Entertainment theory | How many times can there be "Bo" in life

Author:Crystal report Time:2022.07.15

"If you do n’t have a dream, what is the difference between salted fish?" If you are a post -80s, you must know where this sentence comes from. If you are after 00, this sentence should be unfamiliar, and you may only have the word "lying down" in your dictionary.

I do n’t know why, more and more children do n’t seem to know what dream is. What dreams do you have? The answer is: unclear. You ask him, what is the study? The answer is: unclear. And if your child tells you "I have a dream", will you fully support it, or will he be suspicious? The movie "Mozart of Outer Space" released today (July 15) tells a story about dreams and persistence, although it is wearing a fantasy comedy coat.

If you only watch the title, "Mozart in Outer Space" is a popcorn movie. Its main creative team is undoubtedly luxurious: screenwriter and director of Chen Sicheng, starring Huang Bo and Rong Zishan, and Yao Chen, Fan Wei, Jia Bing, Xu Juncong, and Yu Yang starring together, forming the all -star lineup of summer stalls.

Chen Sicheng's "Chinatown Detective" series of works is one of the most successful series of comedy movies in China. This time "Mozart of Outer Space" is his latest masterpiece. Is there any miracle of "Chinatown Detective"? Let's take a look at the plot first.

The movie tells a childlike story. Ren Dawang (Huang Bo), who is looking at the dragon, wants to train his son Ren Xiaotian (Rongzi Shan) into "Second Langlang". Also posted a huge poster in front of the piano. Xiaotian, who likes astronomy, repeatedly resisted, and was lived into a "big grievance". It was not until the mysterious alien "Mozart" came, and the situation of "water and fire" between father and son was eased in the film. "Mozart" helped Xiaotian escape his father's piano again and again to "random inspections", and took him to witness the fantasy scene that could not appear in the real world, and also allowed him and his partners to establish a solid friendship. The important thing is that it let Xiaotian find what really loves in his heart, and firmly determines the determination to chase his dream. The two gradually became the most important partners in each other.

The alien creature comes to the earth to become a partner for children. At first glance, this setting is a bit vulgar. After all, there are similar settings such as "Dream A Dream" and "Yangtze River No. 7" that accompany us. The gaze on the weird superpowers, but pay more attention to Ren Xiaotian's growth experience. The fierce model of father and son, and Dad imposed his unbelievable dream on his son, reflecting almost most families in reality. At the end of the film, Xiaotian firmly pursued the determination of love in his heart, and his father and son gradually realized reconciliation. No one must choose a life arranged by the other party. Parents and children are originally independent individuals. This may be the higher intention that Chen Sicheng wants to express.

Speaking of dreams, I think of chatting with my family not long ago. I said that my brother has recently been obsessed with history, watching the anti -Japanese drama and history books and sleeping forgotten. However, I plan to let the younger brother's discipline. The reason is that there are many majors involved in science. It is easier for college and finding a job.

The family's opinions on this are different. My mother and I think that I should respect the choice of my brother, and I firmly believe that my decision is the best arrangement for the child.

In addition to my parents, some parents have not completed their dreams because of various reasons when they were young, so they were impressed to children, such as Huang Bo in the film. People are always longing for what they can't get, but don't forget that your child, he is an independent individual, and he also has thoughts and pursuits. In family education, if parents do not listen to the real voice of their children's hearts, they just follow their own ideas to force their children to learn in order to learn, which may cause many children to have their own dreams, but this dream comes to him. It's vague. He didn't have enough desire, so he had no motivation, and he was swaying. This so -called "dream" will not have a great role in promoting children's growth.

Therefore, as a parent, you should cherish the dream you have, especially in the era of eating and drinking. Each child is the "palm treasure" in the family. The unchanged family's warmth and changing external environment will make many children more "Buddha", without good intentions, as if everything is indifferent. At this time, if your child has a dream, then the parents really do their best to cooperate, which shows that your child is likely to use your dream as a motivation with your support and continue to work hard. Regardless of whether it will be realized in the end, will it be realized in the end? He has worked hard and strives at least because his dream really affects the future of the child.

"Mozart of Outer Space" is selected to be released in the summer stall, which is precisely the best. When the child watched the movie, he would be very envious of the little male lead in the film, because he had a friend with an outer space to help him push away the window to the outside world. The boat that made Lego bricks fly over the city ... The scenes may only be reproduced on the screen on the screen. How many children dream of!

The important thing is that this film will make children firmly pursue the determination of love in their hearts.I believe that after watching the movie, after laughing, can I think carefully and the discipline of their children is really correct?Just like Huang Bo's phrase in the movie- "I'm for you" -Am is it really for children?Parents may have forgotten that all their dreams are worthy of respect and encouragement, even if they seem unreliable to adults.You might as well be a child's "Mozart", lead him, or "encourage" him to bloom the most dazzling glory!

(The stills are all provided by the film side)

Source | Jingbao APP

Reporter: Zhang Yuchun

Edit: Chen Jianguo

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