China's cancer death rate is the world's first!After 50 years old, eat this "urging dish" to allow you to live for two years less

Author:Health circle Time:2022.07.19

Pickles are loved by the majority of Chinese people because of their long storage time, convenient consumption, and many dazzling rice thieves.

But according to the latest research of Harvard University, eating salty is really reduced.

Eating salty will reduce life

The biggest disadvantage of pickles is exactly that the salt content is particularly high, which can be said to be a "urging dish".


Chinese diet

Related death rate world first

In 2019, the top medical journal "Liu Ye Dao" was published, a study of exploring the impact of diet on health.

The study involved 195 countries around the world, analyzing 15 dietary factors, and found that:

China's diet -related cancer mortality and diet -related cardiovascular disease mortality rates are the first among the top 20 countries in the world.

Taken together, the Chinese people are ranked first in the world due to diet structure.

Researchers believe that high sodium intake of Chinese people is the main diet risk that causes death.

Because the high -sodium diet habits are related to a series of chronic diseases, and if the chronic disease is not controlled, it will increase the patient's risk of cancer and death.

In other words, the culprit of the Chinese people's death due to cancer and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is sodium salt.


I still eat salty at the age of 50

Life 1-2 years

In July 2022, the scientific research team of the School of Public Health of Harvard University published the latest research papers in the European Heart Magazine.

The thesis is: the danger of adding salt and premature death in food.

The purpose is to analyze whether the frequency of salt added to the diet is related to premature death and reduce life.

A total of 50,1379 volunteers were studied and followed them for 9 years.

It was found that 18,000 people died prematurely during the study, the higher the frequency of adding salt to the food, and the greater the risk of premature death.

In general, the effects of eliminating the diet itself, lifestyle, economic level, and pre -existing diseases. The higher the frequency of salt to food, the greater the risk of early death, and the shorter the life span.

In addition, research also has an important data:

At the age of 50, compared with people who eat less salt, men with more salt will decrease by 1.5 years, while women's expected life span decreases by 2.28 years.

Men who eat more salt at the age of 50 decreased by 1.5 years

In other words, after the age of 50, no matter whether men and women should control the amount of salt, they will really lose their lives when they eat salty.

According to the latest version of the Chinese dietary guide, each person's daily salt intake should be controlled within 5 grams.


High potassium food

Be able to help

Of course, people with heavy taste should not be afraid.

Researchers have further experimentally found that if the amount of high potassium food is increased, the positive correlation between salt and life will weaken.

In other words, eating more high potassium foods can weaken the impact of salty life on life!

The Chinese Nutrition Society recommends that healthy adults should consume 2,000 mg of potassium per day.

However, the average daily potassium intake of Chinese residents is only 1421 mg, which is far lower than the recommended amount.

Therefore, if possible, the proportion of high potassium foods in daily diet should be increased, especially those who usually eat heavy taste.

"Health Circle" lists some common high potassium food for your reference.

The following is based on the potassium content of the edible part of each 100 grams of consumption, and lists foods with high potassium content such as staple food, vegetables, and fruits.

1. Stadium

Many staple foods are also rich in potassium. When cooking, you can add some in cooking and make a miscellaneous rice.

For example, black rice 256 mg, 281 mg of beam rice, 284 mg of Xiaomi, 289 mg of wheat, 300 mg of corn, 304 mg of buckwheat noodles, 356 mg of oats, 529 mg of dragon noodles (eggs), and 644 mg of blue.

The potassium content per 100 grams of wheat may be 289 mg

Two, dishes

Vegetables are large potassium -containing households, especially soybean potassium content.

Potatoes: 347 mg of potatoes, 764 mg of cassa.

Beans: lentils 439 mg, 525 mg of eyebrow beans, 641 mg of flower beans, 718 mg of green beans, 737 mg of cowpea, 787 mg of mung bean, 823 mg of peas, 830 mg of eagle bean, 860 mg of red bean, 1070 mg of lentils, dry broad beans 1117 Milligram, 1215 mg of kidney beans, 1377 mg of black beans, 1503 mg of soybeans.

Bean products: bamboo 553, tofu skin 877.

Vegetables: 256 mg of bitter gourd, 272 mg of coriander, 278 mg of colored pepper, 278 mg of baby vegetables, 281 mg of mustard, 293 mg of lotus root, 300 mg of spring bamboo shoots, 302 mg of garlic, 304 mg of asparagus, 304 mg of spinach, 329 shallots, 329 shallots 385 milligrams of red heart radish.

The potassium content of red -hearted radish per 100 grams is 385 mg

Mushrooms: 464 mg of shiitake mushrooms, 707 mg of Ci Gu, 757 mg of fungus, 1571 mg of beef liver bacteria, 1726 mg of shepherbia, 2165 tea mushrooms, and 4053 mg of chicken leg mushrooms.

Algae: 335 mg of skirts and 1796 mg of seaweed.

Three, fruits

Banana 256 mg, 261 mg of durian, 330 mg of jackfruit, 375 mg of jujube, 359 mg of sea buckthorn, 475 mg of coconut, 995 mg of raisins.

Four, meat

274 mg of pigs, 275 mg of hens, 284 mg of rabbit meat, 295 mg of pork leg meat, 300 mg of mutton, 317 mg of pork spine meat, 333 mg of chicken breasts, 336 mg of foie gras, 510 mg of beef jerky, horse meat meat meat526 mg.Meat also contains potassium

Of course, eating potassium -rich foods is just a way to remedy. The most important thing is to reduce the amount of salt.

Reference materials:

Author: Xiao Xue | Editor: Bu Guli 涫涫 | Review: Lao Bai

Image source PEXELS picture network, infringement deletion.

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