The premiere!Jay Chou's new MV "The Great Works" hides a lot of art stalks, and there is a surprise egg

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.07.07

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all media reporter Hu Guangxin

Jay Chou's new song MV "The Great Works" was launched at 12 noon today, and finally revealed. MV was launched for half an hour, and the broadcast volume on station B alone had more than 1.3 million.

Just as the preview of the previous pilot documentary, this album's main song continues the consistent style of Jay Chou's music. The amount of information information is extremely large. "Classics such as". The MV was starred and directed by Jay Chou. He turned into a magician and returned to Paris in the early 20th century to meet many art masters and their "greatest works".

There are many eggs related to contemporary art hidden in the lyrics and MV. Some netizens lamented that no culture could not understand Jay Chou's new song!

In the MV, Jay Chou has a "secret book" and records the six "mysterious" names.

The first name on the book is Belgian surrealist painter Maglite, and is famous for its hyper realist works with a little humor and many fascinating symbolic languages. His works challenged many observers to conceive the actual situation in advance and affect many illustration styles today.

The MV "performed" Magrite's famous work "Son of Human". The Apple Records founded by Jobs and the Beatles were influenced by Maglite.

The second name is Dali. In the MV, Dali, who was on the iconic beard, sat with Jay Chou and was shocked by Jay Chou's bending spoon magic.

The third name is the famous French Chinese painter Chang Yu. The fourth name is Monet, a famous Impressionist writer. In MV, Monet held his water lilies and appeared in Jay Chou's studio.

The fifth name is Xu Zhimo, who is very familiar with the Chinese, and his prose representative "Paris Claw" also appeared in the lyrics.

As for the sixth name "???" in the MV, this is the huge egg that Jay Chou gave to fans -Lang Lang.

In the MV, Lang Lang not only brightened up, but also made a wonderful battle with Jay Chou. At least in the MV, Jay Chou and Lang Lang's piano skills look comparable.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Picture | Screenshot

Responsible editor | Shao Ziheng

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