Sanxiang's comments 丨 Singing the main theme must be returned

Author:Hunan Daily Time:2022.08.22

Zhu Yonghua, full media commentator of Hunan Daily

From August 20th, a golden file of CCTV was broadcast on the TV series "Song of Lushan" produced by Hunan Satellite TV. A work of a realistic industry theme can stand on the "C position" of the large platform, which immediately attracted the attention of all parties, and even the producer himself called "good accident".

In the first few episodes, I believe that most viewers can understand that "Song of Lushan" is the projection of the key pillar industry of our province -construction machinery. The plot shows that over the years, the construction machinery industry of Hunan business cards has revolved around the development trajectory of the development of the industry from confused, selection, and trapped.

If you do n’t know if you do n’t know, you are in adversity. When a "big factory" with a deep expectation, when the "cold wave" struck, the salary of employees failed, and thousands of people's layoffs were dismissal. The 70 -year -old enterprise transformation and finance of the manufacturing industry has completely stripped of serious losses. Is it a transformation or death for the current fiery financial virtual products? This is a "brain burning" but must give a clear answer.

A realistic TV series reflecting "grasping production" looks ups and downs and funny. It naturally reflects the specialty of Hunan Satellite TV who is good at operating stories and creating "selling points". It is also normal to win a high ratings. At the moment when the worldwide attaches great importance to manufacturing and the return of industrial regression, the theme of this TV series is particularly thoughtful.

We might as well review the scenes in the past for a long time: the real estate and financial industry are hot, the virtual economy is extremely prosperous, all kinds of leverage flies, and the "myths" of wealth gathering are endless. In contrast, the traditional manufacturing and real economy seems to be unpopular ... If there is no high degree of sober decision maker, the national economy may be like a looting wild horse to run into a deeper cliff.

"Manufacturing is a national economic lifeblood", "We must be strong in a big country, rely on the real economy, and cannot foam" ... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping attached great importance to the development of the real economy. Strategic thinking makes a major judgment on the basic position of the real economy. Hunan is the first province to introduce the nation's first provincial advanced manufacturing industry to promote the promotion regulations. "Send policies, solve problems, and service services". Eventually there are returns: In 2021, the value added of Hunan manufacturing accounted for GDP to 27.7%, and 3 trillion -level industrial clusters of equipment manufacturing, raw materials, and consumer goods emerged. Leading companies stood out, Hunan Iron and Steel Group ranked among the Fortune 500 in Wealth, and Sanyi Group ranked among Forbes Fortune 500; a group of high -quality companies have grown rapidly, 100 billion companies have reached 5 from scratch, and 10 billion companies have increased from 14 to 39. ; A group of small and medium -sized enterprises emerged, cultivating 26 single championships in the national manufacturing industry, and 232 new "little giants" enterprises in the national specialty.

The sea flows, Fang Xian's heroic character. Adhering to the "main position" and playing the "main theme" will eventually get a generous return on the market. This is the macro of "Song of Lushan", and it is also the righteousness of our future development path.

[Edit: Wang Yaobing]

[Source: Hunan Daily · New Hunan Client]

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