Jay Chou brings the goods again!The new album is first rushed to the hot search, and the price of the fire is doubled

Author:World network dealer Time:2022.07.06

Ye Chen, a world network businessman

Edit Li Danchao

On July 16th, 19 years ago, more than 50 radio stations in Asia presented a song. About 800 million people listened at the same time.

That song was Jay Chou's repeated award -winning work "The Father's Name"; that year, he sang this song at the age of 24.

19 years later, Jay Chou also entered middle age. At this time, he has not updated the album for 6 years, and suddenly announced that he will release the new album "The Great Works" on July 15 this year. The news excited the fans.

As a warm -up, at 12 noon on July 6, the new album released the first wave of MVs. On the video number, the forwarding and collection volume of this MV broke through 100,000.

MV adheres to Jay Chou's always favorite literary style: In the video, he plays into a time and space traveler by piano, crossing the 1920s, and met with artists and writers.

The sharp -eyed netizens noticed that whenever Jay Chou showed magic to these masters, friends with their peers would take out their cameras and record their expressions. When the travel journey ended, the two had taken a precious photo.

This camera that runs through the plot was then exposed to the classic style SX-70, which was exposed to Poli Lai (because transliteration, also known as standing). In the afternoon of the same day, some second -hand camera shops on some e -commerce platforms had been labeled with the "Jay Chou same model", and the prices generally rose.

The camera price in the new song MV is doubled

"Before today, the fuselage itself is not expensive, around 2,000 yuan; a full set of cameras with better color, it is less than 3,000 yuan." Mr. Lin is the founder of a photography institution in Hangzhou. Essence In his opinion, after Jay Chou's MV became popular, Poli Lai corresponds to the price increase of the second -hand camera.

Corresponding to it, at 14:30 pm on July 6, "World Online Merchants" searched for SX-70 on some second-hand platforms, which basically did not be less than 3,000 yuan, and some of them had risen to about 4,000 yuan. Compared Trouble; there are also 9999 yuan price of stores, showing "Do not shoot".

Some shopkeepers expected the search keywords of fans, and played the words "Jay Chou same" and "Zhou Dong MV" early.

Interestingly, in order to take this wave of popularity, some shops selling non-SX-70 models also hang the same words. This is because many products of Poli Lai are also built with SX-70. If they are not professionals, they usually cannot distinguish the difference in details.

As the essential auxiliary consumption, photo paper has also received attention.

For a long time, a big highlight of Poli is that it is packed with the photo of the brand, which can be taken as soon as possible. However, with the rise of digital cameras, Poli Lai and film cameras gradually withdrew from the mainstream consumer market, and the output of photo paper and film was also reduced.

At present, the price of SX-70-specific photo paper is about 100-120 yuan/set, and the price increase trend has not been reflected.

Mr. Lin analyzed: "Fans snapped up Poli, mainly for collecting commemoration, there are fewer opportunities to take. At the same time, a set of photo paper can only be taken with 8 sheets. A few waste films, at least 20 yuan a cost, some fans will be discouraged. "

Zhou Dong's camera fancy is good and less

At the product conference in 1972, Edwin Rand, the founder of Polylai brand, found the SX-70 from his jacket pocket, and then took and printed 5 photos in just 10 seconds. This masterpiece.

At that time, this was the only Polaroid camera that could be easily packed in the bag, and there were no other cameras in the world that could be used as quickly as it. After the SX-70 was produced, about 700,000 units were sold within a year and a half.

However, for half a century, the SX-70 that can still be used on the market has been rare. Things are scarce. As a classic model, SX-70 frequently appears in popular movies such as Iwai's "Love Letter". Mr. Lin frankly said: "Classic and good machines, with their own movies and literary attributes, coupled with the drive of Jay Chou's new song MV, there is a reasonable premium space."

This is not the first time Jay Chou has "carried goods" for a second -hand camera.

Among the previous MVs of the single "Saying Good", netizens watched the heroine watching 232,000 yen (equivalent to RMB 15,000), and sent a Zeiss 80mm F2 for the photographer boyfriend who was going to be separated. 8 -lens Harcho 503CW mid -frame film camera.

This medium format filmmaker produced by the famous Swedish camera manufacturer Harzsu was launched in the market in 1996 and was discontinued in 2013. Because it belongs to the high -end models of the same type, it is biased in professional purposes, so there is a small amount of the world in film machines.

As soon as the MV was pushed, Luoyang paper was expensive. When Jay Chou sang "Saying Good Not Cry", it was a high-quality camera Harzusu 503CW more and more price. Now, the price of the single fuselage of the same Harcho camera in China is almost sold for 24,000-26,000 yuan.

Some netizens who like photography once talked: "Others bring goods to talk about price and price, Zhou Dong brings second -hand goods, and it will not rise, but the more expensive the more expensive!"

Second -hand camera market heating up

Whether this time the first song or last year's "Saying Okay", Jay Chou's cargo mainly pointed to the era of film light and shadow. Nowadays, most camera brands such as Nikon, Canon, and Leica choose to abandon film and embrace digital. Even many film machine brands that were all the rage at the time were also drowned in front of the 21st century.

Until recent years, some photographers and photography enthusiasts have begun to find discontinued film machines through various channels for their nostalgia and love for a certain brand. Under this group of people's grass, many young people re -exposed to film machines older than themselves.

In Xiaohongshu, there are as many as 1.74 million notes related to "film". Some bloggers have a treasured film camera, or the photos taken can easily harvest tens of thousands of likes. Under the stimulus of planting grass, the corresponding second -hand market potential has been developed.

"Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing and other places are the main locations of such second -hand cameras, at least shipping." Ahua operated a store specializing in film machines (card machines) in Guangzhou.

Because of the rush of inventory, he went to Japan in May and returned hundreds of machines and lenses of different brands to isolation, customs clearance, maintenance, and on the shelves ... These jobs spent him a month. "It is also sold on Taobao, but the film circle is very small.

In 2020, the post -90s guy Chen Yan was planted by friends around him. He started a Nikon F2 camera on the Internet with a lens of 1900 yuan.

However, the "tuition fee" of contact with film cameras is not low: consumers not only need cameras, but also have to continue to buy film. After the shooting, most people also need to pay for scanning. It is troublesome, and it is slow, and it is the threshold of the film machine and the fun.

"Compared to digital, the film machine has a higher cost of down the shutter, so it tests the ability to capture the ability to capture and the scene. In the later period, it is also full of expectations of the veil." Chen Yan felt.

Some part of Chen Yan's film photos

Because of the sought after by young people, on the domestic second -hand platform, the price of film machines and Poli has increased in recent years. When Chen Yan replaced the camera this year, the old machine sold the price of 2100 yuan.

However, the increase is also divided into levels. Canon's AE-1, Nikon's FM2, Meta X700 and Olympus OM-1, are known as the four major magic machines in the field of entry film on the Douban of Literature and Arts. "This type of machine was originally positioned at the public. In the year, the shipments were large, and the current inventory was also large. The acquisition was not difficult. Similar machines, sometimes he can release dozens of units a day, and there are more than 150 "records" sold in a single month.

Other professional film machines after the discontinuation of production in the last century are often difficult to find in the market. In his circle of friends, sometimes one or two professional models will be exposed. Usually, in just a few minutes, Ahua will "out" under dynamics.

"There are more people playing film machines, and they are more professional than the original grass -breeding experience. If the machine is good enough and a rare model, everyone will accept it."

Ahua revealed that Harsuya, which is favored by NASA, has taken many outstanding documentary photography Leica in the hands of "Times Weekly" reporters. It is also above 6,000 yuan.

At present, the mid -to -low -end market of second -hand film cameras is more suitable for mass consumption and punch -in consumption, while high -end markets are more like a circle built by the brand standing above the industry pyramid brand and "gold" players. The former high -quality camera is still there. Now, under the drive of all parties, they have the opportunity to recover Rongguang in the hands of consumers.

(At the request of the interviewees, Ahua and Chen Ye in the text are a pseudonym)

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