"My boyfriend never likes my circle of friends"

Author:Bloody animal Time:2022.08.24

Author of this article: Hu Xin Shu.

(ID: huxinshu713), do not reprint without permission.

Hello everyone, this is an editor who is unwilling to disclose.

When I brushed a little red book a few days ago, I found that some girls would be angry because the boyfriend "jumped" because of her boyfriend's circle of friends. While feeling very puzzled, I suddenly realized that I was much worse than her because my My boyfriend never likes my friend circle.

After turning over the circle of friends, I found that my girlfriend and family are always the most popular, followed by ordinary friends and classmates. Instead, they live together every day, and the closer boyfriend almost commented.

More precisely, he is only interacted with people except me.

For the two friends of our two, his buddies, who have a good relationship with the opposite sex, he never regrets his praise, and I can often see him in the circle of other people's friends.

There was no such person in the circle of friends of my girlfriend.

Asked the female friends who were in love or married, I learned that most boyfriend would not interact with his girlfriend's circle of friends.

Although the circle of friends does not like any boyfriend, the severity will not cause quarrels, let alone break up, but girls still say that they will care and sadly.

Personally, especially when I see that he is active in the circle of other people's friends, there will inevitably be a loss of "why only I am excluded".

With this kind of confusion, I asked the man in my family, hoping that he could stand on a male perspective to give our girls a answer, and the answer was not surprising-

"What do you like when you live together?" "The photos of your circle of friends are not all taken by you." "What do you comment on every day?" "Anyway, you know I will definitely watch it."

In short, in the eyes of boys, in addition to declared sovereignty when they were just together, it was completely unnecessary to like this behavior to girlfriend friends.

In fact, think in other ways. From the perspective of male, I seem to understand their thoughts:

The two people have been in love for a long time, and they can no longer be familiar. If they interact in the circle of friends, they feel weird. It seems that people who are in contact with each other will communicate through the circle of friends every day. Only the kind of uncommon friends will occasionally make a joke in the circle of friends.

To say that this idea really can't make mistakes, but from the perspective of girls, it is inevitable that they will compare with when they are in love, which has a great sense of gap.

You must know that when you are still in an ambiguous period, the happiest moment of the girl is the most happy moment to send a circle of friends for less than 10 seconds, and see his likes or comments? The feeling of being concerned about being concerned at all times is really good. I believe that no girl will not eat this set.

It seems that girls like to be praised by her boyfriend. It seems that what really makes us really "he has always cared about me."

Therefore, even if they have been together for a long time, girls will still be happy because of their boyfriend's praise; even if WeChat talks about the same content every day, girls will still answer "What are you doing?" Repeat the question.

As long as it is a girl, you will like to be cared for, whether in the form of vulgar or more daily behaviors.

In fact, from the ambiguous period-love period-flat period, feelings will definitely change. Many ambiguous romantic behaviors when they are in a dull period will be regarded as unnecessary to do.

But this does not mean that these behaviors are meaningless! For example, like likes, although it seems to be done or not, it will still make his girlfriend happy as long as you do it.

Similarly, the happiness of the second back must be greater than that of the second, and occasionally a romantic date must be better to live without fun.

Many dull periods feel that there is no need to do it anymore, often the secret to increasing love and happiness.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the reason why many couples walk from the dull period to break up because they have entered a large misunderstanding -as if once in love, they have entered a stable stage, so they don’t need to work hard to make the other party happy. The only one is the only one. The only one is the only one. All can be maintained.

But unfortunately, "maintaining intimacy" itself is a very troublesome thing, and it is also a very specific thing. It requires continuous efforts to do it.

So, don't ignore any details that might make your partner happy, let alone feel that these details are unnecessary.

As long as it can make this relationship better, it is not futile.

- END -

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