing Daddy 3", it is expected to drive the box office of this summer to impact 10 billion yuan.

What is slightly worried is that the popularity and attention of the film is not high enough. As of now, Cat Eye wants to see only 99,721 people, has not yet started pre -sale, and the box office prospects in Mainland China are unclear.

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