"The End of the Sea is the Grassland" first revealed that A Yunga and Ding Chengxin across the mountains and the sea to the Mid -Autumn Festival

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.08.26

The film "The End of the Sea is the Prairie" directed by Er Dongsheng released the first production special today (26). In the film, Ding Chengxin, who appeared in "Little Dau Cake" Ma Zhengyuan, exposed a new shot sitting in the Mongolian robe and leaning on the stone, and cited fans to look forward to it.


Ding Chengxin

The film "The End of the Sea is the Grassland" is produced by Li Jinwen (the chief of the "Chinese Captain" and "Gu Jian Qi Tan" and other popular film and television works), starring Chen Baoguo, Masu, Ayunga and others. The film is adapted from the real historical event of "Three Thousands of Orphans into the Inner Mongolia". It was launched on April 15, 2021. On August 10th, it will be released on the Mid -Autumn Festival on September 9 this year.


As a film that took place in the grassland of Inner Mongolia, the entire crew of "The End of the Sea" was stationed in the grassland most of the time, experiencing great shooting difficulties and making difficulties: the unpredictable weather, the wind and sand at any time ... Touring the scenes with a distance of all distances, the farthest distance exceeds 100 kilometers, which made the director Er Dongsheng sigh: "The distance of the scene is very troublesome, complicated than I imagined, it may be the most difficult to make the process in the scene of my shooting process. A complicated drama. "


shooting scene

In addition to "fighting wisdom" with nature, Er Dongsheng is also extremely controlled in setting up scenes, props, and lens scheduling. Even the thickness of the text fonts appearing in the scene must be checked one by one. In order to better express the environment, the "detail control" he mobilized the props group to make its own wind sand, use a large number of wind turbine, and repeatedly test the safety of the safety, and continuously appease the emotions of the little actor when shooting ...



During the creation process, the director group studied a lot of information and found the exchange of local ethnic experts and historical consultants to conduct in -depth research and understanding of national customs of different ages. The actors also felt the simplicity and simplicity and the people of the Inner Mongolia people during the shooting process. Kind. Masu, who plays the mother of the grassland, Sa Renna: "The conditions at that time were so difficult, and I could feel the selfless love of the grassland people."

Red Star reporter Zhang Shihao intern Tong Yuanhang

Edit Duan Xueying Frequent Frequency according to the film side

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